Secretary-General’s video message to the Launch of UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report

Source: United Nations – English

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Today’s Adaptation Gap report is clear: climate calamity is the new reality. And we’re not keeping up.

Earth’s ablaze. And humanity’s exposed.

This year, we’ve suffered the hottest day, and the hottest seas, in the history books.

Fifteen of the past sixteen months have broken temperature records.

And today, the World Meteorological Organization and partners tell us that 2024 is on track to be the hottest year ever recorded – almost two months before it ends.

Humanity’s torching the planet and paying the price.

Look at the past six months.

May: Floods sweep East Africa and Brazil. Heatwave grips Asia.

June: Deadly heat in Mexico, the Middle East, and the USA.  

July: The Caribbean’s earliest ever Category five Hurricane.

August: Greek cities surrounded by flames.  

September: Hurricane Yagi strikes Southeast Asia. Record wildfires reported in South America. The worst US Hurricane since Katrina.

And October: Floods inflame crisis in the Sahel. And wreak havoc in Spain – where a year’s worth of rain reportedly falls in just eight hours.

Behind each of these headlines is human tragedy, economic and ecological destruction, and political failure.

Climate catastrophe is hammering health, widening inequalities, harming sustainable development, and rocking the foundations of peace.

The vulnerable are hardest hit.

And taxpayers are footing the bill. While the purveyors of all this destruction – particularly the fossil fuel industry – reap massive profits and subsidies.

Meanwhile, the gap between the funds needed for adaptation and the funds available to developing countries is set to reach up to $359 billion a year by 2030.

We need urgent action in four areas.

First, new national climate action plans, or NDCs, must set out adaptation planning, financing, and implementation needs clearly – informed by high-quality data.

Second, every person on Earth must be protected by an effective early warning system by 2027 in line with the United Nations Early Warnings for All Initiative.

Third, a massive increase in adaptation finance from public and private sources. 

Every country must have the means to protect themselves from climate extremes. And seize the benefits of adaptation to drive progress across the sustainable development goals. 

We need developed countries to double adaptation finance to at least $40 billion a year by 2025 – an important step to closing the finance gap.

We need to unlock a new climate finance goal at COP29. 

And to build on the Pact for the Future by driving action on debt, and substantially increasing the lending capacity of the Multilateral Development Banks – and their potential to leverage far more private finance.

Today’s report estimates that developing countries outside China are spending more on debt interest payments than they need for adaptation.

Fourth, we must strike the heart of the crisis: greenhouse gases.

The G20 must lead global efforts to cut emissions nine per cent a year to 2030, phase out fossil fuels fast and fairly, and accelerate the renewables revolution – so that we limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The climate crisis is here. We can’t postpone protection. We must adapt – now.

Thank you.

Secretary-General’s video message to the 19th Climate Change Conference of Youth

Source: United Nations – English

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Dear friends, 

I want to begin by thanking you — and young people around the world — for your leadership and clear voice. 

You are on the frontlines speaking out for climate action and holding leaders to account.

And you’re on the right side of history.

COP29 is just days away.

And once again, you are leading the call for ambition.

You are demanding action now, not later.

And I am on your side.

Leaders must arrive in Baku with ambitions that match the urgency and scale of the challenge.

Together, let’s push leaders to deliver.

Deliver on new national climate action plans by next year that align with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5-degrees and that make the goals agreed at COP28 a reality.

Deliver on finance, with a new climate finance goal that mobilizes the trillions of dollars in concessional finance developing countries need to adapt to our changing planet and phase out fossil fuels — fast and fairly.

And deliver on justice — particularly a well-funded Loss and Damage Fund.

I know you will never give up demanding that governments, financial institutions and businesses live up to these ambitions.

As young people, never underestimate your power. 

In your communities, on social media, in schools, and on the streets — you’re not only calling for change, you’re making change happen.

I am proud to stand with you.   

At COP29, and beyond, let’s keep fighting together for the future you deserve — and the planet humanity needs.

Secretary-General’s statement on the US Elections

Source: United Nations – English

commend the people of the United States of America for their active participation in the democratic process.
I congratulate President-elect Donald J. Trump and I reaffirm my belief that the cooperation between the United States and the United Nations is an essential pillar of international relations.
The United Nations stands ready to work constructively with the incoming administration to address the dramatic challenges our world is facing. 

UN Secretary-General’s Statement on the US Elections

Source: United Nations – English

commend the people of the United States of America for their active participation in the democratic process.
I congratulate President-elect Donald J. Trump and I reaffirm my belief that the cooperation between the United States and the United Nations is an essential pillar of international relations.
The United Nations stands ready to work constructively with the incoming administration to address the dramatic challenges our world is facing. 

Secretary-General’s video message to the Annual General Meeting of the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance

Source: United Nations – English

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Colleagues, friends,

Five years ago, this Alliance came together to lead the financial industry into a sustainable, prosperous future.

Since then, you have helped to set the gold standard for credible, accountable net zero commitments.

I thank you for your insight, your foresight, and your commitment.

And I urge you to keep it up.

The climate crisis is wreaking havoc across continents, economies, and supply chains.

Yet some are backsliding. Those desperate to delay and deny the inevitable demise of the fossil fuel age seek to make clean energy a dirty word. 

They will lose. The economics are against them. Solutions have never been cheaper or more accessible.

But we must accelerate the transition for all.

I urge you to focus on three areas.

First, support countries to deliver new, economy-wide national climate action plans – or NDCs –aligned with the 1.5 degree limit, by COP30 next year; and help to ensure countries provide the policy and regulatory certainty you need to invest.

Second, keep leading the way:

By honouring your net zero pledges;

And by presenting credible transition plans by COP30, that align with 1.5 degrees, and the recommendations of the United Nations High-Level Expert Group on Net Zero Commitments. 

Third, work with others to galvanize action. You can help lead a divided world to unite for our shared future.


The world needs you more than ever. Together, let’s accelerate action to create a safer, more prosperous world for all.

Thank you.

Secretary-General’s message on World Tsunami Awareness Day [scroll down for French version]

Source: United Nations – English

his year marks the 20th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami – one of the deadliest disasters in recent history.  More than 230,000 people lost their lives.   

On this World Tsunami Awareness Day, we honour the victims and recommit to protecting the 700 million people around the world who are at risk from tsunamis.

The best way to do so is by all partners delivering on the United Nations Early Warnings for All initiative that helps ensure every person on Earth is alerted when tsunamis and other disasters are on the way.

Education is vital to saving lives, and as this year’s theme reminds us, the participation of children and young people is critical. I urge governments and partners in coastal communities to raise awareness, so children and young people know how and where to evacuate to higher ground.

Together, let’s ensure people’s futures are not swept away by tsunamis.  Let’s build resilience – now. 


Cette année marque le vingtième anniversaire du tsunami survenu dans l’océan Indien, l’une des catastrophes les plus meurtrières de l’histoire récente, qui a coûté la vie à plus de 230 000 personnes.

En cette Journée mondiale de sensibilisation aux tsunamis, nous honorons la mémoire des victimes et nous renouvelons notre engagement à protéger les 700 millions de personnes dans le monde qui sont menacées par les tsunamis.

Le meilleur moyen d’y parvenir est que tous les partenaires mettent en œuvre l’initiative « Alertes précoces pour tous » des Nations Unies, qui permet d’alerter chaque personne sur Terre à l’approche de tsunamis ou d’autres catastrophes.

L’éducation est essentielle pour sauver des vies et, comme le rappelle le thème de cette année, la participation des enfants et des jeunes est cruciale. J’invite les gouvernements et les partenaires dans les zones côtières à sensibiliser les populations, afin que les enfants et les jeunes sachent comment procéder, en cas d’évacuation, pour regagner des zones plus élevées.

Ensemble, agissons pour que l’avenir de nos semblables ne soit pas balayé par les tsunamis. Renforçons la résilience, maintenant !

Secretary-General’s video message to COP29 Religious Leaders’ Summit

Source: United Nations – English

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Excellencies, dear friends,

I want to thank you for coming together across faiths to help push for a successful outcome at COP29 in Baku.

Our climate is in crisis — extreme temperatures, raging fires, droughts, and epic floods.

No country is spared.

And the poorest and most vulnerable are hardest hit.

As faith leaders, your voices are essential to drive climate action and climate justice. 

Action to ensure countries produce — by next year — new national climate action plans aligned with the imperative to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

And justice so all countries have the resources to adapt to our changing planet and can transition — fast and fairly — to a sustainable and renewable future.

This includes a much stronger flow of financial resources to developing countries, and a well-funded Loss and Damage Fund that supports those hardest hit by disasters.

By standing together, you’re standing up for the future of the world we share.

Thank you for being part of this vital effort for people and planet.

Secretary-General’s video message to the World Urban Forum [scroll down for Arabic version]

Source: United Nations – English

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I am pleased to take part in the World Urban Forum.

It is fitting that you are gathering in Cairo – an enormously vibrant megacity and a magnet for innovation and creativity for over a thousand years.

I thank the Government of Egypt for hosting the 12th Forum.

Dear Friends,

You represent urban areas which are home to more than half of humanity. 
You are on the frontlines of shaping a more inclusive, connected and resilient world.  
And you are at the heart of where lasting change happens. 

As your theme rightly puts it: “It all starts at home”.

Real progress begins at the local level.

On the ground.

In communities and people’s lives.

World leaders have just adopted the Pact for the Future.

It is an important new tool to advance our vital work, accelerate the SDGs, and address inequalities.

It calls for ensuring adequate, safe and affordable housing for all — and supporting developing countries to plan and implement just, safe, healthy, accessible, resilient and sustainable cities. 

We need this more than ever.

Cities generate 70 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. And municipal waste is set to rise by two-thirds within a generation.

Not only are cities powerful engines of social and economic development, they are also catalysts of sustainable solutions. 

I see local and regional authorities as a crucial part of the answer on so many issues and at every level, including at the United Nations.

We can all benefit from your insights and ideas. 

That’s why I created the UN Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments.

I know over the next five days this Forum will have the chance to delve into the complexities and opportunities of sustainable urban development.

I invite you to seek innovations and inspiration and take them back to your communities.  

And to help develop infrastructure and public services for all, including women and girls.

Local actions are the building blocks for future green, just and resilient cities.

Together, let’s make sustainable urbanization a reality.

And let’s ensure that no one and nowhere is left behind.

Thank you.


يسعدني أن أشارك في المنتدى الحضري العالمي.
         إنه لمِن الملائم أن تجتمعوا في القاهرة – هذه المدينة الضخمة النابضة بالحياة والمستقطبة للابتكار والإبداع على مدى أكثر من ألف عام.
         أشكر حكومة مصر على استضافتها للمنتدى الثاني عشر.
         أيها الأصدقاء الأعزاء،
         أنتم تمثلون المناطق الحضرية التي تسكنها أكثر من نصف البشرية.
         ما يعني أنكم في طليعة مَن يرسمون ملامح عالم أكثر شمولاً وترابطاً وقدرةً على التكيف.
         وأنكم موجودون في قلب المكان الذي تحدث فيه التغييرات الدائمة.
         إن الموضوع الذي اخترتموه للمنتدى يعبّر أصدق تعبير بأن ”كل الأمور تبدأ من البيت“.
         فإحراز التقدم الحقيقي يبدأ أول ما يبدأ على المستوى المحلي.
         على الأرض.
         داخل المجتمعات المحلية وفي حياة الناس.
         لقد اعتمد قادة العالم للتو ميثاق المستقبل.
         وهو أداة جديدة هامة الغرض منها هو الدفع بعملنا الحيوي والتعجيل في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة والتصدي لأوجه عدم المساواة.
         وهو يدعو إلى ضمان توفير السكن الملائم والآمن والميسور التكلفة للجميع، وإلى دعم البلدان النامية في تخطيط وتنفيذ مدن عادلة وآمنة وصحية وميسورة التكلفة ومستدامة وقادرة على التكيف.
         ونحن اليوم أحوج ما نكون إلى ذلك أكثر من أي وقت مضى.
         فالمدن تولّد 70 في المائة من انبعاثات غازات الاحتباس الحراري. ومن المتوقع أن يزيد حجم النفايات البلدية بنسبة الثلثين خلال جيل واحد.
         بيد أن المدن ليست محركات قوية للتنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية فحسب، بل هي أيضا محفِّزات للحلول المستدامة.
         إنني أرى في السلطات المحلية والإقليمية جزءا أساسيا من الحل في العديد من القضايا وعلى جميع المستويات، بما في ذلك في الأمم المتحدة.
         ويمكننا جميعا الاستفادة مما تبدونه من آراء متبصّرة وتطرحونه من أفكار نيِّرة.
         ولهذا السبب أنشأتُ فريق الأمم المتحدة الاستشاري المعني بالحكومات المحلية والإقليمية.
         أنا أعلم أن هذا المنتدى سيحظى خلال الأيام الخمسة المقبلة بفرصة الخوض في ما تحمله التنمية الحضرية المستدامة من تعقيدات وما تتيحه من فرص.
         لذ، أدعوكم للسعي إلى استنباط الابتكارات وتلمُّس الأفكار الملهِمة كي تحملوها معكم إلى مجتمعاتكم المحلية.
         كما أدعوكم إلى تطوير البنى التحتية والخدمات العامة للجميع، بما في ذلك للنساء والفتيات.
         إن ما تتخذونه من إجراءات محلية سيشكل اللبِنات الأساسية لبناء مدن خضراء وعادلة وقادرة على التكيف في المستقبل.
         فلنعمل معاً كي نجعل من التحضر المستدام حقيقة واقعة.
         ولنضمن ألا يتخلف أحد، في أي مكان، عن الركب.
         شكراً لكم.

Secretary-General’s video message to the World Urban Forum

Source: United Nations – English

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I am pleased to take part in the World Urban Forum.

It is fitting that you are gathering in Cairo – an enormously vibrant megacity and a magnet for innovation and creativity for over a thousand years.

I thank the Government of Egypt for hosting the 12th Forum.

Dear Friends,

You represent urban areas which are home to more than half of humanity. 
You are on the frontlines of shaping a more inclusive, connected and resilient world.  
And you are at the heart of where lasting change happens. 

As your theme rightly puts it: “It all starts at home”.

Real progress begins at the local level.

On the ground.

In communities and people’s lives.

World leaders have just adopted the Pact for the Future.

It is an important new tool to advance our vital work, accelerate the SDGs, and address inequalities.

It calls for ensuring adequate, safe and affordable housing for all — and supporting developing countries to plan and implement just, safe, healthy, accessible, resilient and sustainable cities. 

We need this more than ever.

Cities generate 70 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. And municipal waste is set to rise by two-thirds within a generation.

Not only are cities powerful engines of social and economic development, they are also catalysts of sustainable solutions. 

I see local and regional authorities as a crucial part of the answer on so many issues and at every level, including at the United Nations.

We can all benefit from your insights and ideas. 

That’s why I created the UN Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments.

I know over the next five days this Forum will have the chance to delve into the complexities and opportunities of sustainable urban development.

I invite you to seek innovations and inspiration and take them back to your communities.  

And to help develop infrastructure and public services for all, including women and girls.

Local actions are the building blocks for future green, just and resilient cities.

Together, let’s make sustainable urbanization a reality.

And let’s ensure that no one and nowhere is left behind.

Thank you.

Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on Ukraine

Source: United Nations – English

he Secretary-General is very concerned about reports of troops from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea being sent to the Russian Federation, including their possible deployment to the conflict zone. This would represent a very dangerous escalation of the war in Ukraine. 

Everything must be done to avoid any internationalization of this conflict. 

The Secretary-General reiterates his support for  all meaningful efforts towards a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in Ukraine, in line with the UN Charter, international law and resolutions of the General Assembly.