Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on Somalia

Source: United Nations – English

he Secretary-General strongly condemns Friday’s attack at Lido Beach in Mogadishu, which resulted in multiple casualties. He expresses his condolences to the families of the bereaved and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.

The Secretary-General is saddened that the people of Somalia continue to be victims of such heinous acts of terrorism. He reiterates that the United Nations stands firmly with the Government and people of Somalia against terrorism and violent extremism.

Secretary-General’s video message on the Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti

Source: United Nations – English

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It is a great honour, and a great sadness, to mark the Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti in this landmark year.

Eighty years ago, the last surviving Roma and Sinti in Auschwitz-Birkenau were murdered.

This was a despicable episode in a despicable history of persecution, systemic mass murder and outright genocide perpetrated by the Nazis and their collaborators.

Their relentless brutality saw up to 500,000 Roma killed; communities devastated; and age-old culture shattered across Europe. 

For too long, these atrocities were downplayed, diminished, and denied.

Today, we honour the memory of all those murdered, and deprived of their humanity.

We pay tribute to the survivors and promise never to forget.

We commend the courage of Roma and Sinti resistance. 

And we commit to combatting hate.

The prejudice that fuelled the Nazis’ terrible crimes did not end with their downfall. 

It continued – denying justice and distorting history.

And it remains today. The sad reality is that Roma people face rampant discrimination in all areas of life and all parts of the world, not least in Europe. 

Extremist and xenophobic groups are spreading hate speech, scapegoating marginalized communities and sowing fear and division.
We must stand together:

To fight bigotry whenever and wherever it appears;

To protect and promote the human rights of Roma;

And to build a world in which all people live in dignity, peace and freedom.

The United Nations is your unwavering ally in that cause.

Thank you.

Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on the Situation in the Middle East

Source: United Nations – English

he Secretary-General believes that the attacks we have seen in South Beirut and Teheran represent a dangerous escalation at a moment in which all efforts should instead be leading to a ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all Israeli hostages, a massive increase of humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza and a return to calm in Lebanon and across the Blue Line.

Rather than that, what we are seeing are efforts to undermine these goals.
The Secretary-General has consistently called for maximum restraint by all. It is increasingly clear, however, that restraint alone is insufficient at this extremely sensitive time. The Secretary-General urges all to vigorously work towards regional de-escalation in the interest of long-term peace and stability for all.

The international community must work together to urgently prevent any actions that could push the entire Middle East over the edge, with a devastating impact on civilians. The way to do so is by advancing comprehensive diplomatic action for regional de-escalation.

Secretary-General’s message on the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: “Leave no child behind in the fight against human trafficking” [scroll down for French version]

Source: United Nations – English

uman trafficking is a horrific crime that targets the most vulnerable in our societies.

On this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we focus on the most vulnerable among us – children.

Children account for one-third of trafficking victims, suffering unspeakable abuse – whether they are forced into labour, sold off as brides, recruited as soldiers, or coerced into criminal activities. Rising inequalities and globalization have fuelled complex trafficking networks that challenge traditional legal frameworks, creating new forms of slavery.  Online platforms further expose children to sexual exploitation and gender-based violence and allow traffickers to exploit victims across borders.

The physical and psychological scars of these crimes persist long into adulthood, robbing them of their innocence, futures and fundamental rights.
We must strengthen protection responses – including child-sensitive justice mechanisms, raise awareness, support unaccompanied children on the move, provide care for survivors, and tackle the root causes of exploitation by helping vulnerable families.

I call upon governments, civil society, and the private sector, including tech companies, to intensify their efforts and collaboration so that no child is victimized and no trafficker goes unpunished.

On this day, let us renew our commitment for a future where every child is safe and free.

La traite d’êtres humains est un crime ignoble dont les victimes sont les personnes les plus vulnérables de nos sociétés.

En cette Journée mondiale de la lutte contre la traite d’êtres humains, notre attention se porte sur les plus vulnérables d’entre nous : les enfants.

Un tiers des victimes de la traite sont des enfants, qui subissent des mauvais traitements indicibles : des enfants sont soumis au travail forcé, enrôlés comme soldats ou encore contraints de prendre part à des activités criminelles, et des filles sont vendues pour être mariées. Les inégalités croissantes et la mondialisation favorisent la constitution de réseaux complexes de trafiquants qui remettent en cause les cadres juridiques traditionnels et créent de nouvelles formes d’esclavage. Les plateformes en ligne exposent davantage les enfants à l’exploitation sexuelle et à la violence fondée sur le genre et permettent aux trafiquants d’exploiter les victimes au-delà des frontières.

Les séquelles physiques et psychologiques de ces crimes perdurent jusque dans la vie adulte des victimes, privées de leur innocence, de leur avenir et de leurs droits fondamentaux.  Nous devons renforcer les mesures de protection, et, notamment, mettre en place des mécanismes de justice adaptés aux enfants, sensibiliser la population, venir en aide aux enfants non accompagnés en déplacement, prendre en charge les enfants rescapés et lutter contre les causes profondes de l’exploitation en aidant les familles vulnérables.

J’exhorte les gouvernements, la société civile et le secteur privé, y compris les entreprises technologiques, à intensifier leurs efforts et leur collaboration afin qu’aucun enfant ne soit victime de la traite et qu’aucun trafiquant ne reste impuni.

En ce jour, renouvelons notre engagement en faveur d’un avenir où chaque enfant sera libre et en sécurité.

Secretary-General’s video message to the opening of the Summit on Sport for Sustainable Development [French only]

Source: United Nations – English

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Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs,

À la veille des Jeux Olympiques de Paris, nous célébrons le sport comme vecteur de changement et de développement durable.

Le sport possède un pouvoir de transformation unique.

Il forge l’esprit d’équipe et la persévérance.

Il contribue à la santé et au bien-être – physique et mental.

Il réduit les inégalités et favorise l’inclusion de toutes et de tous.

Le sport transcende les frontières, unit les peuples…

Et nous inspire à agir pour un monde meilleur.

Le monde du sport doit également montrer l’exemple.

En plaçant les Objectifs de développement durable au cœur de ses activités.

En investissant dans des programmes d’éducation et d’inclusion économique et sociale, notamment dans les pays en développement.

Et en promouvant l’égalité des genres, l’efficacité énergétique et le respect de notre planète.

Ensemble, faisons équipe pour un monde plus juste, plus sain et plus durable.

Je vous remercie.

Message Vidéo du Secrétaire Général pour l’ouverture du Sommet Pour Le Sport Et Le Développement Durable [French only]

Source: United Nations – English

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Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs,

À la veille des Jeux Olympiques de Paris, nous célébrons le sport comme vecteur de changement et de développement durable.

Le sport possède un pouvoir de transformation unique.

Il forge l’esprit d’équipe et la persévérance.

Il contribue à la santé et au bien-être – physique et mental.

Il réduit les inégalités et favorise l’inclusion de toutes et de tous.

Le sport transcende les frontières, unit les peuples…

Et nous inspire à agir pour un monde meilleur.

Le monde du sport doit également montrer l’exemple.

En plaçant les Objectifs de développement durable au cœur de ses activités.

En investissant dans des programmes d’éducation et d’inclusion économique et sociale, notamment dans les pays en développement.

Et en promouvant l’égalité des genres, l’efficacité énergétique et le respect de notre planète.

Ensemble, faisons équipe pour un monde plus juste, plus sain et plus durable.

Je vous remercie.

Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on Ethiopia

Source: United Nations – English

he Secretary-General is deeply saddened by the loss of more than 200 lives in the south of Ethiopia following landslides triggered by heavy rains.

He extends his sincere condolences to the families of the victims and to the people and Government of Ethiopia.

The United Nations and its partners are working closely with the Government, evaluating the humanitarian situation to determine the extent of the damage and assess the humanitarian needs of the affected population. UN agencies are dispatching food, nutrition, health and other critical supplies to help people affected by the landslides.

Secretary-General’s video message to the Launch of the 2024 State of Food Security & Nutrition in the World: Financing to End Hunger, Food Insecurity & Malnutrition in All Its Forms

Source: United Nations – English

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Today, as G20 ministers gather in Rio de Janeiro, we launch the 2024 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World.

The report contains two important messages.

The first is that hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition remain a global crisis.

Sustainable Development Goal 2 — the world’s target of zero hunger — is off track.

This report projects that 582 million people will be chronically undernourished by 2030, more than half of them in Africa alone.

The report’s second message is that we can solve this crisis.

And finance is the key.

This echoes the clear outcome of the 2021 Food Systems Summit and last year’s Stocktake meeting.

Finance is just one piece of the puzzle in transforming food systems. 

But it is an essential piece, critical to helping countries build and upgrade food systems at the pace and scale required.

Yet — as this report shows — only about one-third of all low- and middle-income countries have adequate financing options for food and nutrition.

All low- and middle-income countries are also vulnerable to economic shocks, conflicts and extreme weather events.

That’s why we need justice.

Justice to help hard-hit countries invest in resilient, innovative and sustainable food systems that can reach all people with affordable food.

Justice to ensure access to short and long-term concessional finance, investments, budget support and debt relief.

And justice to reform the global financial architecture so developing countries are better represented and can access adequate financing to achieve their goals.

September’s Summit of the Future and next year’s Financing for Development Conference will be important moments to carry these priorities forward.

And I welcome the Hunger and Poverty Alliance being launched by President Lula.

Hunger has no place in the 21st century.

The world of zero hunger envisioned by SDG 2 is not only necessary — with action on finance, it is achievable. 

Together, let’s consign hunger to the history books.

Let’s build the strong, resilient and sustainable food and nutrition systems all people need and deserve.  

Secretary-General’s video message for the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games [scroll down for French version]

Source: United Nations – English

strong>Please note that this video will be played during the Olympics Ceremony on Friday, July 26th, at 7:20 p.m. (Paris Time).

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Bonjour and welcome to the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.

The world gathers in Paris to celebrate the power of sport.

To bring hope.

To transcend cultures.

To unite people.

To promote mutual respect and fair play.

These are also the ideals of the United Nations.

In the spirit of the Olympic Truce, I call on everyone to lay down their arms.

Build bridges.

Foster solidarity.

And strive for the ultimate goal: peace for all.

I wish every success to the Olympians and Paralympians.

You inspire us to dream bigger.

May the Olympic flame light the path to a world of peace and harmony.

Merci beaucoup. 


Bonjour et bienvenue aux Jeux olympiques d’été de 2024.

Le monde se réunit à Paris pour célébrer le pouvoir du sport.

Pour apporter de l’espoir.

Pour transcender les cultures.

Unir les peuples.

Promouvoir le respect mutuel et le fair-play.

Ce sont également les idéaux des Nations unies.

Dans l’esprit de la Trêve Olympique, j’appelle tout le monde à déposer les armes.

À bâtir des ponts.

À encourager la solidarité.

Et à tendre vers l’objectif ultime : la paix pour tous.

Je souhaite plein de succès aux athlètes olympiques et paralympiques.

Vous nous inspirez à rêver plus grand.

Puisse la flamme olympique éclairer le chemin vers un monde de paix et d’harmonie.

Merci beaucoup.

Secretary-General’s video message to the First Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development

Source: United Nations – English

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Distinguished delegates,

Nine years ago, world leaders met in Addis Ababa and agreed on a transformative Agenda committing public and private actors to align investment and policies with sustainable development.

Yet despite progress, we must face facts.

Many commitments remain unfulfilled.

Meanwhile, the world is facing seismic shocks that make financing challenges harder to solve — and geo-political divisions that undermine collective action.

Faced with sky-high debt burdens and costs of capital, developing countries have limited prospects of financing the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development provides a unique opportunity to tackle these challenges head on.

It opens the door for world leaders to adopt ambitious reforms to deliver affordable long-term financing at scale – and deliver the SDG Stimulus.

And it presents a unique opportunity to reform an international financial system that is outdated, dysfunctional and unfair – from the tax and debt architecture, to the system of public development banks, to trade and investment rules, to the financial safety net and global governance.

Your process has a unique mandate to look at all these pieces of the puzzle in a holistic manner, and through the prism of the 2030 Agenda.

We will need the best ideas to inform discussions, and maximum political will to act.

And so I welcome the initiative of the Government of Spain to convene a high-level Commission of Experts on Financing for Development.
I count on all of you to move forward with a determination to rescue the 2030 Agenda.

And, together, we can deliver not only a financial system – but a world – that is more just, equitable and sustainable.

Thank you.