Foreign Minister Kono Pays a Courtsey Call on Hon. Kembo Mohadi, Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English – Report:

Headline: Foreign Minister Kono Pays a Courtsey Call on Hon. Kembo Mohadi, Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

On March 6, commencing at 1:10 p.m. for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. Taro Kono, Minister for Foreign Affairs, paid a courtesy call on Hon. Kembo Mohadi, Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. The overview is as follows.

  1. Minister Kono welcomed the visit by Vice President Mohadi to Japan and expressed his expectation that democracy and economic development will progress in Zimbabwe under the leadership of President Mnangagwa and stated that Japan is willing to continue supporting Zimbabwe’s efforts to realize these goals and to strengthen the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries. Minister Kono also stated that he expects to see this year’s election lead to strengthening of the rule of law in Zimbabwe and of mutual trust between Zimbabwe and the international community, and that Japan is providing assistance for voter registration process and voter education campaign for the upcoming election.
  2. Vice President Mohadi stated that he had delivered Prime Minister Abe a letter from President Mnangagwa earlier that day and expressed his hope to further strengthen the friendly relationship between Japan developed over the years. He also stated that Zimbabwe will conduct this year’s election in a free, fair, peaceful and credible manner, and that since the inauguration of President Mnangagwa, the government of Zimbabwe is carrying out various reforms to promote private investment which as a result has opened the business opportunity in Zimbabwe.
  3. They exchanged views on regional affairs including the situation in North Korea and on cooperation in the international arena including the United Nations Security Council reform.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

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Prime Minister Abe Receives a Courtesy Call from the Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English – Report:

Headline: Prime Minister Abe Receives a Courtesy Call from the Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

On March 6, commencing at 9:55 a.m. for approximately 20 minutes, Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, received a courtesy call from Hon. Kembo Mohadi, Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. The overview is as follows:

  1. Prime Minister Abe welcomed the visit by Vice President Mohadi to Japan and expressed his expectation that democracy and economic development progress under the leadership of President Mnangagwa and that this year’s general election be held in a free, fair and peaceful manner. Prime Minister Abe stated that Japan will support Zimbabwe’s efforts towards this end.
  2. Vice President Mohadi, upon delivering a letter from President Mnangagwa to Prime Minister Abe, expressed his gratitude towards Japan’s assistance and stated that he wishes to further strengthen the friendly relationship with Japan built since Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980 and that Zimbabwe will conduct this year’s election in a free, fair, peaceful and credible manner.
  3. They exchanged views on the situation in North Korea and Vice President Mohadi stated that Zimbabwe will respect United Nations Security Council Resolutions and will firmly address North Korea’s threat.
  4. They also shared the view on the importance of advancing economic reform to promote private investment for the development and prosperity of Zimbabwe.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

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