Situation de prise d’otage au Niger : Les décisions de la Communauté Économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) sont celles de tous les pays membres

Source: Africa Press Organisation – French

Le Secrétaire Général Adjoint du Gouvernement, Porte-parole du Gouvernement, Monsieur Wilfried Léandre HOUNGBÉDJI,  et le Ministre des Affaires Étrangères du Bénin, Monsieur Olushegun ADJADI BAKARI, ont animé une conférence de presse conjointe le vendredi 04 août 2023 à la salle Fleuve Jaune du ministère des Affaires étrangères à Cotonou. Plusieurs sujets étaient à l’ordre du jour dont ceux relatifs aux décisions de la CEDEAO sur la prise d’otage qui a eu lieu au Niger. Cette prise de parole a surtout permis de clarifier la position du Bénin dans cette crise. 

Des professionnels des médias venus de plusieurs pays africains ont pris part à ladite conférence de presse avec à la clé des questions diverses et variées auxquelles les deux conférenciers ont apporté des réponses adéquates. 

L’Afrique de l’Ouest est secouée ces dernières années par des coups d’État intempestifs qui mettent à mal l’ordre constitutionnel dans les pays concernés. Face à l’instabilité que ce malheureux fléau engendre pour les pays de l’espace sous-régional et pour l’Afrique en général, la Conférence des Chefs d’État des pays membres de la CEDEAO a décidé de prendre le taureau par les cornes afin de siffler la fin de la pagaille. De leur réunion à Abuja au Nigéria, plusieurs pistes de sortie ont été proposées aux militaires qui ont renversé le président démocratiquement élu du Niger mais également plusieurs sanctions fortes à l’encontre du Niger. Ce qui a le plus retenu l’attention des professionnels des médias, c’est l’option militaire qu’envisage la CEDEAO en cas d’échec des négociations engagées avec les putschistes nigériens. 

Des propos des conférenciers, il ressort que la démarche pacifique de la CEDEAO, c’est pour préserver les États et surtout pour la sécurité des élus : « N’importe qui, avec une kalachnikov peut décider de prendre le pouvoir du jour au lendemain. Ce n’est pas bien. Cette instabilité n’est pas une instabilité productrice, génératrice de développement », a indiqué Monsieur Olushegun ADJADI BAKARI, Ministre des Affaires Étrangères du Bénin. 

Et pour le Porte-parole du Gouvernement du Bénin, Monsieur Wilfried Léandre HOUNGBÉDJI, chaque acteur sociopolitique doit savoir rester dans son camp et faire ce qui relève de sa responsabilité. « La responsabilité des élus, c’est d’administrer des États, c’est d’appliquer des programmes de gouvernance qui améliorent les conditions des populations. La responsabilité des militaires, c’est de défendre l’intégrité du territoire national, c’est d’assurer la sécurité des pays. Les militaires eux-mêmes savent que la solution n’est pas dans les coups d’État ». 

Il ne s’agit pas simplement d’un coup d’État mais pire d’une prise d’otage. Cela est inadmissible aux dires des conférenciers. 

« La position de la CEDEAO à laquelle souscrit le Bénin est très claire. Le Président Mohamed BAZOUM est le Président démocratiquement élu du Niger et est le seul que nous reconnaissons. Tout ce que la CEDEAO demande, c’est la réinstallation du Président BAZOUM dans sa fonction de Président de la République. Il ne s’agit pas d’exfiltration mais il s’agit de réinstallation », indiquent-ils. 

La CEDEAO privilégie le dialogue. L’option militaire reste la toute dernière en cas d’échec pour le rétablissement de l’ordre constitutionnel au Niger, fait remarquer le Porte-parole du Gouvernement. Et face à l’intoxication que propagent certaines personnes en faisant croire aux populations que le bonheur de nos États africains dépend des autres, Wilfried Léandre HOUNGBÉDJI lance un appel : « Je veux que nous aidions nos populations africaines à comprendre que c’est quand même dangereux qu’au 21ème siècle, les Africains soient les seuls sur la terre à penser que c’est telle ou telle puissance qui agirait pour les rendre heureux ou non. Les populations africaines doivent comprendre que si les autres sont au niveau où ils sont, c’est parce qu’ils ont travaillé pour. Le seul chemin pour nous aussi, c’est de faire les mêmes efforts pour y arriver et non de penser que notre bonheur dépend de tel ou tel pays. Ce n’est pas vrai du tout ». 

Il ne s’agit pas dans le contexte actuel d’un avis personnel de la part d’un État mais plutôt de l’intérêt de tous les États membres de la CEDEAO. Raison pour laquelle, les conférenciers ont indiqué que les décisions de la CEDEAO sont celles du Bénin et tout comme les autres pays, le Bénin mettra en œuvre toutes les décisions issues de la Conférence des Chefs d’État et de Gouvernement de la CEDEAO. 

Et pour celles et ceux qui pensent que ces décisions de la CEDEAO sont dictées par des puissances étrangères, le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères a été clair : « La Conférence des Chefs d’État et de Gouvernement des pays membres de la CEDEAO est une conférence souveraine. Les Chefs d’État se sont retrouvés à huis clos. Ils ont pris des décisions à huis clos sans aucune intervention extérieure ». 

Sur l’engagement du Bénin en cas d’option militaire, le Porte-parole du Gouvernement espère que les militaires, auteurs de la prise d’otage entendront raison et accepteront la main tendue de la CEDEAO. Mais Wilfried Léandre HOUNGBÉDJI a rassuré qu’en cas d’intervention militaire qui serait décidée par la CEDEAO, le Bénin montrera son engagement en temps opportun. 

En cas de mouvement de population nigérienne vers le Bénin, les conférenciers ont rassuré que le Gouvernement du Bénin prendra toutes ses responsabilités. 

D’autres sujets ont meublé la conférence à la grande satisfaction des professionnels des médias.

South Africa: Member of Executive Council (MEC) Anroux Marais on Cape Town readiness to host UCI Mountain Bike Marathon 2028

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

The Western Cape Government is extremely proud of the announcement that Cape Town will be the host city for the UCI Mountain Bike Marathon World Championships in 2028.

We have seen a bumper number of major sporting events hosted in the Mother City in 2023, including the T20 Women’s Cricket World Cup, the Netball Quad series, the Women’s Ice Hockey Championship, the Formula E and the Netball World Cup. Our province is fast becoming the hub of major sporting activities in the country, which brings an important economic boost to our shores.

Minister Marais said: “Major sporting events continue bringing renewed hope and energy to the people of our country. We have successfully hosted these major events and we can confidently say that the Western Cape is ready to host more. Large cycling events like the Cape Town Cycle Tour and the Cape Epic continue to be very popular and the addition of the UCI World Championships will boost cycling even more in the province.”

The Western Cape Government looks forward to this exciting event in 2028.

2023 ASEAN Committee in Cairo (ACC) Friendly Bowling Tournament

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

On 4 August 2023, H.E. Mr. Puttaporn Ewtoksan, Ambassador of Thailand to Egypt, and officers participated in the 2023 ASEAN Committee in Cairo (ACC) Friendly Bowling Tournament at the International Bowling Center in Nasr City.

This activity is part of the 56th anniversary celebration of the establishment of ASEAN or ASEAN Day which takes place on 8 August of every year.

Deputy Director General of the Queen Sirikit Department of Sericulture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand, and delegation exchanged Thailand’s experience in cocoon and silk production

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

On 6 August 2023, Mr. Watcharapong Kaewhom, Deputy Director General of the Queen Sirikit Department of Sericulture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand, and delegation visited the area for sericulture and silk production in Naqada District, Qena Governorate, as well as exchanged Thailand’s experience in cocoon and silk production with the Agriculture Program Team of the Egypt Foundation for Integrated Development (El Nidaa).

This said field visit takes place during 5 – 7 August 2023 as part of supporting Egypt’s efforts in reviving the silk industry in Upper Egypt, which helps protect Egypt’s cultural heritage as well as creates jobs and income for women and youth in the area.

South Africa: Premier Alan Winde expresses concern at impact of taxi strike on Western Cape Government services

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

Premier Alan Winde and Western Cape government (WCG) remain gravely concerned at the devastating impact caused by the strike called by the South African National Taxi Council in the Western Cape (SANTACO-WC). “I am appalled at the scale of violence that has not only dealt a severe blow to our economy and critical services but has also delegitimised and damaged SANTACO-WC’s cause. This violence and damage to property has continued this morning. I will be holding a special Cabinet meeting this morning with key leadership from the City of Cape Town to assess what further steps need to be taken and the impact on services,” he said. The Premier has again called for taxi leaders affiliated with the council to intensify all efforts to de-escalate the violence and urgently find a resolution to the dispute. He added, “All sides, more especially residents and commuters, are being harmed by this stay away. We must find common ground now.” emphasised Premier Winde.

Western Cape Minister of Mobility Ricardo Mackenzie continued, “After ongoing urgent engagements throughout the weekend, we are extremely concerned that the strike continues. The withdrawal of mini-bus taxi services since Thursday has had a devastating impact. As the provincial government we are working extremely hard to resolve ongoing issues in the industry and establish new terms of engagement that will ensure the safety of commuters and road-users.”

Impact on critical services

The impact on provincial government and municipal services has been profound.


As a result of the strike, 287 420 learners have not been able to attend school across the province since the sudden stay-away was called. More than 9 000 teachers and staff were also prevented from going to work. The Western Cape Education Department’s #BackOnTrack programme has also been affected. This past Saturday’s classes had to cancelled. This impacted 14 000 learners.

Health and Wellness:

The strike and associated violence severely affected health services. The impact the safety and availability of transport has on our staff will be reviewed today to determine the effect it has on our service provision.

Many healthcare facilities have been forced to operate at reduced capacity:

Tygerberg, Red Cross and Groote Schuur Hospital

  • elective surgeries were postponed.
  • only emergency surgeries are being conducted.
  • outpatients are advised to only attend their appointments if it is safe to do so.

Community Health Centres and Clinics

  • Services at all facilities are available, but with limited capacity.

Emergency Medical Services

  • Access to red zone areas are possible with a law enforcement escort, resulting in possible delayed response.

Forensic Pathology Services

  • Tygerberg and Salt River forensic pathology services are operational, but response to scenes will be delayed in red zones as this will also only occur under the protection of law enforcement escort.

Social Development:

Many Western Cape Department of Social Development staff will have to work from home, due to the volatility of the situation. The department will also have to temporarily close its offices in the following areas:

  • Gugulethu
  • Langa
  • Mitchells Plain
  • Nyanga
  • Delft
  • Khayelitsha
  • Philipi satellite
  • Atlantis
  • Elsies River

The Premier said, “This situation is untenable and unacceptable. Our residents cannot be forced to endure this lawlessness. All parties must return to negotiations.”

Minister for Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen has condemned the burning and damage to all property, particularly safety related resources. Contingency plans have been adopted to ensure that the burning of the law enforcement vehicles in Delft will have no operational impact on the deployment of Law Enforcement Advancement (LEAP) Officers in the area. LEAP is fully operational and part of interventions where required across the Cape Town in particular. Red zoned areas remain volatile. All law enforcement agencies are deployed across these communities and at strategic points.

Minister Mackenzie elaborated on how his department has been working flat out to end the strike and see minibus taxi services return to the roads, “Alongside the City of Cape Town, we put forward a proposal on Friday to alleviate the impact of impoundments on taxi operators, while we resolve the complex challenges around operating licenses and other issues. Unfortunately, SANTACO-WC’s additional demands are not legally implementable and would require longer-term engagements with national government and other role players. At this point, we are left with very few options if SANTACO-WC will not return to the table and resume the joint work of our Minibus Taxi Task Team.”

South Africa: Presidency invites nominations for National Orders

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

The Presidency invites all South Africans to use August, as the final month for nominations for National Orders, to identify persons nationally and globally who have served the nation or attained personal achievement in exceptional ways.

National Orders are the highest awards that a country, through its President, bestows on its citizens and eminent foreign nationals.

The President as the fount (holder, cradle, main source) of honour in the country bestows these Orders and Decorations and is assisted by the Director-General in The Presidency, who is the Chancellor of National Orders and an Advisory Council on National Orders, in the execution of this responsibility.

The Chancellor of National Orders, Ms Phindile Baleni, calls on citizens to make nominations for National Orders as part of sustaining the integrity, inclusiveness and diversity of this institution of social cohesion and nation-building.

Ms Baleni said: “The National Orders are a platform for the recognition of fellow South Africans and persons globally who, in exceptional ways, have historically made or are currently making important or interesting contributions to all aspects of our national life.

“From politics to popular culture, as well as the recognition of bravery, the National Orders give us an opportunity annually to be inspired by and grateful for people who have done outstanding things to shape our past and our future.

“We therefore invite people from all walks of life and backgrounds – including the youth of our country – to identify from their communities and sectors persons who, on the basis of exceptional achievements or contributions, deserve the honour of a National Order.”

The birth of a non-racial and non-sexist democracy in South Africa in 1994 necessitated a review of the system of National Orders.

A review was conducted from May 1998 by the newly-instituted President’s Advisory Council on National Orders and the Orders were progressively instituted in 2002 and 2003.

The Order of Mapungubwe is awarded to South African citizens for excellence and exceptional achievement.

The Order of the Baobab is awarded to South African citizens for distinguished service. The service awarded is well above and beyond the ordinary call of duty. It is an award for exceptional and distinguished contributions in the following categories: business and the economy: science, medicine and technological innovation, and community service.

The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo is awarded to foreign nationals (Heads of State and Government) and other foreign dignitaries. It is awarded for friendship shown to South Africa. It is therefore an order of peace, co-operation and active expression of solidarity and support. The Order constitutes an essential pillar of international and multilateral relations.

The Order of Luthuli is awarded to South Africans who have made a meaningful contribution to the struggle for democracy, human rights, nation-building, justice and peace, and conflict resolution.

The Order of Ikhamanga is awarded to South African citizens who have excelled in the fields of arts, culture, literature, music, journalism and sport.

The Mendi Decoration for Bravery is awarded to South African citizens who have performed an extraordinary act of bravery that placed their lives in great danger, or who lost their own lives including in trying to save the life of another person, or by saving property, in or outside the Republic of South Africa.

Nomination forms that outline simple guidelines to proposers of nominees can be downloaded at

Submissions must include:

• an introductory paragraph with a summary of the nominee’s achievements

• a  list of exceptional milestones reached by the nominee in his/her career and/or international arena, and

• a description of the exceptional, outstanding, dedicated service or act of bravery rendered by the nominee.

The closing date for nominations: 31 August 2023.

Details of the annual National Orders Ceremony will be provided at a later date.

La Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation en République Démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) réitère son engagement à soutenir les initiatives des médias dans la lutte contre les discours de haine

Source: Africa Press Organisation – French

Adoptée le 25 juillet dernier, la Charte des médias d’information en ligne contre les discours de haine en période électorale en RDC a été officiellement présentée jeudi 3 août à Kinshasa au cours d’une journée de plaidoyer et d’appropriation de la campagne de lutte contre les discours de haine en période électorale organisée par le groupe Next Corp, société éditrice du média en ligne Actualité.cd.

Invitée à cette cérémonie, la directrice de la division de la Communication stratégique et de l’Information publique de la MONUSCO, Sakuya Oka, a, dans son allocution, salué cette initiative et félicité toutes les associations professionnelles des médias qui ont travaillé à l’élaboration et l’adoption de la charte, au moment où la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) organise les élections générales qui auront lieu en décembre prochain.

Sakuya Oka a indiqué que les Nations Unies surveillent la façon dont les discours de haine peuvent menacer la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable.

Elle a  rappelé que, pour répondre à la montée de la xénophobie, du racisme, de l’intolérance, de la misogynie, de l’antisémitisme et de la haine islamophobe, le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, António Guterres, a lancé en juin 2019 la Stratégie et le Plan d’action des Nations Unies pour la lutte contre les discours de haine.  

C’est dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de cette Stratégie et du Plan d’action que la MONUSCO et l’équipe pays des Nations Unies en RDC soutiennent l’action des autorités de l’État à tous les niveaux. Cela notamment pour lutter et contrer les discours de haine et promouvoir la cohésion sociale, la paix et la stabilité, tout en vérifiant que la législation et les mesures prises par l’État respectent les limites étroitement définies de la liberté d’expression autorisées par le droit international.

La cheffe de la division de la Communication stratégique de l’Information publique de la MONUSCO a soutenu qu’étant donné qu’il a été observé, lors des précédents processus électoraux en RDC, que les plateformes numériques ont non seulement permis aux partis politiques et aux candidats d’atteindre leurs électeurs, mais qu’elles ont également favorisé un climat de tension susceptible de compromettre le processus électoral. « Les plateformes digitales ont entretenu une cyberguerre sans merci, caractérisée par la multiplication des fake news, des insultes et des propos discriminatoires », a-t-elle déploré.

Sakuya Oka a donc encouragé les médias à s’approprier cette charte afin de renverser cette tendance et de faire en sorte que les médias, surtout les plateformes numériques, soient des outils au service du développement durable et non pas des armes de destruction. Enfin, elle a réitéré l’engagement de la MONUSCO à soutenir toutes les initiatives des associations des médias afin de lutter ensemble contre les discours de haine.

Notons que cette charte a été élaborée et adoptée dans le but de contrer l’usage des discours de haine dans les plateformes des médias numériques en cette période électorale en RDC, à la suite d’une série d’actions entreprises depuis le début de cette année par les représentants des associations professionnelles des médias ainsi que des experts des organisations professionnelles, telles que l’Union congolaise des femmes des médias (UCOFEM), l’Association congolaise des femmes journalistes de la presse écrite (ACOFEPE), l’Association des médias en ligne de la RDC (MILRDC), l’Union nationale de la presse du Congo (UNPC) et le délégué du Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel et de la communication (CSAC).

Young People must Participate in Peace Processes, say Attendees of an United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Musical Event

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

Recently, nation-building themes such as unity in diversity and letting go of past trauma resonated at St. Mary’s University College, at a concert hosted by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

The UN Peacekeeping mission’s in-house band—the Flamingoes—performed rousing peace songs, making people dance to their tunes, while passionate speakers called for youth participation in the country’s ongoing constitutional and electoral processes.

For Father Alfred Ladu, Vice Chancellor of the College, it is time for all South Sudanese to forgive past hurts and embrace a common purpose.

“Our country and its people have suffered immensely and the only way forward is for us to heal the wounds of the past and listen to one another,” he said to many of his students attending the event.

“Everybody’s opinions matter and differences of opinion are the essence of a true democracy. Holding grudges and denying others their views will only hold South Sudan back. As young people, you must always look towards making a positive impact by championing peacebuilding over conflict,” added Vice Chacellor Ladu.

Pia Philip, Undersecretary, Ministry of Peacebuilding, agreed.

“We must stand together against violence, embrace unity and social cohesion. Events like this nourish inclusivity and build momentum in ongoing peace processes. As a nation, we stand at a critical moment in our history and we count on our youth to help us build a peaceful, prosperous future,” he averred.

For his part, Agook Riak, a Political Affairs Officer with the UN Peacekeeping mission, youth participation in ongoing efforts to draft South Sudan’s permanent constitution is critical, as this document will lay the foundations for how all South Sudanese want to be governed.

“I urge you as young people and future leaders of South Sudan to be involved in building your country, participate in making decisions and taking actions that affect the lives and livelihoods of every citizen,” he averred.

With first-ever elections slated for the end of next year, Idrissa Kamara, an UNMISS Electoral Affairs Officer, explained the importance of the electoral process as well as the UN family’s role in supporting it.

“Upon request by the Government of South Sudan, UNMISS and the UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes are working with all stakeholders on meeting election timelines, voter education and providing logistical support for a free, fair and credible process,” he explained.

Organized under the theme, ‘Peace Begins with Me,’ the event sought to sensitize young South Sudanese on the critical role they play in shaping the future.

Ambassador Met First Undersecretary and Advisor to the Chairman of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI)

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

On 3 August 2023, H.E. Mr. Puttaporn Ewtoksan, Ambassador of Thailand to Egypt, and Mr. Niwat Apichartbutra, Commercial Attaché, Office of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo, met with Mr. Mohamed Youssef, First Undersecretary and Advisor to the Chairman of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) of Egypt, at the Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo.

On this occasion, Mr. Youssef expressed appreciation on the visit of investment authorities of Egypt to Thailand, organised by the Embassy during 4 – 9 June 2023, as well as follow-up to the said visit as to maintain the momentum of enhancing trade and investment opportunities between Thailand and Egypt.

FIFA Secretary General Fatma Samoura to Speak at Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) 2023

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

Amid the excitement around the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™, AWIEF ( is thrilled to announce Fatma Samoura, FIFA Secretary General, as a Keynote Speaker at the Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) 2023 Conference.

Senegal-born Samoura is the first African and first woman to hold the role of Secretary General at FIFA in its 116-year history.

As head of FIFA’s administration, Ms Samoura has played a pivotal role in transforming the organisation, and has been instrumental in driving unprecedented growth in women’s football which gained new impetus under her leadership.

With 32 teams, the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ is the biggest in the competition’s history, providing a fitting send-off for the FIFA Secretary General when she steps down in December.

AWIEF2023 will take place at the Kigali Convention Center, Rwanda, on 9 and 10 November, in partnership with Rwanda’s Ministry of ICT and Innovation and Rwanda Convention Bureau.

The event features keynotes, interactive panel discussions, a multi-sector exhibition, workshops and masterclasses, the AWIEF Awards and Gala Dinner, and plenty of networking opportunities.

Ms. Samoura joins this year’s powerful and high-level speaker faculty, which includes H.E. Paula Ingabire, Minister of ICT and Innovation, Rwanda; Clare Akamanzi, CEO, Rwanda Development Board (RDB); Yvonne Manzi Makolo, CEO, RwandAir; Chairperson, International Air Transport Association (IATA) Board of Governors; Cosmas Zavazava, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU); and Eleanor Nwadinobi, President, Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA) amongst other African and global thought leaders and industry experts across business, international development, and government.

Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to learn from, connect with, and be inspired by outstanding leaders and trailblazers at AWIEF2023.

Book your ticket now at