Secretary-General’s message on World Post Day [scroll down for French version]

Source: United Nations – English

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On this World Post Day, we mark a historic milestone – the 150th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union.

In times of war and peace, crises and upheaval, the international postal network has delivered — connecting communities and upholding the fundamental right to communicate.

The UPU is also one of the earliest examples of multilateralism in action.

Global cooperation helped guarantee a single postal territory worldwide – one that leaves no one behind by delivering messages, goods, and financial services to some of the most remote places on earth.

Looking ahead, the UPU continues to leverage new technologies to provide essential services to humanity.  

On this important day, let’s honour and celebrate the work of the Universal Postal Union to bridge distances and unite the world.  

En cette Journée mondiale de la poste, nous célébrons une date historique : le 150e anniversaire de l’Union postale universelle (UPU).

En temps de paix comme en temps de guerre, de crises et de troubles, le réseau postal international remplit invariablement sa mission : il rapproche les gens à travers le monde et défend le droit fondamental de communiquer.

L’UPU est l’une des premières illustrations du multilatéralisme en action.

En travaillant main dans la main, les pays sont parvenus à faire du monde un territoire postal unique, concrétisant ainsi la promesse de ne laisser personne de côté en rendant possible la livraison de courriers et de colis, de même que la prestation de services financiers, jusque dans les lieux les plus reculés de la planète.

Organisation tournée vers l’avenir, l’UPU continue de tirer parti des nouvelles technologies pour fournir des services essentiels à l’humanité.

En ce jour important, rendons hommage au travail mené par l’UPU pour réduire les distances et unir les personnes à travers le monde.

Secretary-General’s message to mark one year since the attacks of 7 October 2023 [scroll down for Arabic, Chinese, French, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish]

Source: United Nations – English

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Today marks one year since the horrific events of October 7th when Hamas launched a large-scale terror attack in Israel killing over 1,250 Israelis and foreign nationals, including children and women. 

More than 250 people were abducted and taken to Gaza, including many women and children.  
The October 7th attack scarred souls – and on this day we remember all those who were brutally killed and suffered unspeakable violence – including sexual violence – as they were simply living their lives.  
This is a day for the global community to repeat in the loudest voice our utter condemnation of the abhorrent acts of Hamas, including the taking of hostages.  
Over the course of the past year, I have met with the families of hostages…learned more about the lives, hopes and dreams of their loved ones … and shared in their anguish and pain.

I cannot imagine the torture they are forced to endure every day.  I demand once again the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. 

Until then, Hamas must allow the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit those hostages. 
The 7th of October is naturally a day to focus on the events of that awful day.  I express my solidarity with all the victims and their loved ones.

Since October 7th, a wave of shocking violence and bloodshed has erupted.

The war that has followed the terrible attacks of one year ago continues to shatter lives and inflict profound human suffering for Palestinians in Gaza, and now the people of Lebanon. 

I have spoken out about this often and clearly. 

It is time for the release of the hostages.  Time to silence the guns.  Time to stop the suffering that has engulfed the region.  Time for peace, international law and justice.

The United Nations is fully committed to achieving those goals.

In the midst of so much bloodshed and division, we must hold on to hope. 

Let us honour the memory of the victims, reunite families and end the suffering and violence in the whole Middle East.

And let us never stop working for a lasting solution to the conflict where Israel, Palestine and all other countries of the region can finally live in peace and dignity and with respect for one another. 


Download the video with Arabic subtitles:

            يصادف اليوم مرور عام على الأحداث المروعة التي وقعت في السابع من تشرين الأول/أكتوبر عندما شنت حماس هجوماً إرهابياً واسع النطاق في إسرائيل أسفر عن مقتل أكثر من 1,250 من الإسرائيليين والرعايا الأجانب، بينهم أطفال ونساء.
            وجرى في هذا الهجوم اختطاف أكثر من 250 شخصا، بينهم العديد من النساء والأطفال، واقتيادهم إلى غزة.
            لقد خلّف هجوم السابع من تشرين الأول/أكتوبر ندوبا غائرة في النفوس – وها نحن في يومنا هذا نستحضر ذكرى جميع أولئك الذين قُتلوا بوحشية وتعرضوا لعنف يجلُّ عن الوصف – بما فيه العنف الجنسي – بينما كانوا يعيشون حياتهم كأي إنسان عادي.
            إنه يوم يكرر فيه المجتمع الدولي بأعلى صوته إدانتنا المطلقة للأفعال الشنعاء التي قامت بها حماس، بما في ذلك اختطاف رهائن.
            ولقد التقيت على مدار العام الماضي بعائلات الرهائن.. تعرفت بدرجة أكبر على حياة أحبائهم وآمالهم وأحلامهم، وشاطرتهم معاناتهم وألمهم.
            ولا أستطيع أن أتخيل العذاب الذي يُجبرون على تحمله كل يوم. وأطالب مرة أخرى بالإفراج الفوري وغير المشروط عن جميع الرهائن.
            وحتى ذلك الحين، يجب أن تسمح حماس للجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر بزيارة هؤلاء الرهائن.
            ومن الطبيعي أن يكون يوم السابع من تشرين الأول/أكتوبر يوما للتركيز على أحداث ذلك اليوم البغيض. وإنني أعرب عن تضامني مع جميع الضحايا وأحبائهم.
            ولقد اندلعت منذ السابع من تشرين الأول/أكتوبر موجة مروعة من العنف وسفك الدماء.
            ولا تزال الحرب التي أعقبت الهجمات الرهيبة التي وقعت قبل عام تعصف بحياة الفلسطينيين في غزة وتُلحق بهم معاناة إنسانية بالغة، هم وشعب لبنان الآن.
            وهو أمر كثيرا ما تحدثتُ عنه بوضوح.
            لقد حان الوقت لإطلاق سراح الرهائن. حان الوقت لإسكات البنادق. حان الوقت لوقف المعاناة التي اجتاحت المنطقة. حان وقت السلام والقانون الدولي والعدالة.
            والأمم المتحدة ملتزمة تمام الالتزام بتحقيق تلك الأهداف.
            ويجب علينا، في خضم الكثير من سفك الدماء والانقسام، أن نتشبث بالأمل.
            دعونا نكرّم ذكرى الضحايا، ونُعِدْ لم شمل العائلات ونضع حدا للمعاناة والعنف في الشرق الأوسط بأكمله.
            دعونا لا نتوقف أبدًا عن العمل من أجل التوصل إلى حل دائم للنزاع يمكِّن إسرائيل وفلسطين وجميع الدول الأخرى في المنطقة من أن تنعم أخيرا بالعيش في سلام وكرامة واحترام لبعضها البعض.


今天是10月7日可怕事件发生一周年,那一天哈马斯在以色列发动大规模恐怖袭击,造成1 250多名以色列人和外国国民死亡,其中包括儿童和妇女,另有数千人受伤。
Un an s’est écoulé depuis les terribles événements du 7 octobre, ce jour où le Hamas a lancé une attaque terroriste de grande ampleur en Israël, tuant plus de 1 250 Israéliens et ressortissants étrangers, y compris des femmes et des enfants.
Plus de 250 personnes, dont beaucoup de femmes et d’enfants, ont été enlevées et emmenées à Gaza.
L’attaque du 7 octobre a frappé les esprits. En ce jour, nous nous souvenons de toutes celles et de tous ceux qui ont été brutalement tués ou subi des violences indicibles – y compris des violences sexuelles – alors qu’ils vivaient simplement leurs vies.
Aujourd’hui est le jour où la communauté internationale doit redire haut et fort qu’elle condamne catégoriquement les actes odieux commis par le Hamas, y compris la prise d’otages.
Au cours de l’année écoulée, j’ai rencontré les familles des otages et en ai appris davantage sur la vie, les espoirs et les rêves de leurs proches, tout en partageant leur angoisse et leur peine.
Je n’imagine pas les tourments qu’ils doivent endurer chaque jour. J’exige une fois encore la libération immédiate et inconditionnelle de tous les otages.
Tant qu’ils n’auront pas été libérés, le Hamas doit permettre au Comité international de la Croix-Rouge de leur rendre visite.
Le 7 octobre est bien sûr un jour où l’on se concentre sur les événements de ce jour atroce. J’exprime ma solidarité avec toutes les victimes et leurs proches.
Depuis le 7 octobre, une terrible vague de violence et d’effusion de sang a éclaté.
La guerre qui a suivi la terrible attaque de l’année dernière continue de briser des vies et d’infliger de profondes souffrances aux Palestiniens de Gaza et, aujourd’hui, au peuple libanais.
Je me suis exprimé à ce sujet de façon claire et répétée.
L’heure est venue de libérer les otages. L’heure est venue de faire taire les armes. L’heure est venue de mettre fin aux souffrances qui engloutissent la région. L’heure est à la paix, au droit international et à la justice.
L’Organisation des Nations Unies est pleinement déterminée à atteindre ces objectifs.
Au milieu de tant d’horreurs et de divisions, nous devons garder l’espoir.
Honorons la mémoire des victimes, réunissons les familles et mettons fin à la souffrance et à la violence dans l’ensemble du Moyen-Orient.
Ne cessons jamais d’oeuvrer en faveur d’une solution durable au conflit, afin qu’Israël, la Palestine et tous les autres pays de la région vivent enfin dans la paix, la dignité et le respect mutuel.

Download the video with Hebrew subtitles:

היום אנחנו מציינים שנה מאז האירועים הנוראיים של ה-7 באוקטובר, כאשר חמאס פתח במתקפת טרור נרחבת על ישראל, שבא נהרגו למעלה מ-1,250 ישראלים ואזרחים זרים, כולל ילדים ונשים..
יותר מ-250 בני אדם נחטפו ונלקחו בני ערובה לעזה, רבים מהם נשים וילדים.
הפיגוע ב-7 באוקטובר צילקה נשמות – וביום הזה אנחנו זוכרים את כל מי שנהרג באכזריות ואת אלה שסבלו מאלימות שאין לתאר – כולל אלימות מינית – בזמן שהם פשוט חיו את חייהם.
זהו יום שבו הקהילה הבין–לאומית תחזור בקול הרם החזק ביותר שלנו בגינוי מוחלט למעשיו המתועבים של חמאס, כולל לקיחת בני ערובה.
במהלך השנה האחרונה, נפגשתי עם משפחות החטופים, ולמדתי יותר על חייהם, ועל התקוות והחלומות שלהם ועל  יקיריהם, והשתתפתי בייסורים שלהם, ובכאב שלהם
אני לא יכול לדמיין את העינויים שהם נאלצים לסבול מדי יום. אני קורא ודורש שוב את שחרורם המיידי וללא תנאים של כל החטופים.
עד אז, אני קורא לחמאס לאפשר לצלב האדום לבקר את כל בני הערובה.
ה-7 באוקטובר הוא כמובן יום להתמקד באירועים של אותו יום נורא. אני מביע את הזדהותי עם כל הקורבנות ויקיריהם.
מאז ה-7 באוקטובר פרץ גל של אלימות מזעזעת ושפיכות דמים.
המלחמה שבאה בעקבות הפיגועים הנוראים של ה7.10 ממשיכה לנפץ חיים ולגרום לסבל אנושי עמוק לפלסטינים בעזה, וכעת לתושבי לבנון.
דיברתי על זה לעתים קרובות ובאופן ברור ונחרץ.
הגיע הזמן לשחרור החטופים. הגיע הזמן להשתיק את הרובים. הגיע הזמן להפסיק את הסבל שאפף את האזור. הגיע הזמן לשלום, לחוק בינלאומי ולצדק.
האו”ם מחויב במלואו להשגת מטרות אלו.
בתוך כל כך הרבה שפיכות דמים ופילוג, עלינו להחזיק בתקווה.
בואו נכבד את זכר הקורבנות, נאחד משפחות ונסיים את הסבל והאלימות בכל מזרח התיכון.
ולעולם לא נפסיק לפעול למען פתרון יציב וקבוע לסכסוך שבין ישראל, פלסטין וכל שאר מדינות האזור, שיוכלו כולם סוף סוף לחיות בשלום ובכבוד זה ליד זה.

Сегодня исполняется год со дня ужасных событий 7 октября, когда ХАМАС совершило в Израиле масштабное террористиче-ское нападение, в результате которого погибли более 1250 израильтян и иностранных граждан, включая детей и жен-щин.
Более 250 человек были похищены и увезены в Газу, среди них много женщин и детей.
Нападение 7 октября оставило неизгладимый след в сердцах людей, и сегодня мы вспоминаем всех тех, кто просто жил своей жизнью и был жестоко убит или подвергся чудовищному наси-лию, в том числе сексуальному.
В этот день мировое сообщество должно вновь во всеуслы-шание осудить омерзительные действия ХАМАС, включая захват заложников.
В течение прошедшего года я встречался с семьями заложни-ков, узнал о жизни, надеждах и мечтах их близких и разделил их страдания и боль.
Я не могу представить, какой пытке они подвергаются еже-дневно. Я вновь требую немедленного и безоговорочного осво-бождения всех заложников.
Пока же ХАМАС должна разрешить Международному коми-тету Красного Креста посетить заложников.
Как и следовало ожидать, 7 октября посвящено событиям того ужасного дня. Я выражаю свою солидарность со всеми жертвами и их близкими.
Начиная с 7 октября поднялась волна ужасающего насилия и кровопролития.
Война, последовавшая за ужасными нападениями годичной давности, продолжает ломать жизни и причинять глубокие чело-веческие страдания палестинцам в Газе, а теперь и народу Ливана.
Я много раз прямо говорил об этом.
Пора освободить заложников. Пора сложить оружие. Пора положить конец страданиям, охватившим регион. Настало время мира, международного права и справедливости.
Организация Объединенных Наций всецело привержена до-стижению этих целей.
В разгар такого кровопролития и в условиях непримиримых разногласий мы должны сохранять надежду.
Давайте почтим память погибших, воссоединим семьи и по-ложим конец страданиям и насилию на всем Ближнем Востоке.
И не будем прекращать усилий, направленных на долгосроч-ное урегулирование конфликта, чтобы Израиль, Палестина и все другие страны региона смогли наконец жить в мире и достоин-стве, уважая друг друга.

Hoy hace un año de los terribles sucesos ocurridos el 7 de octubre, el día en que Hamás perpetró en Israel un atentado terrorista a gran escala que causó la muerte a más de 1.250 ciudadanos israelíes y extranjeros, entre ellos niños, niñas y mujeres.
Más de 250 personas fueron secuestradas y llevadas a Gaza, muchas de ellas mujeres, niñas y niños.
El atentado del 7 de octubre dejó graves secuelas anímicas y, por eso, hoy recordamos a todas aquellas personas cuyas vidas cotidianas se vieron truncadas por una muerte brutal y por actos indescriptibles de violencia, incluida violencia sexual.
En esta fecha, la comunidad mundial alza su voz para reiterar su absoluta condena de los abominables actos cometidos por Hamás, incluida la toma de rehenes.
A lo largo del último año me he reunido con las familias de los rehenes… he podido conocer mejor la vida, las esperanzas y los sueños de sus seres queridos… y he compartido su angustia y dolor.
Pero no puedo ni imaginar la tortura que tienen que soportar día tras día. Y exijo una vez más la liberación inmediata e incondicional de todos los rehenes.
Hasta que llegue ese momento, Hamás debe permitir que el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja visite a los rehenes.
El 7 de octubre es, naturalmente, una fecha para reflexionar sobre los sucesos de aquel espantoso día. Por mi parte, me solidarizo con todas las víctimas y sus seres queridos.
Aquel 7 de octubre desencadenó una oleada de violencia y derramamiento de sangre de proporciones aterradoras.
La guerra que siguió a los terribles atentados de hace un año sigue destrozando vidas e infligiendo un profundo sufrimiento a la población palestina de Gaza, y ahora también al pueblo del Líbano.
A este respecto, me he expresado de forma muy clara y en numerosas ocasiones.
Ya es hora de liberar a los rehenes; es hora de silenciar las armas; es hora de poner fin al sufrimiento que devora la región. Ha llegado la hora de la paz, el derecho internacional y la justicia.
Las Naciones Unidas mantienen su pleno compromiso de lograr esos objetivos.
En medio de tanta sangre derramada y tantas disensiones, hemos de aferrarnos a la esperanza.
Honremos la memoria de las víctimas, reunamos a las familias y pongamos fin al sufrimiento y la violencia en todo Oriente Medio.
Y tratemos sin descanso de alcanzar una solución duradera del conflicto que permita a Israel, Palestina y todos los otros países de la región vivir por fin en paz y con dignidad, respetándose mutuamente.

Secretary-General’s message on the International Day of Older Persons: “Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide.” [scroll down for French version]

Source: United Nations – English

s populations age, care and support systems are vital for older persons to continue actively engaging and enriching their communities.

Yet too often older persons do not have access to this crucial assistance, deepening inequalities and increasing their vulnerabilities. This disparity falls even heavier on women, including older women, who bear the brunt of providing unpaid care.

Recognising the rights of both those who receive care and care givers is essential for more resilient societies.

We must work to cultivate people-centered care systems that are sustainable and equitable, and they must amplify the voices of older persons by ensuring their participation in policy making.

That requires investing in the infrastructure for formal long-term care, ensuring opportunities for decent work, and enabling individuals to transition from informal to formal care.

On this International Day of Older Persons, let’s commit to strengthen care and support systems that honour the dignity of older persons and caregivers.

Avec le vieillissement de la population, les systèmes de soins et de soutien sont essentiels pour permettre aux personnes âgées de continuer de participer activement à la vie de leur communauté et d’enrichir celle-ci.

Pourtant, trop souvent, les personnes âgées n’ont pas accès à cette aide cruciale, ce qui aggrave les inégalités et accroît leur vulnérabilité. Ce sont les femmes, y compris les femmes âgées, qui souffrent le plus de cette disparité, car ce sont bien souvent elles qui ont la charge des soins non rémunérés.

Il est essentiel de reconnaître les droits des personnes qui reçoivent des soins comme de celles qui les prodiguent, pour bâtir des sociétés plus résilientes.

Nous devons nous efforcer de mettre au point des systèmes de soins centrés sur l’humain, qui soient durables et équitables et donnent voix au chapitre aux personnes âgées en garantissant leur participation à l’élaboration des politiques.

Pour cela, il faut investir dans l’infrastructure des soins formels de longue durée, créer des possibilités de travail décent et permettre aux personnes qui prodiguent des soins informels de devenir des aidants formels.

En cette Journée internationale des personnes âgées, engageons-nous à renforcer les systèmes de soins et de soutien pour garantir la dignité des personnes âgées et des aidants.

Secretary-General’s video message to the Forum of Mayors “Cities Summit of the Future”

Source: United Nations – English

strong>Download the video:

Dear distinguished Mayors, Dear Friends,

I want to thank the Forum of Mayors for your leadership – and for advancing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Cities are on the frontlines of shaping a world that is more prosperous, sustainable, inclusive, and interconnected.

This gathering shows you are once again on the frontlines of innovation and change.

The Summit of the Future has just concluded, and you are already joining forces to move the agenda where it matters most – at the local level, on the ground, in people’s lives.

As Secretary-General, I recognize and applaud your pivotal role – which is one reason I created the UN Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments.

I have seen how cities are engine rooms to transform sustainable development goals into sustainable development realities. 

By working to tackle the climate crisis and create green jobs.

By building inclusive and equitable communities.

By helping families stay afloat during economic hard times.

Cities are magnets for hope and opportunity for so many people around the world. 

Thank you for transforming that hope into action.   

Thank you for coming together to take the vision of the Summit of the Future forward for Cities of the future.

We need your energy, initiatives, and ideas more than ever.

Secretary-General’s remarks to the Security Council – on Gaza [as delivered]

Source: United Nations – English

r. President, Excellencies,

Almost one year has passed since the horrific acts of terror perpetrated by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups on 7 October.

I repeat my utter condemnation of these attacks, and the taking of hostages.

Nothing can justify such acts.

This week, I held two more in a series of meetings with the families of hostages. I call again for their immediate and unconditional release.

Since 7 October, relentless Israeli bombardment and hostilities have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza – including many women and children.

Countless others have been injured, maimed, and traumatized for life.

The speed and scale of the killing and destruction in Gaza are unlike anything in my years as Secretary-General.

Nothing can also justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Over the past year, virtually the entire population of Gaza has been displaced – many of them several times – with nowhere safe to go.

Half of the homeless are children.

All are surviving in appalling conditions with very limited access to food, water, sanitation, shelter and healthcare.

All are in constant fear for their lives. 

In the face of this destruction, international humanitarian law is in tatters.

And let’s be clear.

Violations by one side cannot be used to justify violations by the other.

The humanitarian system is hanging by a thread. 226 of our own colleagues have been killed, many with their families. I call for investigations and accountability for these killings.  

At the same time, violence continues in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Some 700 Palestinians and 14 Israelis have been killed since 7 October – the highest number on both sides in more than two decades. 

The construction of new settlements, landgrabs, demolitions and settler violence all continue.

The Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice found that Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful, and that Israel has an obligation to end it as rapidly as possible.

The General Assembly demanded that Israel should comply.

Meanwhile, the Israeli authorities continue to limit and prevent the international media from reporting from the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

International media outlets are the eyes and ears of the world. Journalists must be able to do their jobs everywhere.

Mr. President,

Shockwaves radiating from the unprecedented death and destruction in Gaza now threaten to push the entire region into the abyss: a full-scale conflagration with unimaginable consequences.

Monday was the bloodiest day in Lebanon since 2006.

Today, Israeli Defence Forces struck civilian buildings in Beirut, saying they had targeted Hezbollah’s main headquarters located underneath.

War in Lebanon could lead to further escalation involving outside powers.

I fully support the proposal for a temporary ceasefire – allowing for the delivery of humanitarian relief and paving the way for the resumption of serious negotiations for a durable peace across the Blue Line. 

We need this ceasefire now.

We cannot afford endless negotiations, as we have on Gaza.

We must avoid a regional war at all costs.  

Gaza remains the epicentre of the violence.

And Gaza is key to ending it.

Mr. President,

Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world for the delivery of humanitarian assistance. But our colleagues continue to do their utmost to fulfil their humanitarian mission.

The recent polio vaccination campaign shows what humanitarian agencies can do when they are allowed to carry out their vital work.

But crossing points into Gaza remain restricted or inaccessible. Roads are damaged and littered with unexploded ordnance.

Essential items including shelter kits and protective equipment are prohibited.

So far this month, almost half of coordinated humanitarian movements in Gaza were denied access or otherwise impeded by the Israeli authorities.

Eighty-seven percent of movements between the north and south were denied or impeded.

Instead of scaling up humanitarian operations, we see a scaling up of attacks and harassment against humanitarian personnel.

On 28 August, Israeli forces opened fire on a clearly marked World Food Programme armored vehicle that was part of a convoy that had been coordinated with the Israeli military authorities. Ten bullets hit the windows of the vehicle.

On 9 September, a UN convoy that had been fully coordinated with Israeli forces was stopped at Al-Rashid checkpoint on its way to support the polio vaccination campaign in northern Gaza.    

Soldiers pointed their weapons directly at the convoy personnel. The clearly marked UN vehicles were encircled by Israeli forces and live shots were fired.

The convoy was approached by two Israeli tanks and a bulldozer. The rear tank rammed the UN vehicles from the back, compacting the convoy with 12 humanitarian workers inside. 

The bulldozer dropped debris on the first vehicle, while soldiers threatened the UN and NGO personnel inside.

Actions like this create significant risks to UN and other humanitarian personnel.

Attacks on humanitarians are an unacceptable assault on the values of the United Nations and must stop.

Meanwhile, the indispensable work of UNRWA cannot be undermined by attacks against its people and mandate, and by administrative obstacles. 

I urge the Israeli authorities to do everything in their power to end attacks on UN personnel and property; to stop spreading disinformation against UN officials and entities; and to speed up the approval of visas and procurement requests.

All parties must abide by their obligations to protect humanitarian personnel and ensure that civilian sites are not used for military purposes.

Mr. President,

The United Nations will continue to support all efforts towards sustainable peace, starting with an end to the violence.

The death spiral must end – for Gaza, for the people of Palestine and Israel, for the region, and for the world.

International humanitarian law must be respected.

Civilians – and civilian infrastructure – must be protected.

Aid must flow freely and safely.

And there must finally be accountability.

The key to peace in the region is a political solution.

All hostages must be released immediately and unconditionally, and the international community must mobilize for an immediate ceasefire and the beginning of an irreversible process towards the end of the Occupation and the creation of a Palestinian State.  

I urge the Council to unite in support of an immediate ceasefire leading to a viable two-State solution.

That is the only way to end this cycle of tragedy.

Thank you.

Secretary-General’s remarks to the Security Council – on Gaza [as delivered]

Source: United Nations – English

r. President, Excellencies,

Almost one year has passed since the horrific acts of terror perpetrated by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups on 7 October.

I repeat my utter condemnation of these attacks, and the taking of hostages.

Nothing can justify such acts.

This week, I held two more in a series of meetings with the families of hostages. I call again for their immediate and unconditional release.

Since 7 October, relentless Israeli bombardment and hostilities have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza – including many women and children.

Countless others have been injured, maimed, and traumatized for life.

The speed and scale of the killing and destruction in Gaza are unlike anything in my years as Secretary-General.

Nothing can also justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Over the past year, virtually the entire population of Gaza has been displaced – many of them several times – with nowhere safe to go.

Half of the homeless are children.

All are surviving in appalling conditions with very limited access to food, water, sanitation, shelter and healthcare.

All are in constant fear for their lives. 

In the face of this destruction, international humanitarian law is in tatters.

And let’s be clear.

Violations by one side cannot be used to justify violations by the other.

The humanitarian system is hanging by a thread. 226 of our own colleagues have been killed, many with their families. I call for investigations and accountability for these killings.  

At the same time, violence continues in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Some 700 Palestinians and 14 Israelis have been killed since 7 October – the highest number on both sides in more than two decades. 

The construction of new settlements, landgrabs, demolitions and settler violence all continue.

The Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice found that Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful, and that Israel has an obligation to end it as rapidly as possible.

The General Assembly demanded that Israel should comply.

Meanwhile, the Israeli authorities continue to limit and prevent the international media from reporting from the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

International media outlets are the eyes and ears of the world. Journalists must be able to do their jobs everywhere.

Mr. President,

Shockwaves radiating from the unprecedented death and destruction in Gaza now threaten to push the entire region into the abyss: a full-scale conflagration with unimaginable consequences.

Monday was the bloodiest day in Lebanon since 2006.

Today, Israeli Defence Forces struck civilian buildings in Beirut, saying they had targeted Hezbollah’s main headquarters located underneath.

War in Lebanon could lead to further escalation involving outside powers.

I fully support the proposal for a temporary ceasefire – allowing for the delivery of humanitarian relief and paving the way for the resumption of serious negotiations for a durable peace across the Blue Line. 

We need this ceasefire now.

We cannot afford endless negotiations, as we have on Gaza.

We must avoid a regional war at all costs.  

Gaza remains the epicentre of the violence.

And Gaza is key to ending it.

Mr. President,

Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world for the delivery of humanitarian assistance. But our colleagues continue to do their utmost to fulfil their humanitarian mission.

The recent polio vaccination campaign shows what humanitarian agencies can do when they are allowed to carry out their vital work.

But crossing points into Gaza remain restricted or inaccessible. Roads are damaged and littered with unexploded ordnance.

Essential items including shelter kits and protective equipment are prohibited.

So far this month, almost half of coordinated humanitarian movements in Gaza were denied access or otherwise impeded by the Israeli authorities.

Eighty-seven percent of movements between the north and south were denied or impeded.

Instead of scaling up humanitarian operations, we see a scaling up of attacks and harassment against humanitarian personnel.

On 28 August, Israeli forces opened fire on a clearly marked World Food Programme armored vehicle that was part of a convoy that had been coordinated with the Israeli military authorities. Ten bullets hit the windows of the vehicle.

On 9 September, a UN convoy that had been fully coordinated with Israeli forces was stopped at Al-Rashid checkpoint on its way to support the polio vaccination campaign in northern Gaza.    

Soldiers pointed their weapons directly at the convoy personnel. The clearly marked UN vehicles were encircled by Israeli forces and live shots were fired.

The convoy was approached by two Israeli tanks and a bulldozer. The rear tank rammed the UN vehicles from the back, compacting the convoy with 12 humanitarian workers inside. 

The bulldozer dropped debris on the first vehicle, while soldiers threatened the UN and NGO personnel inside.

Actions like this create significant risks to UN and other humanitarian personnel.

Attacks on humanitarians are an unacceptable assault on the values of the United Nations and must stop.

Meanwhile, the indispensable work of UNRWA cannot be undermined by attacks against its people and mandate, and by administrative obstacles. 

I urge the Israeli authorities to do everything in their power to end attacks on UN personnel and property; to stop spreading disinformation against UN officials and entities; and to speed up the approval of visas and procurement requests.

All parties must abide by their obligations to protect humanitarian personnel and ensure that civilian sites are not used for military purposes.

Mr. President,

The United Nations will continue to support all efforts towards sustainable peace, starting with an end to the violence.

The death spiral must end – for Gaza, for the people of Palestine and Israel, for the region, and for the world.

International humanitarian law must be respected.

Civilians – and civilian infrastructure – must be protected.

Aid must flow freely and safely.

And there must finally be accountability.

The key to peace in the region is a political solution.

All hostages must be released immediately and unconditionally, and the international community must mobilize for an immediate ceasefire and the beginning of an irreversible process towards the end of the Occupation and the creation of a Palestinian State.  

I urge the Council to unite in support of an immediate ceasefire leading to a viable two-State solution.

That is the only way to end this cycle of tragedy.

Thank you.

Secretary-General’s video message on the Global Africa Business Initiative

Source: United Nations – English

strong>Download the video:
Dear Friends,

It is my privilege to join you for this flagship event of the Global Africa Business Initiative. 

You are joining forces around a critical theme — “Unstoppable Africa.”

This theme reminds us of the importance of strengthening partnerships to amplify progress and prosperity on the continent and around the world.

You have two full days of activities geared around solutions to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and to shape global ambition for Agenda 2063. 

Unstoppable Africa needs our unstoppable efforts…

To spur development for all…

To ensure just and equitable transitions in critical areas like renewable energy, food systems, education and digital transformation…

To make meaningful reforms to the global financial architecture so all countries get the support they need and deserve…

And to boost African jobs and economic prosperity through historic initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area. 

Across all these areas, your ideas, commitment and investments are vital to driving sustainable and inclusive growth — for Africa and the world.

You can count on my support every step of the way.

I thank the African Union for its leadership — and all of you for your collaboration as we work as one to ensure that Africa’s future is one of peace, prosperity and opportunity for all.

Secretary-General’s video message on the Global Africa Business Initiative

Source: United Nations – English

strong>Download the video:
Dear Friends,

It is my privilege to join you for this flagship event of the Global Africa Business Initiative. 

You are joining forces around a critical theme — “Unstoppable Africa.”

This theme reminds us of the importance of strengthening partnerships to amplify progress and prosperity on the continent and around the world.

You have two full days of activities geared around solutions to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and to shape global ambition for Agenda 2063. 

Unstoppable Africa needs our unstoppable efforts…

To spur development for all…

To ensure just and equitable transitions in critical areas like renewable energy, food systems, education and digital transformation…

To make meaningful reforms to the global financial architecture so all countries get the support they need and deserve…

And to boost African jobs and economic prosperity through historic initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area. 

Across all these areas, your ideas, commitment and investments are vital to driving sustainable and inclusive growth — for Africa and the world.

You can count on my support every step of the way.

I thank the African Union for its leadership — and all of you for your collaboration as we work as one to ensure that Africa’s future is one of peace, prosperity and opportunity for all.

Secretary-General’s remarks to the annual meeting of G77 Foreign Ministers

Source: United Nations – English

r. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me begin by congratulating Uganda on its leadership of the G77 plus China this year.

And I want to salute your entire membership.

For 60 years – year in and year out — the G77 plus China has been on the frontlines for fairness, equality, justice and solidarity.

You have been the engine driving progress to eradicate poverty, to fight inequalities, to root out injustices in our post-colonial world.

And you have been shining a spotlight on the need for fundamental reforms of the multilateral system.

Reforms of the international financial architecture and the Security Council to make them more legitimate and more effective. 

Reforms to make sure our institutions reflect the realities of today’s world and respond to today’s challenges instead of the world and the challenges of 1945. 

We have taken some steps forward with the adoption of the Pact for the Future, the Declaration on Future Generations, and the Global Digital Compact.

Of course, not everything we may have hoped for was in the final package. 

But none of the achievements would have been possible without your insistence and persistence.  If you allow me an image, if you compare the documents that we approved on Sunday with the continued documents of the G7 and the G77, we have to recognize that they are much closer to the documents of the G77.  One 7 makes a lot of difference. 

I commend the G77 plus China for always pushing for maximum ambition and look forward to working with you as we continue pursuing the justice your countries deserve – and our world needs.

We still have a long way to go.

Our world is on a knife’s edge.

Climate chaos is worsening.

Conflicts are raging.

Human rights are floundering.

Inequality and injustice are eroding trust and undermining the social contract of societies.    

The rights of women and girls are being snuffed out.

Entire economies are drowning in debt.  

The digital divide is fast becoming a gaping chasm.

And the Sustainable Development Goals are hanging by a thread.

We need action on a number of fronts in line with what was approved in the Summit of the Future. 

First, financial justice.

Finance is the fuel to drive progress on sustainable development.

Yet so many countries remain locked out from accessing capital for essential investments.

This situation is unsustainable – and a recipe for social unrest. 

That is why we have been pushing for fundamental reforms to the outdated, ineffective and unfair international financial system, and an SDG Stimulus to provide developing countries with the resources they need while seeking medium- and long-term solutions.
We must keep working to make Multilateral Development Banks bigger, bolder and better, enabling them to massively scale up affordable financing for sustainable development, namely in developing countries. 

We must expand contingency financing through the recycling of Special Drawing Rights that until now have essentially benefitted rich countries and not those that have needed it the most.

We must promote effective long-term debt restructuring that puts people and planet at the centre.

And we must keep on working for a more inclusive and effective international tax system. I applaud the Ad Hoc Committee for drafting ambitious and practical Terms of Reference for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.

Second, climate justice.

We urgently need supercharged action to reduce emissions and avoid the worst of climate chaos.

This must be in line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances.

Every country must create new national climate action plans – or NDCs – well ahead of COP30, that align with 1.5 degrees and put the world on track to phase out fossil fuels – fast and fairly.
G20 countries – which together produce eighty percent of global emissions – have a responsibility to lead. I am working closely with President Lula of Brazil to drive action in the G20.

And I urge every developing country to make sure new national climate plans double as investment plans and boost sustainable development – harnessing renewables to power prosperity and pull people out of poverty.

The United Nations is mobilizing our entire system to support these efforts through the Climate Promise initiative.

We also need a strong finance outcome – including on innovative finance – from COP29. This also means significant contributions to the new Loss and Damage Fund.

I will continue to press developed countries to honour their promises;

Doubling adaptation funding to at least $40 billion a year by 2025.

Showing concretely how the enormous adaptation finance gap will be closed.

And everyone on earth must be protected by an effective early warning system by 2027.

We must address the injustices of the energy transition.

Developing countries are being locked out of the renewables revolution.

Investments in developing countries outside of China and India are stuck in a time warp reflecting 2015 levels. Africa attracted just 1% of renewable installations last year. It is clear that we must support developing countries to have the resources and the capacity to attract the investments that are necessary for the renewables revolution. 

The UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals has identified ways to ground the renewables revolution in justice and equity, spur sustainable development, and power prosperity in resource rich developing countries.

We must ensure that the race to net zero does not lead to developing countries being trampled underfoot.  

Third, technological justice.

Technology must benefit all of humanity.

The Global Digital Compact is a blueprint for how governments, together with tech companies, academia and civil society, can work together to make sure new technologies benefit everybody and to manage the risks they pose – including Artificial Intelligence.

AI has the potential to be an excellent servant but also a dangerous master.

I am pleased that the Compact includes proposals building on the resolution led by China on capacity building for Artificial Intelligence.

The High-Level Advisory Body on AI released its recommendations last week, which include bridging the AI divide through a Global Fund on AI for the SDGs, and an AI Capacity Development Network to boost AI expertise in developing countries.

We must keep working to ensure AI serves everyone, leaving no one behind and it will not be another factor to increase inequalities in the world. 

Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Across a very full agenda, the G77 and China are crucial to building a more just, inclusive and prosperous world.  

The G77 was vital in the adoption of the conclusions of the Summit of the Future but its implementation will not be easy.  There will be a lot of resistance.  The G77 must be an engine to make sure that what we have achieved in the Summit will be translated in effective realities to the benefit of developing countries. 

You can count on me in that essential cause.

Thank you.

Secretary-General’s message on World Tourism Day: “Tourism and Peace” [scroll down for French version]

Source: United Nations – English

ourism brings people together.

On this World Tourism Day, we reflect on the profound connection between tourism and peace.  

Sustainable tourism can transform communities – creating jobs, fostering inclusion and strengthening local economies.

By valuing and preserving cultural and natural heritage, it can help reduce tensions and nurture peaceful coexistence.  

Tourism can also promote economic interdependence between neighbours, encouraging cooperation and peaceful development.

At the same time, tourism broadens horizons.  Every traveller can be an ambassador, engaging respectfully with local populations, recognizing our diversity and shared humanity, and the values that unite us all.

As we celebrate tourism, let us travel responsibly, build bridges, and promote mutual respect among cultures and nations.

Together, we can harness the power of tourism to advance peace and prosperity for all.

Le tourisme rapproche les peuples.

La Journée mondiale du tourisme que nous célébrons aujourd’hui est l’occasion de réfléchir au lien profond qui unit le tourisme et la paix.

Le tourisme durable peut transformer les communautés : il crée des emplois, favorise l’inclusion et renforce les économies locales.

En conférant de la valeur au patrimoine culturel et naturel, qu’il contribue à préserver, il peut aider à réduire les tensions et à favoriser la coexistence pacifique.

Il peut également favoriser l’interdépendance économique entre voisins, et ainsi encourager la coopération et le développement pacifique.

Le tourisme, par ailleurs, élargit les horizons. Toute personne qui voyage peut devenir ambassadrice, interagissant avec respect avec les populations locales, constatant notre diversité, notre humanité commune, ainsi que les valeurs qui nous unissent toutes et tous.

Alors que nous célébrons le tourisme, appliquons-nous à voyager de manière responsable, à établir des ponts et à promouvoir le respect mutuel entre les cultures et les nations.

Ensemble, nous pouvons utiliser le pouvoir du tourisme pour faire progresser la paix et la prospérité pour toutes et tous.
