Secretary-General’s remarks to Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit [as delivered]

Source: United Nations – English

resident Xi Jinping,

President Bassirou Diomaye Faye,


Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I want to express my deep gratitude to the people and Government of the People’s Republic of China, for the impeccable organization of this summit.

We meet as geopolitical tensions are rising; conflicts are raging; and poverty and hunger are growing.

The war in Ukraine is grinding on with global impacts – death and destruction reign in Gaza – and the people of Sudan are enduring untold suffering. 

The climate crisis keeps getting worse; and inequalities are everywhere, exacerbating divisions and polarization. 

The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement are at risk.

Meanwhile, many African countries are mired in debt and struggling to invest in sustainable development.

Many have no access to effective debt relief, scarce resources, and clearly insufficient concessional funding to respond to the basic needs of their population and protect them from the ravages of a climate crisis they did nothing to create.

This situation is unsustainable — and a recipe for social unrest. 

That is why we proposed deep reforms to the outdated, ineffective and unfair international financial system, and an SDG Stimulus to provide developing countries with the liquidity they need while seeking medium- and long-term solutions. 

Solutions such as increasing the lending capacity of Multilateral Development Banks and enabling them to massively scale up affordable financing for development in Africa;

Expanding contingency financing through the rechanneling of Special Drawing Rights that until now have essentially benefitted rich countries and not those that have needed it the most.

And promoting effective long-term debt restructuring that puts people at the centre.

The support of China and Africa for these reforms is essential.


In this context, South-South cooperation is essential to build capacities and drive progress on shared development goals – while in no way reducing the responsibilities of the Global North.

China’s partnership with the African continent is the main pillar of South-South cooperation.

Your joint efforts, based on the United Nations Charter, can create a new momentum for African development.

China is already Africa’s longstanding and largest trading partner.

And we know that in Africa, as elsewhere, investments are game-changing when they respect national ownership and are financially sustainable, climate-sensitive, and consistent with human rights. 

I underline President Xi’s decision to launch the Global Development Initiative in a way that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals – as well as the focus on green development and promoting integrity-based cooperation, as outlined in President Xi’s remarks at last year’s Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that I had the honor to attend.

And I’d like to highlight, like many have today, the partnership actions on modernization that were announced today by President Xi.

China’s remarkable record of development — including on eradicating poverty – provides a wealth of experience and expertise. 

The China-Africa partnership can drive the renewable energy revolution.

It can be a catalyst for key transitions on food systems and digital connectivity.

And as home to some of the world’s most dynamic economies, Africa can maximize the potential of China’s support in areas from trade to data management, finance and technology.


Around the world, multilateralism faces headwinds – and multilateral institutions are falling behind.

It is time to correct some historic injustices.

It is outrageous, for example, that the continent of Africa has still no permanent seat on the Security Council. 

This month’s Summit of the Future in New York will be a pivotal opportunity for renewal and reform – anchored in solidarity and justice.

We have proposed a focus on prevention, and joint approaches to new and emerging threats to global security, building on our recent success – after many years of effort there is now an authorized UN-assessed contributions for AU-led peace operations, which is a remarkable development achieved in the Security Council recently.

We are pushing for reforms so that the international financial architecture and institutions correspond to the realities of today’s world and can respond to today’s challenges – particularly those faced by developing countries, namely in Africa.

Your full engagement will be critical to finding sustainable solutions. 

And you can count on the full engagement of the United Nations in support of a strong China-Africa partnership, towards our shared goal of peace, sustainable development and human rights on a healthy planet.

Thank you.

Secretary-General’s remarks to workshop on artificial intelligence and capacity building [as delivered]

Source: United Nations – English

xcellencies, Distinguished guests, dear friends,
I thank the Government of China for organizing this workshop on Artificial Intelligence and capacity building.
We stand at a pivotal moment.
Artificial Intelligence is developing at warp speed, transforming our world in ways we are only beginning to comprehend.
It has the potential to help rescue the Sustainable Development Goals and usher in a more durable and equitable future.
Recent research estimates that AI can help accelerate nearly 80 per cent of the SDGs.
Yet, we face a stark reality: AI opportunities are not evenly shared.

AI capacities today are concentrated in a handful of powerful companies – and even fewer countries. 
Meanwhile, too many countries face significant challenges in accessing AI tools.
To truly harness AI’s potential, we need international cooperation – and solidarity.
And we must urgently bridge the AI gap for developing countries.
The risks posed by AI are equally uneven.
Without adequate guardrails, AI could further exacerbate inequalities and digital divides and disproportionately affect the most vulnerable.
We must seize this historic opportunity to lay the foundations for inclusive governance of AI – for the benefit of all humanity.
Distinguished guests, dear friends,
As we build AI capacity, we must also develop shared knowledge and digital public goods.
This can be achieved through networks where expertise and AI training data are pooled and made available to everyone who needs them. 
Interconnected AI centres across different countries and continents can accelerate the advancement of AI, promote data diversity and inclusivity, and foster cooperation rather than competition.
Governments are currently negotiating a Global Digital Compact to be adopted this month – at the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York.
I am pleased that the proposed Compact includes new proposals on AI governance and capacity building.
My High-level Advisory Body on AI will also issue its final report this month, with a series of recommendations including:

  • Creating an AI Capacity Development Network that will connect AI centres and provide expertise and training data especially for developing countries;
  • Establishing a Global Fund on AI for the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • And developing a Global Data Framework, so that local AI ecosystems can flourish.

I hope for the engagement and support of all stakeholders.
Distinguished guests,
The United Nations is uniquely placed to promote digital cooperation and support the global exchange of AI models and talent.
The recent decision of the General Assembly based on a Chinese proposal demonstrates that capacity of the United Nations.
The UN General Assembly has indeed already adopted two resolutions on the matter:
And the resolution led by the People’s Republic of China was exactly on enhancing international cooperation on AI capacity building.
And another by the United States on fostering safe, trustworthy and inclusive AI systems.
I urge you all to promote a collaborative AI, and to engage in partnerships that will flourish beyond this workshop.

As we approach the Summit of the Future, I encourage you to make your voices heard in the deliberations in New York.
Together, let us develop innovative and inclusive tools for AI governance and cooperation – and build a more sustainable and equitable future for all.
Thank you.

Secretary-General’s video message to the Bled Strategic Forum

Source: United Nations – English

strong>Download the video:
This year’s Bled Strategic Forum comes at an opportune moment as Slovenia assumes the presidency of the UN Security Council. 

I congratulate Slovenia on that vital responsibility during this crucial month.    

You gather as our world is beset by challenge after challenge.

Poverty, hunger and inequality…

Climate chaos…

A global financial architecture that is not providing an effective safety net for developing countries…

A flouting of human rights, international law, and the United Nations Charter around the world… 

And ferocious conflicts that are inflicting suffering, misery, death and the largest displacement of people since the Second World War.

Your theme — “A World of Parallel Realities” — pinpoints the problem.

We are living in a world divided.

Healing this divide, and tackling the challenges facing us, requires finding common-ground solutions.

Solutions such as accelerating action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals…

Reforming today’s outdated, dysfunctional and unfair global financial architecture so that it better represents developing countries and responds to their needs…

Tackling the climate crisis, and anchoring economies in renewable energy…

Standing with the world’s most vulnerable people — including those living through conflicts and humanitarian emergencies…

And re-committing to the timeless values and principles of the United Nations Charter — peace, sustainable development, human rights, and upholding the dignity and equality of every woman, man and child on earth.

This month’s Summit of the Future is a chance for leaders to put forward new solutions and commit to action that can revitalize the multilateral system and build trust in what we can accomplish as a united human family.

Across all this important work, I know we can count on you.

Let’s bridge divides and bring people together in common purpose for a better future.

Secretary-General’s message on the International Day for People of African Descent [scroll down for French version]

Source: United Nations – English

n the International Day for People of African Descent, we honour the immense and diverse contributions of people of African descent to the vast spectrum of human achievements, and their tireless efforts to create a better world.

The leadership, courage, and activism of people of African descent have helped overcome profound injustices, saved lives, improved societies, and brought crucial issues to the world’s attention. Yet the intolerable legacies of enslavement and colonialism endure. Systemic racism is rife and continues to mutate into new forms – including in new technologies, where algorithms can amplify discrimination.

We must build on the work of people of African descent with global action to eradicate the scourge of racism and racial discrimination.

At the United Nations, this is a priority, and we have established a new Anti-Racism Office. This will drive implementation of our strategic plan to address racism in the workplace. We also need governments to take the lead – by advancing and implementing policies and laws to tackle systemic racism and ensure inclusion. We need the private sector to step up – including rooting out bias in technology and other dimensions of working life. And we need reparatory justice to address the crimes of enslavement. 

Building on the success of the last decade, I hope States will proclaim a second International Decade for People of African Descent, to help to accelerate global efforts for true change.  

Together, let’s do our part to vanquish racism and discrimination, and build a world of equality, opportunity, and justice for all.

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale des personnes d’ascendance africaine, nous honorons ces personnes pour leurs contributions immenses et variées au large éventail de réalisations humaines et leurs efforts inlassables visant à bâtir un monde meilleur.

Le rôle mobilisateur, le courage et le militantisme des personnes d’ascendance africaine ont permis de réparer de profondes injustices, de sauver des vies, d’améliorer les sociétés et d’appeler l’attention de la communauté internationale sur des questions essentielles. Pourtant, l’héritage intolérable de l’esclavage et du colonialisme perdure. Le racisme systémique est omniprésent et continue de prendre de nouvelles formes, notamment dans les nouvelles technologies, où les algorithmes peuvent amplifier la discrimination.

Nous devons faire fond sur les accomplissements des personnes d’ascendance africaine en menant une action mondiale visant à éradiquer le fléau du racisme et de la discrimination raciale.

C’est une priorité de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, où nous avons créé un Bureau de la lutte antiraciste. Celui-ci pilotera la mise en œuvre de notre plan stratégique de lutte contre le racisme sur le lieu de travail. Il faut aussi que les gouvernements prennent l’initiative en proposant et en appliquant des politiques et des lois pour combattre le racisme systémique et garantir l’inclusion. Il faut que le secteur privé se mobilise, notamment afin que les préjugés disparaissent des divers aspects de la vie professionnelle, y compris les technologies. Enfin, il faut que la justice réparatrice soit appliquée aux crimes d’esclavage.

Compte tenu du succès de la première Décennie internationale des personnes d’ascendance africaine, j’espère que les États en proclameront une deuxième, afin d’accélérer l’action mondiale en faveur d’un véritable changement.

Ensemble, jouons notre rôle pour vaincre le racisme et la discrimination et construire un monde où règnent l’égalité, notamment l’égalité des chances, et la justice pour toutes et tous.

Secretary-General’s remarks at the 25th Anniversary of the Popular Consultation [as delivered]

Source: United Nations – English

em>Kalan Di-ak (Boa Noite).

Viva Timor Leste! Parabens ba Povu Timor Leste!

Belun doben sira,
Ho laran haksolok no emosaun kle’an / tebetebes mak ha’u mai hasoru ita-boot sira / ohin iha fatin ida-ne’e

Excellencies, Dear Friends,
I have here a speech that I was prepared to deliver, but I will leave the speech aside and allow me to express the deep emotions that I feel participating in the 25th anniversary and that glorious day in which the people of Timor-Leste has felt it massively to guarantee the independence of the country.
And that day was only possible because for decades the heroic resistance of Timor-Leste has been able against all odds in the most difficult circumstances facing the powerful army, facing bombardments, facing destruction, facing at a certain moment the prison of its leader the 25th of September was only possible because …

 … o 25 de setembro foi só possível porque a resistência timorense nunca desistiu. Porque a resistência timorense se baseou no princípio de Xanana Gusmão que resistir é vencer. A resistência timorense foi capaz de suportar tudo para garantir que o povo timorense tivesse finalmente a liberdade a que tinha direito. E não se pode falar da resistência timorense sem se falar do seu chefe, Xanana Gusmão. Para mim, um lendário combatente nas montanhas, ainda não o conhecia nessa altura. Resistente na cadeia, com quem tive a chance de uma vez de poder falar ao telefone, e um líder capaz de liderar o povo de Timor-Leste, não só no caminho para a independência, mas no caminho para o Estado democrático e no caminho para a reconciliação entre os timorenses e os indonésios. 
E não posso ainda esquecer os muitos trabalhos que, enquanto primeiro-ministro de Portugal, procurava ter, convencendo tantos e tantos, por esse mundo fora, que era preciso garantir o direito internacional e era preciso respeitar a autodeterminação do povo de Timor-Leste. Não posso esquecer que em toda a parte, encontrava Ramos-Horta. Ramos-Horta que, falando com todos os países, com todos os líderes, levantando a sua voz com enorme energia, dizia a todos: é preciso que não haja mais hipocrisia. É preciso que não haja mais egoísmo. É preciso que se reconheça o direito do povo de Timor-Leste à independência e, finalmente, foi possível convencer a comunidade internacional. Depois, tivemos esta chance, de aproveitar uma oportunidade, que foi criada pelo presidente Habibie da Indonésia e quero aqui prestar homenagem à coragem do presidente Habibie da Indonésia ao aceitar um acordo que previa uma consulta popular no sentido da autodeterminação do povo de Timor-Leste. E recordo essa noite para Portugal, era de noite, aqui era de dia. Essa noite inesquecível, do 25 de setembro, em que não dormi, ao telefone e em que me emocionava cada vez mais com as notícias de que o povo vinhas aos milhares, descendo das montanhas para votar e para gritar, votando, que queria a independência de Timor-Leste. 

Foram momentos inesquecíveis, momentos de alegria e de emoção que, infelizmente, foram seguidos por semanas de enorme preocupação e de enorme angústia com a violência terrível que se abateu sobre Timor-Leste e com o risco do massacre do povo timorense. E aí todos juntámos, chamando a atenção da comunidade internacional para que era absolutamente indispensável uma intervenção que garantisse que a vontade do povo timorense fosse respeitada e que Timor-Leste se transformasse num país independente. Talvez hoje, com as divisões geopolíticas que existem essa intervenção não seria possível, mas na altura felizmente foi. E graças a essa intervenção foi possível estabilizar essa situação e foi possível, com a liderança de Xanana Gusmão, promover a reconciliação entre os timorenses e, como disse, a reconciliação também com o povo indonésio. E quero aqui exprimir a minha profunda admiração pelo facto de Timor-Leste se ter transformado num país democrático exemplar, com profundo respeito pelos direitos humanos e num parceiro extremamente credível da comunidade internacional. Um país membro da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, um país fundador do G7+, um país que acaba de aderir à Organização Mundial do Comércio e que vai aderir à ASEAN. Um país que nas Nações Unidas tem uma ação permanente em defesa dos valores mais importantes da sociedade internacional, na defesa da Carta das Nações Unidas, na defesa da lei da garantia que os direitos humanos são respeitados.

É este país admirável que hoje aqui celebramos. Mas é um país que enfrenta grandes desafios. É um país que tem pela frente a necessidade de garantir aos seus cidadãos a segurança alimentar, a educação de qualidade, a saúde de qualidade, tantas e tantas coisas para as quais infelizmente a solidariedade internacional não tem sido suficiente. E quero aqui apelar, sabendo da determinação do governo de Timor-Leste, no sentido de garantir a execução desses objetivos, quero aqui apelar à forte solidariedade internacional para apoiar Timor-Leste que ganhou a batalha da independência e ganhou a batalha da democracia para que possa também ganhar a batalha do desenvolvimento. E estou particularmente orgulhoso pelo facto, sendo hoje secretário- geral das Nações Unidas, terem sido as Nações Unidas que aqui organizaram o referendo. Terem sido as Nações Unidas que aqui lutaram sempre ao lado do povo timorense para consolidar a democracia, com alguns dos seus membros, todos timorenses aliás, que perderam a vida pela independencia de Timor, e profundamente reconhecido a todos aqueles que sob a bandeira das Nações Unidas colaboraram nessa obra admirável que é a construção do novo Timor, livre e independente. 
E quero garantir que as Nações Unidas continuam solidárias com o povo timorense e que na batalha do desenvolvimento podem contar connosco, podem contar com a nossa total solidariedade e com o nosso total empenhamento em vos apoiar na vossa estratégia para o desenvolvimento. 
Queridos amigos,
Viva Timor-Leste! 

Secretary-General’s remarks to Timor-Leste’s Parliament

Source: United Nations – English



Mr President of the Republic, Madam President of the National Parliament

Mr Prime Minister, Ladies and gentlemen Representatives of the International Community, Ladies and gentlemen ministers and deputies, Ladies and gentlemen Ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, Excellencies.

Senhor Presidente da República, Senhora Presidente do Parlamento Nacional

Senhor Primeiro-Ministro, Senhores e Senhoras Representantes da Comunidade Internacional, Senhoras e Senhores ministros e deputados, Senhoras e Senhores Embaixadores e membros do corpo diplomático, Excelências. 

I don’t know how to thank you for the distinction that has just been announced. The only thing I can say is that from now on there is a Secretary-General of the United Nations who is both Portuguese and Timorese.

Não sei como agradecer a distinção que acaba de ser anunciada. A única coisa que posso dizer é que a partir de agora há um Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas que é simultaneamente português e timorense.

And it is with pride that I assume this nationality of a heroic people and I will do everything so that when I complete my duties, the Timorese can be proud of what their citizen has done.

E é com orgulho que assumo esta nacionalidade de um povo heroico e de tudo farei para que ao concluir minhas funções os timorenses possam se orgulhar do que esse seu cidadão possa ter feito. 

It is a privilege and a great satisfaction to be back in your beautiful country.

É um privilégio e uma enorme satisfação estar de volta ao vosso belo país.

I thank the Government and the people of Timor-Leste for the wonderful hospitality.

Gostaria de agradecer ao Governo e ao povo de Timor-Leste pela maravilhosa hospitalidade com que me recebem


The affection with which I am always received in Timor-Leste is reciprocal and makes each visit an unforgettable occasion.

O carinho com que sempre sou recebido em Timor-Leste é recíproco e faz de cada visita uma ocasião inesquecível. 


I also thank the President of the National Parliament for the honor she gives me of being able to address the Timorese people today through their legitimate elected representatives.

Agradeço, ainda, à Senhora Presidente do Parlamento Nacional a honra que me concede de poder dirigir-me hoje ao povo timorense através de vos, dos seus legítimos representantes eleitos.


And I cannot hide the special honour I feel in doing so at a time when the National Parliament is, for the first time, presided over by a woman, whom I congratulate for this very fact, that I understand as a sign of reinforcement of women’s rights that I can only support.

E não escondo a especial honra que sinto ao fazê-lo no momento em que o Parlamento Nacional é, pela primeira vez, presidido por uma mulher. Senhora presidente, felicito por este facto, que interpreto como um sinal de reforço do Estatuto da Mulher e dos Direitos da Mulher e só posso incentivar.




I will never forget the night of August 29th, precisely 25 years ago.

Jamais esquecerei a noite de 29 de agosto, há precisamente 25 anos.


I was in Lisbon, so excited by the news of the Popular Consultation that I couldn’t sleep that night. There is a time difference, as you know, significative, between Dili and Lisboa.

Estava em Lisboa, tão entusiasmado com as notícias da Consulta Popular que não dormi nessa noite. Há uma diferença de hora como sabem, significativa, entre Dili e Lisboa

I was constantly on the phone, following the progress of the vote and learning about the crowds that travelled from the mountains to Dili to vote.

Estava constantemente ao telefone, a acompanhar o desenrolar da votação e a tomar conhecimento da multidão que se deslocava das montanhas até Díli para votar.


And I can’t forget Ian Martin’s emotional voice. His courage and determination were decisive at this moment and with which I spoke so many times that night in Lisbon and day in Timor-Leste.

E não posso esquecer da voz emocionada de Ian Martin. Sua coragem e determinação foram decisivas neste momento e com o qual tantas vezes falei nessa noite de Lisboa e dia em Timor-Leste.

I then learned that the Timorese people were fully mobilized in defense of their self-determination.

Soube, então, que o povo timorense estava totalmente mobilizado em defesa da sua autodeterminação.

Over 98% of the electorate turned out to cast a vote on that day.

Mais de 98 por cento do eleitorado compareceu para votar nesse dia.

The Timorese people spoke, and their voice was clear: independence.

O povo timorense falou e sua voz foi clara: independência.


However, the joy I felt that night quickly turned to horror, during the harrowing weeks that followed

No entanto, a alegria que senti naquela noite rapidamente se transformou em horror, durante as semanas angustiantes que se seguiram


with the reports that reached me and the images of violence in the streets emblazoned across newspapers and TV screens.

com os relatos que me chegavam e as imagens de violência nas ruas estampadas nos jornais e nos ecrãs de televisão.


I joined the millions of Portuguese on the streets of Lisbon who protested in solidarity with the Timorese people, demanding that the international community intervene.

Juntei-me aos milhões de portugueses nas ruas de Lisboa que protestavam em solidariedade para com o povo timorense, exigindo que a comunidade internacional interviesse.


I remember how people joined hands, forming a human chain across the city, passing by the embassies of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to call for this intervention.

Recordo-me de como as pessoas deram as mãos, formando uma corrente humana por toda a cidade, passando pelas embaixadas dos membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas para reclamar essa intervenção.


The city vibrated with the crowd of citizens dressed in white.

A cidade vibrava com a multidão de cidadãos vestidos de branco.


Several times I left the crowd to call various world leaders, asking them to use their influence to prevent a massacre in Timor-Leste.

Sucessivas vezes deixei a multidão para telefonar a diversos líderes mundiais, pedindo-lhes que usassem a sua influência para impedir um massacre em Timor-Leste.


Fortunately, at that time the world was different from today, it was still possible to mobilize the international community and peace and security prevailed in Timor-Leste.

Felizmente, nessa altura o mundo era diferente de hoje e foi possível mobilizar a comunidade internacional e a paz e a segurança prevaleceram em Timor-Leste.




My first visit to Timor-Leste was in 2000 as Prime Minister of Portugal,

a visit dominated by emotion, joy and hope.

A minha primeira deslocação a Timor-Leste ocorreu no ano 2000 enquanto Primeiro-ministro de Portugal, uma visita dominada pela emoção, pela alegria e pela esperança.


I returned in May 2002 on a memorable visit to participate in the historic Restoration of Independence ceremony.

Regressei em Maio de 2002 numa memorável visita para participar na histórica cerimónia da Restauração da Independência.

The self-determination of the Timorese people was the central foreign policy priority of my government and it was, in fact, a constant in my country’s foreign policy.

A autodeterminação do povo timorense era a prioridade central da política externa do meu governo e foi, na verdade, uma constante da política externa do meu País.

My presence in Timor-Leste, at the moment the country became independent, was undoubtedly one of the greatest privileges that my political life has given me.

A minha presença em Timor-Leste, no momento em que o País se tornou independente, foi sem dúvida um dos maiores privilégios que a minha vida política me proporcionou.

That day, and today, I felt the enormous courage and relentless determination of the Timorese people.

Nesse dia senti, e hoje também sinto a enorme coragem e a determinação incansável do povo timorense. 

The courage to demand recognition of their fundamental rights and freedoms.

A coragem de exigir o reconhecimento dos seus direitos e das suas liberdades fundamentais. 


The courage to make the Law prevail and to reject the law of the strongest.

A coragem de fazer prevalecer o Direito e de rejeitar a lei do mais forte.

The courage of the many who dreamed of independence but who did not live to see it realized.

A coragem de muitos que sonharam com a independência, mas que não viveram para a ver concretizada. 





We can never forget the courage of the Timorese resistance.

Nunca poderemos esquecer a coragem da resistência timorense.

The resistance led by Xanana Gusmao, fighting heroically in the mountains, resisting stoically in prison and leading the people of Timor-Leste to independence and democracy.

A resistência liderada por Xanana Gusmao, combatendo heroicamente nas montanhas, resistindo estoicamente na prisão e conduzindo o povo de Timor-Leste à independência e à democracia.


And I remember that at the same time, Ramos Horta was running around the world speaking to skeptics and telling them that Timor-Leste’s independence was not only possible, but that it was necessary for the dignity of the international community itself.

E recordo-me que ao mesmo tempo, Ramos Horta corria ao mundo falando aos incrédulos e dizendo-lhes que a independência de Timor-Leste era não apenas possível, mas que ela era necessária para a dignidade da própria comunidade internacional.


Resistance by people who risked everything to see independence realized.

Da resistência cujas pessoas arriscaram tudo para ver a independência concretizada.

By the women of the resistance who refused to let their voices be silenced.

Pelas mulheres da resistência que se recusaram a permitir que as suas vozes fossem silenciadas.

We must never forget the sacrifices made, the lives lost, the families forever changed.

E não podemos esquecer os sacrifícios feitos, as vidas perdidas, as famílias afetadas para sempre.


We cannot forget the role of the armed front, the clandestine front, the external front and the Catholic Church, as the Preamble to the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste recalls.

Não podemos esquecer o papel da frente armada, da frente clandestina, da frente externa e da Igreja Católica, tal como o Preâmbulo da Constituição da República Democrática de Timor-Leste recorda.  


I therefore wish, in a solemn manner here today – before the elected representatives of the people of Timor-Leste – to pay my profound tribute to the Timorese resistance and to the men and women who were part of it and committed themselves to it.

Desejo, pois, de forma solene aqui hoje – perante os representantes eleitos do povo de Timor-Leste – prestar a minha profunda homenagem à resistência timorense e aos homens e mulheres que a integraram e nela se empenharam.





The fight for independence forged a deep partnership between the United Nations and Timor-Leste.

A luta pela independência forjou uma profunda parceria entre as Nações Unidas e Timor-Leste.


I vividly remember the intense days, weeks and months of negotiations that led to agreement between Indonesia and Portugal, under the auspices of the United Nations, in 5 May 1999.

Recordo-me perfeitamente dos intensos dias, semanas e meses de negociações entre a Indonésia e Portugal, sob a égide das Nações Unidas, que conduziram ao acordo de 5 de maio de 1999. 


Even when the likelihood of agreement seemed remote, the determination of both sides, as well as the United Nations mediators, was resolute. Finally, this determination bore fruit.

Mesmo quando a probabilidade de um acordo parecia remota, ambas as partes, bem como dos mediadores da ONU, mantiveram-se determinados e essa determinação acabou por dar frutos.


I cannot fail to highlight and praise the role played by my predecessor, Kofi Annan, and the diplomats and officials who accompanied him. He was a true friend of Timor-Leste to whom we all owe a lot.

Não posso deixar de sublinhar e elogiar o papel desempenhado pelo meu antecessor, Kofi Annan, e pelos diplomatas e funcionários que o acompanhavam. Era um verdadeiro amigo de Timor-Leste a quem todos muito devemos.  


Following the May 1999 agreement, The United Nations mission in Timor-Leste, UNAMET, was brought to life.

Na sequência do acordo de Maio de 1999, a missão das Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste, UNAMET, ganhou vida.

The women and men of the mission demonstrated great dedication and professionalism as they organized a major referendum in a short period of time, despite intimidation and threats.

As mulheres e os homens da UNAMET deram provas de grande dedicação e profissionalismo ao organizarem um referendo de grande envergadura, num curto período de tempo e apesar das intimidações e ameaças.


After the Popular Consultation, and when violence was spreading, they once again demonstrated enormous courage and a sense of mission.

Após a realização da Consulta Popular, e quando a violência alastrava, deram novamente provas de enorme coragem e sentido de Missão.


During my visit I will pay tribute to the UNAMET employees who lost their lives serving the United Nations – all of them were Timorese!

Durante esta minha visita irei prestar homenagem aos funcionários da UNAMET que perderam a vida ao serviço das Nações Unidas – todos eles eram timorenses!


But I did not want to fail, also here on this occasion, to evoke his memory.

Mas não queria deixar de, também aqui nesta ocasião, evocar a sua memória.    

Allow me, in fact, to take this opportunity to praise the dedication of all United Nations employees who worked in Timor-Leste during the various stages of the Organization’s presence in the country and at the service of different Missions

Permitam-me, aliás, aproveitar esta oportunidade para enaltecer a dedicação de todos os funcionários da ONU que trabalharam em Timor-Leste no decurso das diversas etapas da presença da Organização no País e ao serviço de diferentes Missões.


Certainly UNAMET, but also the UN Transitional Administration in Timor-Leste (UNTAET), the United Nations Support Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMISET), the UN Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL), the Integrated Mission of United Nations in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and, today, the País team.

certamente a UNAMET, mas também a Administração Transitória da ONU em Timor-Leste (UNTAET), a Missão das Nações Unidas de Apoio a Timor-Leste (UNMISET), o Escritório da ONU em Timor-Leste (UNOTIL), a Missão Integrada das Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste (UNMIT) e, hoje, a equipa País.


It’s a deep, constant partnership, I hope it continues to produce the best impacts.

É uma parceria profunda, constante espero que continue a produzir os melhores impactos


As Secretary-General, I thank all those who have served the United Nations in Timor-Leste over the past 25 years, and those who continue to do so today.

Enquanto Secretário-geral, agradeço a todos os que serviram as Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste ao longo dos últimos 25 anos, e aos que continuam a fazê-lo hoje.


But if Timor-Leste received a lot from the UN, the truth is that it also gave a lot to the UN and the world.

Mas se Timor-Leste recebeu muito da ONU, a verdade é que também Timor-Leste deu muito à ONU e ao mundo.


The talks mediated by the UN showed the world that it is possible to resolve conflicts at the negotiating table and that it is possible to conform reality in accordance with International Law and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations

As conversações mediadas pela ONU mostraram ao mundo que é possível resolver conflitos à mesa de negociações e que é possível conformar a realidade de acordo com o Direito Internacional e com os princípios da Carta das Nações Unidas.

Timor-Leste deu às Nações Unidas um enorme impulso para sua capacidade mediadora a nível internacional e é uma dívida que as Nações Unidas jamais poderão pagar em relação ao povo timorense


And, at present, Timor-Leste has evolved from a host country for peacekeeping forces, to a country contributing personnel to UN peacekeeping missions in other countries, namely in South Sudan.

E, no presente, Timor-Leste evoluiu de país de acolhimento de forças de manutenção da paz, para país contribuinte de pessoal para missões de manutenção da paz da ONU noutros países, nomeadamente no Sudão do Sul.



Timor-Leste demonstrated that nothing solid or lasting can be built on the denial of people’s fundamental rights.  

Timor-Leste demonstrou que nada de sólido ou de duradouro pode ser construído com base na negação dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas. 


It demonstrated the value of reconciliation and establishing good neighborly relations.

Demonstrou o valor da reconciliação e do estabelecimento de boas relações de vizinhança.


And that with international solidarity, peace, freedom and democracy can thrive.

E que com a solidariedade internacional – a paz, a liberdade e a democracia podem prosperar. 

The world can learn much from Timor-Leste, especially at a time when conflicts are multiplying and geopolitical tensions are worsening.

O mundo pode aprender muito com Timor-Leste, sobretudo num momento em que os conflitos se multiplicam e as tensões geopolíticas se agravam.

And in a context of worrying dysfunctionality in the relationship between powers and growing impunity in the face of violations of human rights and international law.

E num contexto de disfuncionalidade preocupante no relacionamento entre potências e de impunidade crescente face a violações de direitos humanos e do direito internacional.



The world today is faced with a sharp erosion of trust.

O mundo depara-se hoje com uma acentuada erosão da confiança.

Decades of progress on poverty and hunger are being reversed.  

Décadas de progresso contra a pobreza e a fome estão a ser revertidas. 

The Sustainable Development Goals are in danger.

Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável estão em perigo. 

And climate chaos is aggravating with deadly force.

E o caos climático agrava-se a um ritmo letal. 

On all fronts, the world needs to act.

O mundo precisa de agir em todas as frentes. Para inverter essas tendencias. 


And Timor-Leste can show the way in three key areas:

E Timor-Leste pode mostrar o caminho em três vetores fundamentais: 

First —the Sustainable Development Goals.

Em primeiro lugar, os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. 

From ending poverty and hunger, to achieving gender equality.

Desde acabar com a pobreza e a fome até a igualdade de género. 

Timor-Leste won the battle of independence, Timor-Leste won the battle of democracy, Timor-Leste now has to win the battle of development, and I am comforted by seeing the commitment I heard here from the ladies and gentlemen in this regard.

Timor-Leste ganhou a batalha da independência, Timor-Leste ganhou a batalha da democracia, Timor-Leste tem agora que ganhar a batalha do desenvolvimento e reconforta-me verificar o compromisso que aqui ouvi dos senhores e senhoras deputadas nesse sentido.

Timor-Leste is an important example of people-centred development. 

Timor-Leste é um exemplo importante de desenvolvimento centrado nas pessoas. 

‘Leave no one behind’ has become the clarion call of Timor-Leste, as you diversify your economy and invest in education, health, and food security.

“Não deixar ninguém para trás” tornou-se um lema de Timor-Leste, à medida que diversificam a vossa economia e investem na educação, na saúde e na segurança alimentar. 

However, there is still a long way to go, which also requires strong support and solidarity from the international community.

Onde, no entanto, há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer que exige também um forte apoio e solidariedade da comunidade internacional.

Your accession to full membership of ASEAN can help spur development at an even greater pace, guided by the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for Small Island Developing States.

A vossa adesão plena à ASEAN pode ajudar a acelerar o ritmo do desenvolvimento, orientado pela Agenda de Antígua e Barbuda para os Pequenos Estados Insulares em Desenvolvimento. 

But international partners must also reinforce their support.

Mas os parceiros internacionais devem também reforçar o seu apoio.


Through various mechanisms, but above all in response to the appeal I launched to create a stimulus, called the SDG stimulus, involving investments by the international community of $500 billion dollars in annual financing so that developing countries can overcome the battle of food security, can win the battle of education, can win the battle of health, can win the battle of development.

Através de vários mecanismos, mas sobretudo respondendo ao apelo que eu lancei para que se crie um estímulo, chamado estímulo das ODS, envolvendo investimentos por parte da comunidade internacional de 500 mil milhões de dólares de financiamento anual para que os países em desenvolvimento possam vencer a batalha da segurança alimentar, possam vencer a batalha da educação, possam vencer a batalha da saúde, possam vencer a batalha do desenvolvimento.


It means also reforming the international financial architecture – so that it better represents developing countries, especially Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries like Timor-Leste – and responds to their needs effectively.    

Significa ainda reformar a arquitetura financeira internacional – para que esta represente melhor os países em desenvolvimento, especialmente os Pequenos Estados Insulares e os Países Menos Desenvolvidos como Timor-Leste – e para que responda efetivamente às suas necessidades. 



Second — we need action on climate.

Em segundo lugar, é necessário atuar na frente climática. 

Our planet is sick, and the symptoms are ferocious and fatal.

O nosso planeta está doente e os sintomas são agudos, senão e fatais. 






Incêndios florestais. 

Rising sea levels.

Aumento do nível do mar. 

And millions of people facing extreme heat.

E milhões de pessoas enfrentando um calor extremo.

Timor-Leste – like other small island states – has done little to cause this crisis, but is felling its effects in a severe way.

Timor-Leste – tal como outros Estados insulares – pouco fez para provocar esta crise, mas sente de forma grave os seus efeitos

From the local sucos to here in the Capital Dili, there is nowhere on this island that Timorese people are safe from the growing threats of climate change.

Desde os sucos locais até aqui, em Díli, não há nenhum lugar nesta ilha onde o povo timorense esteja a salvo das crescentes ameaças das alterações climáticas. 

Every year, more than a third of the Timorese people suffer floods and landslides.

Todos os anos, mais de um terço do povo timorense sofre inundações e deslizamentos de terras.

Changing rainfall patterns could have a serious impact on food production.

A alteração dos padrões de precipitação poderá ter um impacto sério na produção de alimentos. 

Yet Timor-Leste has sought to address the unfolding climate crisis head-on.

No entanto, Timor-Leste tem procurado enfrentar a crise climática.

Your traditional culture of customary law, Tara Bandu, is a source of resilience.

A vossa cultura tradicional do direito consuetudinário, Tara Bandu, é uma fonte de resiliência. 


However, the finance needed for adaptation – both in Timor-Leste and across the globe – far outstrips the money available.

Contudo, o financiamento necessário para a adaptação – tanto em Timor-Leste como em todo o mundo – excede em muito o dinheiro disponível. 


The world must react.

O mundo tem de reagir. 

Developed countries must double adaptation finance to at least $40 billion a year by 2025 – as promised in the last COP;

Os países desenvolvidos devem duplicar o financiamento da adaptação para, pelo menos, 40 mil milhões de dólares por ano em 2025 – tal como prometido na ultima COP; 

And explain how they will close the widening adaptation finance gap.

E explicar como irão colmatar o crescente défice de financiamento da adaptação. 

We also need significant contributions to the new Loss and Damage Fund;

Precisamos também de contribuições significativas para o novo Fundo de Perdas e Danos; 

And a massive global effort to limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius to limit future damage.

E um enorme esforço mundial na limitação do aumento da temperatura global a 1,5 graus Celsius para evitar danos futuros. 

The G20 have the responsibility, and the capacity, to lead global action to keep the 1.5 degree limit within reach, because they represent 80% of the emissions:

O G20 tem a responsabilidade e a capacidade de liderar a ação mundial para garantir o limite de 1,5 graus, porque eles representam 80% das emissões: 


All countries are due to submit national climate plans by next year. These plans must cover the entire economy and align with the 1.5 degree limit.

Todos os países deverão apresentar planos climáticos nacionais até ao próximo ano. Estes planos devem abranger toda a economia e estar alinhados com o limite de 1,5 graus. 

This is an opportunity for countries like Timor-Leste to link climate action with economic transformation and sustainable development. The United Nations system stands ready to support you through our Climate Promise initiative.

Esta é uma oportunidade para países como Timor-Leste associarem a ação climática à transformação económica e ao desenvolvimento sustentável. O sistema das Nações Unidas está pronto a apoiar através da nossa iniciativa Promessa Climática. 



Third, and finally — we need action to revitalize our outdated multilateral system.

Em terceiro e último lugar: precisamos de medidas para revitalizar o nosso obsoleto sistema multilateral. 

We need global frameworks based on a blueprint for tomorrow, and not so much a reflection of the past.

Precisamos de instrumentos globais orientados para um projeto de futuro e não tanto um reflexo do passado.

The Summit of the Future next month is an important step towards reforming and restoring faith in multilateral solutions and institutions. 

A Cimeira do Futuro, no próximo mês, é um passo importante para reformar e restaurar a confiança em instituições e soluções multilaterais.

Strengthening the tools of conflict prevention and disarmament through a New Agenda for Peace…

Reforçando os mecanismos de prevenção de conflitos e de desarmamento através de uma Nova Agenda para a Paz…

Renewing our commitment to human rights…

Renovando nosso compromisso com os direitos humanos… 

Increasing the representation and voice of developing countries in the UN Security Council and the global financial architecture…

Aumentando a representação e a voz dos países em desenvolvimento no Conselho de Segurança da ONU e na arquitetura financeira mundial… 

We have a United Nations Security Council and an international financial architecture that largely corresponds to the post-war, post-World War II period, completely out of touch with today’s reality. The United Nations Security Council today lacks the legitimacy and effectiveness to respond to the very serious crises we are facing around the world.

Temos um Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas e temos uma arquitetura financeira internacionais que correspondem em larga medida ao pós-guerra, pós segunda guerra mundial, completamente defasados da realidade de hoje. O Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas que hoje carece de legitimidade e eficácia para responder às gravíssimas crises que enfrentamos em todo o mundo.

And an international financial architecture that has not been able to provide the essential safety net for all developing countries, in the very difficult times we have been going through, with COVID, with rising prices and interest rates and a series of other negative impacts affecting developing countries.

E uma arquitetura financeira internacional que não tem sido capaz de promover a rede de segurança indispensável a todos os países em desenvolvimento, nos momentos tão difíceis que temos atravessado, com covid, com aumento dos preços e das taxas de juros e um conjunto de outros impactos negativos que atingem os países de desenvolvimento.

Adopting a Global Digital Compact to help close the connectivity gap and establish shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future for all…

E precisamos de um Pacto Digital Global que contribua para colmatar as lacunas de conectividade e estabelecer princípios partilhados para um futuro digital aberto, livre e seguro para todos…


E sei que Timor-Leste terá no final deste ano um salto qualitativo muito importante em matéria de conectividade.

Reinforcing global action so that Artificial Intelligence is an opportunity for all and not a risk, especially for developing countries…

E precisamos reforçar a ação global para que a Inteligência Artificial seja uma oportunidade para todos e não um risco, sobretudo para os países em desenvolvimento…

And developing an Emergency Platform to improve the international response to complex global shocks.

E desenvolver uma Plataforma de Emergência para melhorar a resposta internacional a choques globais complexos. 


If we had another COVID today, we would be as unprepared as we were when we had the first one. We need to create mechanisms that allow us to predict and respond quickly to the crises that will inevitably occur in the future.

Se hoje tivéssemos outra Covid estaríamos tão impreparados como estávamos quando tivemos o primeiro É preciso criar mecanismos que nos permitam prever e responder rapidamente às crises que inevitavelmente sucederão no futuro.

All these global measures rely on support at the national level.

Todas estas medidas globais dependem do apoio a nível nacional. 

And you, Parliamentarians, are the bridge-builders between people, communities and governments.

E os Senhores Deputados, Senhoras deputadas enquanto membros do Parlamento, são os construtores de pontes entre as pessoas, as comunidades e os governos. 

We look to your efforts to articulate and link global institutions to national priorities, something essential to deliver on the promise of the Summit of the Future. 

Contamos convosco nesse esforço de articulação e ligação entre as instituições mundiais e as prioridades nacionais, essencial para que se cumpra a promessa da Cimeira do Futuro. 

Everyone has a stake in the outcome of the Summit.  So this topic is not only up to the politicians.

Todos podem ganhar com os resultados desta. Então não é um assunto que diz respeito apenas aos políticos. 

I was very pleased to learn that young people in Timor-Leste, with support from the UN, have been organizing and meeting on the Summit of the Future, making proposals for change and concrete action.

Fiquei muito satisfeito ao saber que jovens de Timor-Leste, com o apoio da ONU, se têm organizado e reunido no âmbito da Cimeira do Futuro, apresentando propostas de mudança e medidas concretas.

Change demands momentum. And this is the momentum we need.

A mudança exige impulso. E é este o impulso que precisamos. 



The world has much to learn from Timor-Leste.

O mundo tem muito a aprender com Timor-Leste. 

By showing the power of multilateralism, diplomacy and hope in a better future, you have inspired the world.

Ao mostrar o poder do multilateralismo, da diplomacia e da esperança num futuro melhor, os timorenses inspiraram o mundo. 

The United Nations is honoured to be your steadfast partner on every step of this journey.  

As Nações Unidas têm a honra de ser o vosso parceiro constante em cada etapa desta caminhada. 

And we will never stop supporting you to forge an even more prosperous future.

E nunca deixaremos de vos apoiar na construção de um futuro ainda mais próspero. 

Thank you.

Muito obrigado. 

Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on the occupied West Bank

Source: United Nations – English

he Secretary-General is deeply concerned by the latest developments in the occupied West Bank, including Israel’s launch today of large-scale military operations in Jenin, Tulkarm and Tubas governorates, involving the use of airstrikes, which resulted in casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure. He strongly condemns the loss of lives, including of children.
The Secretary-General calls for an immediate cessation of these operations. 
He calls on Israel to comply with its relevant obligations under international humanitarian law and to take measures to protect civilians and ensure their safety. He urges security forces to exercise maximum restraint and use lethal force only when it is strictly unavoidable to protect life.

All those injured must have access to medical care, and humanitarian workers must be able to reach everyone in need.

These dangerous developments are fueling an already explosive situation in the occupied West Bank and further undermining the Palestinian Authority.

The Secretary-General is also deeply concerned by the recent  dangerous and provocative acts and statements by an Israeli Minister at the Holy Sites in Jerusalem. He stresses the importance of maintaining the status quo at the Sites.

Ultimately, only an end to the occupation and a return to a meaningful political process that will establish a two-state solution will bring an end to the violence. The United Nations will continue to work with all parties towards this end, to seek a de-escalation of the current situation and promote stability in the region.

Secretary-General’s message to the International Disability Inclusion Conference: Harnessing the Transformational Impact of Para Sport

Source: United Nations – English

am pleased to send greetings to this International Disability Inclusion Conference ahead of the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris.

The Paralympic Games are anchored in the values of fairness, equality, opportunity and respect – and demonstrate the immense power of sport to unite people across cultures. The Games also shine a spotlight on the possibilities and potential of more than one billion persons with disabilities worldwide.

They drive us all – from governments, to local authorities, to decision-makers everywhere – to take action to overcome the barriers to the full and meaningful inclusion of persons with disabilities.

The Paralympic Games set a benchmark for a collaborative, inclusive, accessible and sustainable society. To make that a reality around the world, we need investments, and we need to come together, to advance disability inclusion in sport, through sport, and in all aspects of life.

The United Nations is committed to working with the International Paralympic Committee and all partners to achieve this vision.

Secretary-General’s remarks to the opening of the Pacific Islands Forum

Source: United Nations – English

our Royal Highnesses, Excellencies, Dear Friends,

All protocol observed,

It is a great pleasure to address the Pacific Islands Forum.

And allow me to express my deep gratitude to the government and the people of Tonga for their incredible hospitality.

We meet at a turbulent time for our world.

Raging conflicts; an escalating climate crisis; inequalities and injustices everywhere and the 2030 Agenda is faltering.

But this region is a beacon of solidarity and strength, environmental stewardship and peace.

The world has much to learn from the Pacific and the world must also step up to support your initiatives.


This is a region of fearless seafarers, expert fishers, and deep ancestral knowledge of the ocean.  

But humanity is treating the sea like a sewer.

Plastic pollution is choking sealife.

Greenhouse gases are causing ocean heating, acidification, and a dramatic and accelerating rise in sea levels.

Pacific islands are showing the way to protect our climate, our planet and our ocean:

By declaring a Climate Emergency and pushing for action.

And with your Declarations on Sea Level Rise, and aspirations for a just transition to a fossil-fuel-free Pacific.

The young people of the Pacific have taken the climate crisis all the way to the International Court of Justice.

You have also rightly recognized that this is a security crisis – and taken steps to manage those risks together.

I want to express my full support to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, and I will do my best to help mobilize international resources for the Pacific Resilience Facility and to engage with all the relevant initiatives the Pacific Island Forum.


The survival plan for our planet is simple:

Establishing a just transition for the phaseout of the fossil fuels that are responsible for 85 per cent of the emissions of greenhouse gases.

All countries must produce national climate plans – Nationally Determined Contributions – by next year, aligning with the 1.5-degree upper limit of global heating.

The G20 – the biggest emitters responsible for 80 per cent of those emissions – must step up and lead, by phasing out the production and consumption of fossil fuels and stopping their expansion immediately.

When governments sign new oil and gas licenses, they are signing away our future.

The Pacific Island states’ ambition for a fossil-fuel-free Pacific is a blueprint for the G20 and for the world.
But the region urgently needs substantial finance, capacities and technology to speed up the transition and to invest in adaptation and resilience.

That is why we have been calling for the reform of the international financial architecture, for a massive increase in the lending capacity of Multilateral Development Banks, for debt relief programmes that work, including for middle income countries that are in distress, and an enhanced redistribution of Special Drawing Rights, to benefit developing countries and in particular Small Islands Developing States.


The decisions world leaders take in the coming years will determine the fate, first of Pacific Islanders – but also of everyone else.

In other words: If we save the Pacific, we save the world.

Pacific Island States have a moral and practical imperative to take your leadership and your voice to the global stage.

You demonstrated this leadership once again with the General Assembly’s endorsement of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index. We must now make sure that international financial institutions include them in their criteria for operations.

The Summit of the Future in New York next month will be an opportunity to reform and update global institutions, so they are fit for the world of today and tomorrow. 

Across the board, the Summit aims to provide developing countries with a greater voice on the global stage, including at the UN Security Council and in international financial institutions.

I urge Pacific Island States to make your voices heard and heard loudly because the world needs your leadership.

Thank you very much.

UN Secretary-General’s remarks to the opening of the Pacific Islands Forum

Source: United Nations – English

our Royal Highnesses,


Dear Friends,

All protocol observed,

It is a great pleasure to address the Pacific Islands Forum.

And allow me to express my deep gratitude to the government and the people of Tonga for their incredible hospitality.

We meet at a turbulent time for our world.

Raging conflicts; an escalating climate crisis; inequalities and injustices everywhere and the 2030 Agenda is faltering.

But this region is a beacon of solidarity and strength, environmental stewardship and peace.

The world has much to learn from the Pacific and the world must also step up to support your initiatives.


This is a region of fearless seafarers, expert fishers, and deep ancestral knowledge of the ocean.  

But humanity is treating the sea like a sewer.

Plastic pollution is choking sealife.

Greenhouse gases are causing ocean heating, acidification, and a dramatic and accelerating rise in sea levels.

Pacific islands are showing the way to protect our climate, our planet and our ocean:

By declaring a Climate Emergency and pushing for action.

And with your Declarations on Sea Level Rise, and aspirations for a just transition to a fossil-fuel-free Pacific.

The young people of the Pacific have taken the climate crisis all the way to the International Court of Justice.

You have also rightly recognized that this is a security crisis – and taken steps to manage those risks together.

I want to express my full support to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, and I will do my best to help mobilize international resources for the Pacific Resilience Facility and to engage with all the relevant initiatives the Pacific Island Forum.


The survival plan for our planet is simple:

Establishing a just transition for the phaseout of the fossil fuels that are responsible for 85 per cent of the emissions of greenhouse gases.

All countries must produce national climate plans – Nationally Determined Contributions – by next year, aligning with the 1.5-degree upper limit of global heating.

The G20 – the biggest emitters responsible for 80 per cent of those emissions – must step up and lead, by phasing out the production and consumption of fossil fuels and stopping their expansion immediately.

When governments sign new oil and gas licenses, they are signing away our future.

The Pacific Island states’ ambition for a fossil-fuel-free Pacific is a blueprint for the G20 and for the world.
But the region urgently needs substantial finance, capacities and technology to speed up the transition and to invest in adaptation and resilience.

That is why we have been calling for the reform of the international financial architecture, for a massive increase in the lending capacity of Multilateral Development Banks, for debt relief programmes that work, including for middle income countries that are in distress, and an enhanced redistribution of Special Drawing Rights, to benefit developing countries and in particular Small Islands Developing States.


The decisions world leaders take in the coming years will determine the fate, first of Pacific Islanders – but also of everyone else.

In other words: If we save the Pacific, we save the world.

Pacific Island States have a moral and practical imperative to take your leadership and your voice to the global stage.

You demonstrated this leadership once again with the General Assembly’s endorsement of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index. We must now make sure that international financial institutions include them in their criteria for operations.

The Summit of the Future in New York next month will be an opportunity to reform and update global institutions, so they are fit for the world of today and tomorrow. 

Across the board, the Summit aims to provide developing countries with a greater voice on the global stage, including at the UN Security Council and in international financial institutions.

I urge Pacific Island States to make your voices heard and heard loudly because the world needs your leadership.

Thank you very much.