African Union (AU) Continental Technical Experts’ Consultation on Strengthening Synthetic Drug Supply Reduction

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

The African Union Commission Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS) through the Social Welfare, Drug Control and Crime Prevention Division, organized a 3-day, Continental capacity building workshop on synthetic drug supply reduction, followed by an intergovernmental experts’ meeting, to facilitate the implementation of comprehensive and integrated strategies to address drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime as well as enhance international cooperation and collaboration.

The consultation was held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from 19 – 22 July under the theme “Strengthening Synthetic Drug Supply Reduction efforts towards addressing drug trafficking and advancing crime prevention, criminal justice, and rule of law in Africa”. The Continental Consultation on Synthetic Drug Supply Reduction was strategically formulated under the implementation of the African Union (AU) Plan of Action on Drug Control and Crime Prevention (2019-2025) which aims to improve the health, security, and socio-economic well-being of people in Africa by addressing drug trafficking and problematic drug use in all its forms and manifestations and preventing the onset of drug use.

During the opening, H.E. Amb. Minata Samate Cessouma, Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs, and Social Development revealed the AU continental drug sentinel surveillance network – the Pan African Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (PAENDU) has long drawn attention to the seriousness of the problem that synthetic drug use and trafficking pose for our Continent. She asserted that the main focus must therefore be on how to respond, with an emphasis on accelerating coordinated multisectoral approaches to prevent illicit drug manufacturing, detect emerging drug threats, disrupt trafficking and associated organized crime, and promptly address impacts on public safety and public health. She also affirmed that the continental consultation on synthetic drug supply reduction is undoubtedly an opportunity to forge ahead in the above-mentioned regard.

General Seydou Touré, the Diplomatic Advisor at the Ministry of Interior and Security, Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, spoke on behalf of H.E. General Vagondo Diomandé, Minister of Interior and Security, and expressed the country’s immense honour in hosting such an important gathering. He also reaffirmed Cote d’Ivoire’s commitment to fully participate in the continental and global coalition to address illicit drug trafficking, drug abuse and organized crime, with a focus on adapting to the new and emerging trends of activities to tackle drug trafficking and related transnational threats.

Madam Ruth Aurelie, the representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) emphasized the importance to reflect upon the achievements, challenges, and lessons learned in the collective efforts to tackle drug abuse in Africa and also took time to highlight the significant steps made by UNODC on areas of Drug Abuse Epidemiology, Drug Demand Reduction, Forensics as well as Law Enforcement. She indicated that significant steps have been taken amongst which are the organization of a high-level scientific consultation on prevention and treatment of drug use disorders in Côte d’Ivoire and the launch of the first University Degree in Addictology in West Africa by the Faculty of Medicine in Senegal.

Mr Brian Morales, Chief of the Counternarcotics Branch for the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs / Office of Global Programs and Policy (INL/GPP), remarked that every region around the globe is experiencing a rapid rise of synthetic drugs supply and use, which are frequently more potent and more lethal than plant-based drugs, and, unlike plant-based drugs, synthetics are relatively easy to produce and traffic. He emphasized that the harms of synthetic drugs impact the economic, public health, and security sectors, among others. Therefore, interconnected efforts need to be made in order to address this global challenge, sooner than later.

Prof. Jallal Toufiq, the President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) stated that while indicators suggest a potential worsening in what concerns illicit synthetic drug manufacture and use globally, there is still significant potential to enhance national, regional, and global collective efforts for coordination, timely data-sharing and, above all, use of existing systems and platforms. He reiterated the importance of preventing drug use and ensuring access to evidence-based treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration services that respect human rights. ‘’At the same time, there is an urgent need to further strengthen supply reduction efforts, as recognized in pillar III of the African Union Plan of Action on Drug Control and Crime Prevention’’ the President noted.

The Continental Consultation was marked with presentations of member states reports on illicit drug seizures at the national level, drug control legislation, policies and strategies including forensic capacities; accompanied by panel discussions and recommendations. Presentations on thematic areas such as the global coalition against synthetic drug threats; awareness of emerging threats in new psychoactive substances, opioids, and related synthetic drugs; roadmaps for strategic implementation of synthetic drug control programs in member states among others, were also part of the program and led the course of the sessions bringing up productive interventions from all participants.

AU member states, AUC staff, development partners and representatives of international organizations expressed their commitment to identifying new responses to jointly work toward synthetic drug supply reduction on the continent, at the concluding sessions.

The workshop was attended by nominated focal points from law enforcement agencies, police, customs, maritime security, INCB, INTERPOL, UNODC, TASC, PTACC, U.S. INL/GPP, the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, Universal Postal Union, World Customs, ECOWAS, Eastern and Southern Africa Commission on Drugs and representatives from relevant directorate of the African Union Commission.

Rencontre du Ministre Salimane KARIMOU avec les professionnels des médias : L’analyse des résultats du Certificat d’Etudes Primaires (CEP) / 2023 et d’autres sujets clés au cœur des échanges

Source: Africa Press Organisation – French

Le Ministre des Enseignements Maternel et Primaire, Monsieur Salimane KARIMOU, a échangé avec les professionnels des médias le vendredi 28 juillet 2023 à Porto-Novo. L’objectif de cette rencontre axée sur le thème « CEP 2023, Analyse du taux de réussite, quel apport pour une amélioration des résultats ? est de faire le bilan des actions du Ministère au lendemain des résultats du Certificat d’Etudes Primaires (CEP) 2023. 

En effet, le Gouvernement du Bénin fait du secteur éducatif une priorité car l’éducation est le socle du développement de toute la Nation. Et c’est pour cela que, depuis Avril 2016, des réformes courageuses ont été mises en œuvre mais également des investissements massifs ont été consentis. 

Entouré de ses collaborateurs, le Ministre Salimane KARIMOU a d’abord souhaité la cordiale bienvenue aux professionnels des médias qui ont répondu massivement à son appel. De la présentation faite aux hommes des médias, il ressort que le taux de réussite au CEP 2023 est de 81,29 % légèrement en baisse par rapport à l’année 2022 où il était de 81,85%. Ces résultats ont été possibles grâce au renforcement des actions de l’État dans le secteur éducatif en général et particulièrement dans le sous-secteur des enseignements maternel et primaire. 

Des explications du Ministre Salimane KARIMOU, on retient que les différents résultats obtenus peuvent s’apprécier également par rapport à l’amélioration des performances en mathématiques et en lecture avec respectivement 69,96% et 66,86% de taux de réussite contre 59,90% et 46,49% en 2022. Mais il faut aussi noter que ces mêmes résultats ont révélé une baisse des performances en expression écrite, avec aussi un taux de réussite toujours faible en dictée (0,57%). 

Pour corriger cette baisse des performances, le Ministre a fait comprendre que des dispositions sont déjà envisagées au niveau de son département pour mettre à disposition des écoles dès la rentrée prochaine, des documents élaborés dans le cadre de la révision des curricula de français et de mathématiques des classes de CI et CP afin d’élever, dès la base, le niveau des apprenants. Par ailleurs, des sessions de renforcement des capacités seront organisées à l’intention des enseignants pour élever davantage leur niveau. De même, le système de suivi pédagogique par les membres du corps d’encadrement et de contrôle sera amélioré et renforcé. 

Véritable séance d’échanges, les professionnels des médias ont eu droit à la parole. Ils ont exprimé à tour de rôle leurs différentes préoccupations. Ces dernières ont eu des réponses adéquates de la part du Ministre KARIMOU. 

Sur la mesure relative aux sanctions infligées aux directeurs qui obtiennent un taux de réussite de 0% au CEP, le Ministre a expliqué que cela a permis aux directeurs de se prendre au sérieux : « Mais le biais, c’est que nous avons constaté que dans certaines localités, des communautés se sont organisées pour faire échouer le directeur afin de le faire partir. En effet, le jour de l’examen, des gens se sont entendus pour garder leurs enfants à la maison pour qu’ils n’aillent pas composer. Car ils savent que le directeur aura 0% et va être déchargé. Désormais nous sommes en train de mettre en place un système pour écouter d’abord les directeurs d’école qui vont donner 0% au CEP », a révélé le Ministre. 

Sur la valeur du CEP encore de nos jours, le Ministre a expliqué que cet examen a toujours sa place : « Tous les pays qui l’ont fait, sont revenus en arrière même la France. Aujourd’hui, on continue de recruter avec le CEP. Les gardiens et autres sont recrutés sur la base du CEP. Donc le CEP garde sa valeur ». 

Pour Salimane KARIMOU, l’école est très utile : « Même si l’État ne donne pas la garantie pour l’emploi, l’école reste indispensable ». 

Le calendrier scolaire doit être respecté. Sur ce point, le Ministre reste intransigeant : « J’ai entendu beaucoup de personnes dire : on a fini les programmes depuis Février ou Mars. Je dis non. Mais qu’est-ce que l’apprenant a retenu ? C’est là la question. On mettra toujours la dernière évaluation sommative juste avant les vacances. L’année scolaire est bien planifiée sur 36 semaines ». 

La question de la réussite du Programme National d’Alimentation Scolaire Intégré (PNASI) n’a pas été occultée. Le Ministre a rassuré que l’engagement du Gouvernement reste total. L’objectif reste entier. D’ici 2026, toutes les écoles primaires publiques seront pourvues en Cantines scolaires. Mieux, un programme sera mis en œuvre prochainement pour doter chaque école d’une cantine scolaire, d’un réfectoire moderne, d’un point d’eau, des toilettes modernes …etc. Mais le Ministre met un accent sur la participation des parents à l’œuvre salvatrice en cours : « L’apport de la communauté surtout des parents d’élèves est indispensable. Même quand les Partenaires Techniques et Financiers nous apportent leur soutien, ils nous interrogent également sur la participation de la communauté ». 

Plusieurs autres sujets ont été évoqués à la grande satisfaction des professionnels des médias qui, grâce à cette rencontre, ont une meilleure perception des actions qui se mènent dans le sous-secteur des enseignements maternel et primaire par le Gouvernement à travers ce Ministère. 

Sur demande des hommes des médias, le Ministre a promis rééditer périodiquement ce genre de cadre d’échanges afin de mettre les hommes de la plume et du papier au parfum de toutes les actions qui sont mises en œuvre.

Merck Foundation acknowledge Democratic Republic of (DR) Congo First Lady’s efforts as Ambassador of “More than a Mother” to build healthcare capacity, break infertility stigma, and support girl education

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

Merck Foundation ( Chairperson & CEO meet DR Congo First Lady to acknowledge their Alumni and Media award winners; Merck Foundation provided 87 scholarships to doctors in many critical specialties in DR Congo (DRC) such as Diabetes, oncology, Fertility and Embryology; Merck Foundation CEO launched a new fellowship of One-year Clinical Diabetes and one-year Clinical Cardiovascular care in India for African doctors with the aim to improve patient Diabetes and Hypertension care in the continent; Merck Foundation DRC Alumni Summit and Merck Foundation Awards ceremony 2023 were conducted in DRC chaired by DRC First Lady and Merck Foundation Chairman and CEO; Merck Foundation acknowledged DRC First Lady for her great efforts as Ambassador of “More Than a Mother” Campaign; After celebrating 2022 Award Winners, Merck Foundation and DRC First Lady announced the Call for Applications for 2 categories of 2023, that includes 8 Awards for Media, Musicians, Fashion Designers, Filmmakers, Students, and new potential talents in these fields.

Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, for the first time physically in DR Congo, officially launched their programs in partnership with H.E. Madam DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Ambassador of “Merck Foundation More Than a Mother”. Merck Foundation programs were started in 2020 with the aim to transform patient care, build healthcare capacity, break the stigma of infertility, empower women, support girl education in DR Congo and the rest of Africa. The Merck Foundation delegation was led by Prof. Dr. Frank Stangenberg Haverkamp, Chairman of Merck Foundation Board of Trustees and Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation.

“It was an honor to officially launch our programs in the country in partnership with my dear sister, H.E. Madam DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Ambassador of “Merck Foundation More Than a Mother”, the programs that started in 2020. We have together achieved a lot since then. We shared the impact of our programs. We are also happy to launch a new fellowship program of One-year Clinical Diabetes and One-year Clinical Cardiovascular care in India for African doctors with the aim to improve patient diabetes and hypertension care in the continent. It is a new edition of our programs that aim to transform patient care, build healthcare and media capacity, break the stigma of infertility, empower women, support girl education in DRC and the rest of Africa”, emphasize Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation.

H.E. Madam DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Ambassador of “Merck Foundation More Than a Mother” said, “I am very happy to meet and welcome Merck Foundation Chairman and CEO and their team in our country. We started our joint programs in 2020 and are happy to officially launch these important programs, and also celebrate an important milestone of success and impact. We worked hard together with Merck Foundation by providing specialty training to 87 local doctors in our country in many critical and underserved medical specialties, hence transforming patient care landscape in our country.”

Dr. Rasha Kelej further added, “I am proud to share that out of the total 87 scholarships, we have together provided, 21 scholarships have been provided to the first Fertility specialists & Embryologists of the country. This is a great achievement.

65 scholarships are being provided to our young local doctors from different provinces for Diabetes Mastercourse in French language. After completion of the course, these doctors will be able to establish a diabetes clinic in their Health Centre or Hospital with the aim to help prevent and manage the disease in their own communities. This will certainly transform Diabetes care landscape in the country.”  

During the launch program, Merck Foundation DRC Alumni Summit and Awards Ceremony was held, during which Merck Foundation Chairman, Merck Foundation CEO together with DR Congo First Lady met and acknowledged the Merck Foundation Graduates and the Winners of the Merck Foundation Awards.

Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej said, “It was a pleasure meeting and acknowledging our Merck Foundation Alumni who graduated to become the future healthcare experts of DRC. Moreover, it is amazing  to felicitate the winners of 2022, 2021 and 2020 Merck Foundation Awards from DRC and discuss with them the critical role they can play to create a culture shift, be the voice of the voiceless and be the Merck Foundation health and social champions.”

Moreover, Merck Foundation Health Media Training was also held for the journalists, to emphasize on the important role that media plays to influence society to create a cultural shift with the aim to address wide range of social and health issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels; to underscore the importance of Empowering Girls and Women in Education and to understand the Influence of infertility stigma and other social issues like GBV, Child Marriage, FGM etc. on women and couples – Social and Psychological Impact. Apart from this, the media training also included a session on the importance of increasing the awareness of early detection and prevention of Diabetes and Hypertension. The training session was addressed by prominent Medical and Media Experts.

Merck Foundation in partnership with DR Congo First Lady has also initiated “Educating Linda” Program, which is very important for girls, as through this program, scholarships are provided to 20 underprivileged but brilliant girls to continue their education till they graduate.

Merck Foundation in partnership with DR Congo First Lady has also initiated “Educating Linda” Program, which is very important for girls, as through this program, scholarships are provided to 20 underprivileged but brilliant girls to continue their education till they graduate.

Moreover, Merck Foundation Chairman, and Merck Foundation CEO together with The First Lady of DR Congo released and signed the first copies of four different children’s storybooks titled: “Jackline’s Rescue” to emphasize on the importance of empowering girls through education, “Not Who You Are” to teach boys to love and respect their future wives and eliminate domestic violence, “Ride into the Future” to emphasize on the importance of empowering girls through education and “Sugar free Jude” to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness on the early detection and prevention of Diabetes. Thousands of  copies of these storybooks are going to be distributed to school students of DRC.

DRC winners of Merck Foundation Awards in partnership with H.E. Madam DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Ambassador of “Merck Foundation More Than a Mother” are:

Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Media Recognition Awards 2022

  • Donat Muemba, JUA Magazine (Second Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Kabuya Tshilumba Matthias, Radio TV Debout Kasaï (Second Position, RADIO Category)

Merck Foundation “Diabetes & Hypertension” Media Recognition Awards 2022

  • Prisca Lokale Odia, Actualite.CD (First Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (Special Award, ONLINE Category)

Merck Foundation “Diabetes & Hypertension” Song Awards 2022

  • VITA NKANZA Dep’s (First Position)

Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Media Recognition Awards 2021

  • Donat Muemba, JUA Magazine (First Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Kabuya Tshilumba Matthias, Radio TV Debout Kasaï (First Position, MULTIMEDIA Category)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (Special Award, ONLINE Category)
  • Jessy NZENGU, (Special Award, ONLINE Category)

Merck Foundation “Mask Up with Care” Media Recognition Awards 2021

  • Kabuya Tshilumba Matthias, Radio TV Debout Kasaï (First Position, RADIO Category)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (First Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Jessy NZENGU, (Second Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Rosemathe, Hope Chanel Television Goma (First Position, RADIO Category)

Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Song Awards 2021

  • Étienne Kasereka (First Position- French Language)
  • Carine Kananga Sacerdoce (First Position- Local Language)

Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Film Awards 2021

  • Doux-mignon MALOBA (First Position- French Language)

Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Media Recognition Awards 2020

  • Prisca Lokale Odia, Actualite.CD (First Position, ONLINE Category)

Merck Foundation “Stay At Home” Media Recognition Awards 2020

  • Donat Muemba, JUA Magazine (First Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (First Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Jessy NZENGU, (Second Position, ONLINE Category)
  • Mathy Musau Dinyika, Forum Des As (First Position, PRINT Category)
  • Stéphie Manza Mukinzi, alertecoronavirus.wordpress (Second Position, ONLINE Category)
  • KAZADI LUKUSA Nicolas, Radiotélévision Happy Day (Second Position, MULTIMEDIA Category)
  • Aly BUKASA KABAMBI, Radio Communautaire Butook (First Position, RADIO Category)
  • Jody Daniel NKASHAMA, Radio Okapi (Second Position, RADIO Category)

Merck Foundation also announced the Call for applications for their 8 important awards in partnership with The First Lady of DRC for Media, Musicians, Fashion Designers, Filmmakers, students, and new potential talents in these fields. Details of the awards below:

1. Merck Foundation Africa Media Recognition Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023: Media representatives and media students are invited to showcase their work to raise awareness about one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here ( to view more details.

2. Merck Foundation Film Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023:

All African Filmmakers, Students of Film Making Training Institutions, or Young Talents of Africa are invited to create and share a long or short FILMS, either drama, documentary, or docudrama to deliver strong and influential messages to address one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here ( view more details.

3. Merck Foundation Fashion Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023: All African Fashion Students and Designers are invited to create and share designs to deliver strong and influential messages to raise awareness about one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here ( view more details.

4. Merck Foundation Song Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023 All African Singers and Musical Artists are invited to create and share a SONG with the aim to address one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here ( to view more details.

5. Merck Foundation Media Recognition Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”:

Media representatives are invited to showcase their work through strong and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention & early detection of Diabetes & Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here ( to view more details.

6. Merck Foundation Film Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Filmmakers, Students of Film Making Training Institutions or Young Talents of Africa are invited to create and share a long or short FILMS, either drama, documentary or docudrama to deliver strong and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here ( to view more details.

7. Merck Foundation Fashion Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Fashion Students and Designers are invited to create and share designs to deliver strong and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here ( to view more details.

8. Merck Foundation Song Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Singers and Musical Artists are invited to create and share a SONG with the aim to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here ( to view more details.

Entries for all the awards are to be submitted via email to:

La Fondation Merck reconnaît les efforts de la Première Dame de la République Démocratique du (RD) Congo en tant qu’Ambassadrice de « Plus qu’une mère » pour renforcer les capacités de soins de santé, briser la stigmatisation de l’infertilité et soutenir l’éducation des filles

Source: Africa Press Organisation – French

La Fondation Merck ( a fourni 87 bourses à des médecins dans de nombreuses spécialités critiques en RD Congo (RDC) telles que le Diabète, l’Oncologie, la Fertilité et l’Embryologie; CEO de la Fondation Merck a lancé une nouvelle bourse d’un an sur le Diabète Clinique et un an sur les Soins Cardiovasculaires Cliniques en Inde pour les médecins africains dans le but d’améliorer les soins aux patients atteints de Diabète et d’Hypertension sur le continent; Le Sommet des Anciens de la RDC de la Fondation Merck et la Cérémonie de Remise des Prix de la Fondation Merck 2023 ont été organisés en RDC sous la présidence de la Première Dame de la RDC et du CEO de la Fondation Merck; La Fondation Merck a reconnu la Première Dame de la RDC pour ses grands efforts en tant qu’Ambassadrice de la Campagne « Plus Qu’une Mère »; Après avoir célébré les gagnants 2022, la Fondation Merck et la Première Dame de la RDC ont annoncé l’Appel à Candidatures pour 2 catégories de 2023, qui comprend 8 Prix pour les médias, les musiciens, les créateurs de mode, les cinéastes, les étudiants et les nouveaux talents potentiels dans ces domaines.

La Fondation Merck, la branche philanthropique de Merck KGaA Allemagne, pour la première fois physiquement en RD Congo, a officiellement lancé ses programmes en partenariat avec S.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, La Première Dame de la République Démocratique du Congo et Ambassadrice de « La Fondation Merck Plus Qu’une Mère ». Les programmes de la Fondation Merck ont été lancés en 2020 dans le but de transformer les soins aux patients, de renforcer les capacités de soins de santé, de briser la stigmatisation de l’infertilité, d’autonomiser les femmes, de soutenir l’éducation des filles en RD Congo et dans le reste de l’Afrique. La délégation de la Fondation Merck était dirigée par le Prof. Dr. Frank Stangenberg Haverkamp, Chairman of Merck Foundation Board of Trustees et Sénatrice, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO de la Fondation Merck.

« Ce fut un honneur de lancer officiellement nos programmes dans le pays en partenariat avec ma chère sœur, S.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, La Première Dame de la République Démocratique du Congo et l’Ambassadrice de la « Fondation Merck Plus Qu’une Mère », les programmes qui ont débuté en 2020. Ensemble, nous avons beaucoup accompli depuis lors. Nous avons partagé l’impact de nos programmes. Nous sommes également heureux de lancer un nouveau programme de bourses de Diabète Clinique d’un an et de Soins Cardiovasculaires Cliniques d’un an en Inde pour les médecins africains dans le but d’améliorer les soins aux patients atteints de Diabète et d’Hypertension sur le continent. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle édition de nos programmes qui visent à transformer les soins aux patients, à renforcer les capacités des soins de santé et des médias, à briser la stigmatisation de l’infertilité, à autonomiser les femmes, à soutenir l’éducation des filles en RDC et dans le reste de l’Afrique », souligne la Sénatrice, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO de la Fondation Merck.

S.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, La Première Dame de la République Démocratique du Congo et Ambassadrice de la « Fondation Merck Plus Qu’une Mère » a déclarée : « Je suis très heureuse de rencontrer et d’accueillir le CEO de la Fondation Merck et leur équipe dans notre pays. Nous avons lancé nos programmes conjoints en 2020 et sommes heureux de lancer officiellement ces programmes importants, et de célébrer également une étape importante de succès et d’impact. Nous avons travaillé dur avec la Fondation Merck en offrant une formation spécialisée à 87 médecins locaux dans notre pays dans de nombreuses spécialités médicales critiques et mal desservies, transformant ainsi le paysage des soins aux patients dans notre pays. »

Dr. Rasha Kelej a ajouté : « Je suis fière de partager que sur le total de 87 bourses, nous avons fourni ensemble, 21 bourses ont été accordées aux premiers spécialistes de la Fertilité et Embryologues du pays. C’est une grande réussite.

65 bourses sont accordées à nos jeunes médecins locaux de différentes provinces pour un Cours de Master sur le Diabète en Français. Une fois le cours terminé, ces médecins pourront créer une clinique du diabète dans leur centre de santé ou leur hôpital dans le but d’aider à prévenir et à prendre en charge la maladie dans leurs propres communautés. Cela va certainement transformer le paysage des soins du diabète dans le pays. »  

Au cours du programme de lancement, le Sommet et la Cérémonie de Remise des Prix des Anciens de la Fondation Merck en RDC ont eu lieu, au cours desquels le Chairman de la Fondation Merck, CEO de la Fondation Merck ainsi que la Première Dame de la RD Congo ont rencontré et reconnu les diplômés de la Fondation Merck et les gagnants des Prix de la Fondation Merck.

Sénatrice, Dr. Rasha Kelej a déclaré : « Ce fut un plaisir de rencontrer et de reconnaître nos Anciens de la Fondation Merck qui ont obtenu leur diplôme pour devenir les futurs experts en soins de santé de la RDC. De plus, il est étonnant de féliciter les gagnants des Prix de la Fondation Merck 2022, 2021 et 2020 de la RDC et de discuter avec eux du rôle essentiel qu’ils peuvent jouer pour créer un changement de culture, être la voix des sans-voix et être les championnes social et sanitaires de la Fondation Merck. »

De plus, une Formation des Médias sur la Santé de la Fondation Merck a également été organisée pour les journalistes, afin de souligner le rôle important que jouent les médias pour influencer la société afin de créer un changement culturel dans le but de traiter un large éventail de problèmes sociaux et sanitaires tels que : Briser la stigmatisation liée à l’infertilité, soutenir l’éducation des filles, l’autonomisation des femmes, mettre fin au mariage des enfants, mettre fin aux MGF et/ou arrêter la VBG à tous les niveaux ; souligner l’importance de l’autonomisation des filles et des femmes dans l’éducation et comprendre l’influence de la stigmatisation de l’infertilité et d’autres problèmes sociaux tels que la VBG, le mariage des enfants, les MGF, etc. sur les femmes et les couples – Impact social et psychologique. En dehors de cela, la formation des médias comprenait également une session sur l’importance d’accroître la sensibilisation sur le dépistage précoce et la prévention du diabète et de l’hypertension. La session de formation a été animée par d’éminents experts médicaux et médiatiques.

La Fondation Merck, en partenariat avec la Première Dame de la RD Congo, a également lancé le programme « Eduquer Linda », qui est très important pour les filles, car grâce à ce programme, des bourses sont accordées à 20 filles défavorisées mais brillantes pour poursuivre leurs études jusqu’à l’obtention de leur diplôme.

De plus, le Chairman de la Fondation Merck et le CEO de la Fondation Merck avec la Première Dame de la RD Congo ont publié et signé les premiers exemplaires de quatre livres d’histoires pour enfants différents intitulés : « Le Sauvetage de Jackline » pour souligner l’importance de l’autonomisation des filles à travers l’éducation, « Pas Qui Vous êtes » pour apprendre aux garçons à aimer et à respecter leurs futures épouses et à éliminer la violence domestique, « Une Balade vers le Futur » pour souligner l’importance de l’autonomisation des filles par l’éducation et « Jude Sans Sucre » pour promouvoir un mode de vie sain et sensibiliser sur le dépistage et prévention du diabète. Des milliers d’exemplaires de ces livres de contes vont être distribués aux écoliers de la RDC.

Les gagnants de la RDC des Prix de la Fondation Merck en partenariat avec S.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, La Première Dame de la République Démocratique du Congo & Ambassadrice de la Fondation Merck « Plus Qu’une Mère » sont :

Prix de Reconnaissance des Médias « Plus Qu’une Mère » de la Fondation Merck 2022

  • Donat Muemba, JUA Magazine (Deuxième Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Kabuya Tshilumba Matthias, Radio TV Debout Kasaï (Deuxième Position, Catégorie RADIO)

Prix de Reconnaissance des Médias « Diabète & Hypertension » de la Fondation Merck 2022

  • Prisca Lokale Odia, Actualite.CD (Première Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (Prix Spécial, Catégorie EN LIGNE)

Prix de la Chanson « Diabète & Hypertension » de la Fondation Merck 2022

  • VITA NKANZA Dep’s (Première Position)

Prix de Reconnaissance des Médias « Plus Qu’une Mère » de la Fondation Merck 2021

  • Donat Muemba, JUA Magazine (Première Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Kabuya Tshilumba Matthias, Radio TV Debout Kasaï (Première Position, Catégorie MULTIMÉDIA)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (Prix Spécial, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Jessy NZENGU, (Prix Spécial, Catégorie EN LIGNE)

Prix de Reconnaissance des Médias « Portez Les Masque Avec Soins » de la Fondation Merck 2021

  • Kabuya Tshilumba Matthias, Radio TV Debout Kasaï (Première Position, Catégorie RADIO)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (Première Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Jessy NZENGU, (Deuxième Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Rosemathe, Hope Chanel Television Goma (Première Position, Catégorie RADIO)

Prix de la Chanson « Plus Qu’une Mère » de la Fondation Merck 2021

  • Étienne Kasereka (Première Position – Langue Française)
  • Carine Kananga Sacerdoce (Première Position – Langue Locale)

Prix du Film « Plus Qu’une Mère » de la Fondation Merck 2021

  • Doux-mignon MALOBA (Première Position – Langue Française)

Prix de Reconnaissance des Médias « Plus Qu’une Mère » de la Fondation Merck 2020

  • Prisca Lokale Odia, Actualite.CD (Première Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)

Prix de Reconnaissance des Médias « Restez à la Maison » de la Fondation Merck 2020

  • Donat Muemba, JUA Magazine (Première Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development (Première Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Jessy NZENGU, (Deuxième Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE)
  • Mathy Musau Dinyika, Forum Des As (Première Position, Catégorie PRESSE ECRITE)
  • Stéphie Manza Mukinzi, alertecoronavirus.wordpress (Deuxième Position, Catégorie EN LIGNE
  • KAZADI LUKUSA Nicolas, Radiotélévision Happy Day (Deuxième Position, Catégorie MULTIMÉDIA)
  • Aly BUKASA KABAMBI, Radio Communautaire Butook (Première Position, Catégorie RADIO)
  • Jody Daniel NKASHAMA, Radio Okapi (Deuxième Position, Catégorie RADIO)

La Fondation Merck a également annoncé l’appel à candidatures pour ses 8 prix importants en partenariat avec la Première Dame de la RDC pour les médias, les musiciens, les créateurs de mode, les cinéastes, les étudiants et les nouveaux talents potentiels dans ces domaines. Détails des Prix ci-dessous :

1. Prix de Reconnaissance des Médias Africains de la Fondation Merck « Plus Qu’une Mère » 2023 : Les représentants des médias et les étudiants en journalisme sont invités à présenter leur travail pour sensibiliser à un ou plusieurs des problèmes sociaux suivants tels que : Briser la stigmatisation liée à l’infertilité, soutenir l’éducation des filles, Autonomisation des femmes, mettre fin au mariage des enfants, mettre fin aux MGF et/ou arrêter la VBG à tous les niveaux.

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2023. Cliquez ici ( pour voir plus de détails.

2. Prix du Film de la Fondation Merck « Plus Qu’une Mère » 2023 :  Tous les cinéastes africains, les étudiants des institutions de formation cinématographique ou les jeunes talents d’Afrique sont invités à créer et à partager un film long ou court, qu’il s’agisse d’un drame, d’un documentaire ou d’un docudrame pour délivrer des messages forts et influents pour aborder un ou plusieurs des problèmes sociaux suivants, tels que : briser la stigmatisation liée à l’infertilité, soutenir l’éducation des filles, l’autonomisation des femmes, mettre fin au mariage des enfants, mettre fin aux MGF et/ou arrêter la VBG à tous les niveaux.

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2023. Cliquez ici ( pour voir plus de détails.

3. Prix de la Mode de la Fondation Merck « Plus Qu’une Mère » 2023 : Tous les étudiants et créateurs de mode africains sont invités à créer et à partager des créations pour délivrer des messages forts et influents afin de sensibiliser à un ou plusieurs des problèmes sociaux suivants tels que : Briser l’infertilité Stigmatisation, Soutenir l’éducation des filles, Autonomisation des femmes, Mettre fin au mariage des enfants, Mettre fin aux MGF et/ou Mettre fin à la VBG à tous les niveaux.

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2023. Cliquez ici ( voir plus de détails.

4. Prix de la Chanson de la Fondation Merck « Plus Qu’une Mère » 2023 : Tous les chanteurs et artistes musicaux africains sont invités à créer et à partager une CHANSON dans le but d’aborder un ou plusieurs des problèmes sociaux suivants tels que : Briser la stigmatisation liée à l’infertilité, Soutenir les filles Éducation, autonomisation des femmes, mettre fin au mariage des enfants, mettre fin aux MGF et/ou mettre fin à la VBG à tous les niveaux.

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2023. Cliquez ici ( pour voir plus de détails.

5. Prix Reconnaissance des Médias de la Fondation Merck « Diabètes & Hypertension » 2023 : Les représentants des médias sont invités à présenter leur travail à travers des messages forts et influents pour promouvoir un mode de vie sain et sensibiliser sur la prévention et le dépistage précoce du Diabète et de l’Hypertension.

Date limite de soumission : 30 octobre 2023. Cliquez ici  ( pour voir plus de détails.

6. Prix du Film de la Fondation Merck « Diabètes & Hypertension » 2023 : Tous les cinéastes africains, les étudiants des institutions de formation cinématographique ou les jeunes talents d’Afrique sont invités à créer et à partager un FILM long ou court, qu’il s’agisse d’une fiction, d’un documentaire ou d’un docudrame délivrant des messages influents pour promouvoir un mode de vie sain, sensibiliser sur la prévention et le dépistage précoce du Diabète et de l’Hypertension.

Date limite de soumission : 30 octobre 2023. Cliquez ici ( pour voir plus de détails.

7. Prix de Mode de la Fondation Merck « Diabètes & Hypertension » 2023 : Tous les étudiants et créateurs de mode africains sont invités à créer et à partager des créations pour délivrer des messages forts et influents afin de promouvoir un mode de vie sain et de sensibiliser sur la prévention et le dépistage précoce du Diabète et de l’Hypertension.

Date limite de soumission : 30 octobre 2023. Cliquez ici ( pour voir plus de détails.

8. Prix de la Chanson de la Fondation Merck « Diabètes & Hypertension » 2023 : Tous les chanteurs et artistes de musique africains sont invités à créer et à partager une CHANSON dans le but de promouvoir un mode de vie sain et de sensibiliser sur la prévention et le dépistage précoce du Diabète et de l’Hypertension.

Date limite de soumission : 30 octobre 2023. Cliquez ici ( pour voir plus de détails.

Toutes les candidatures doivent être soumises à :

Promotion des valeurs citoyennes et des compétences de vie courante : Imminence des classes socio-éducatives au Bénin

Source: Africa Press Organisation – French

Au Bénin, les autorités veulent introduire une phase pilote des classes socio-éducatives dans l’enseignement secondaire. La Ministre des Affaires Sociales et de la Microfinance, Madame Véronique TOGNIFODÉ, a procédé, le vendredi 28 juillet 2023 à la clôture d’un atelier de cinq jours organisé à Cotonou pour amender et valider le référentiel et le module de formation produits à cet effet. À ses côtés pour la circonstance, le Secrétaire Général du Ministère des Enseignements  secondaire, technique et de la formation professionnelle représentant le Ministre et la Représentante résidente de l’UNICEF au Bénin. 

À cette occasion, la ministre Véronique TOGNIFODÉ a fait savoir que cette initiative vise à promouvoir l’éducation à la citoyenneté et des compétences de vie courante dans l’enseignement secondaire général, technique et professionnel avec pour fondement le renforcement du civisme, de la citoyenneté, de la prévention des risques de façon générale, et l’enracinement du “savoir être”. 

« Cette initiative porte toute notre espérance à voir opérer un changement objectif et essentiel dans la pensée constructive de la jeunesse, un renouvellement positif pour une relève de qualité à laisser à notre si beau pays, le Bénin », souligne la Ministre pour saluer les travaux de cet atelier technique ayant réuni des cadres des deux départements ministériels, des partenaires techniques et financiers et d’autres acteurs. 

Madame Djanabou MAHONDE, Représentante résidente de l’UNICEF au Bénin, a dit sa satisfaction par rapport à cette initiative et a rassuré de sa disponibilité à accompagner le Gouvernement du Bénin dans sa mise en œuvre. 

Cet atelier est intervenu après plusieurs mois de réflexion et de travaux préliminaires avec plusieurs acteurs dont le Ministère des Enseignements secondaire, Technique et de la formation professionnelle. Le Consultant recruté a eu pour mission de faire le diagnostic de l’environnement de mise en œuvre de cette initiative et élaborer le référentiel ainsi que le module de formation après la production des rapports de l’état des lieux et de la documentation.

What caused the coup in Niger? An expert outlines three driving factors

Source: The Conversation – Africa – By Olayinka Ajala, Senior lecturer in Politics and International Relations, Leeds Beckett University

At an emergency meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, on 30 July, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) demanded the “immediate release and reinstatement” of Niger’s elected president, Mohamed Bazoum. He had been held by the military since 19 July.

The regional bloc gave the military in Niger a one-week ultimatum to comply and warned it would take all measures necessary – including force – to restore constitutional order.

On 28 July, the head of Niger’s presidential guard, General Abdourahamane Tchiani, declared himself head of state after the military seized power.

Beyond warning against any regional and foreign interventions, the military leaders in Niger have given no indications of ways forward.

This coup d’etat will have a significant impact on peace and stability in Niger and the entire Sahel region.

Although Niger has recently enjoyed its longest democratic rule since independence, there has been a constant threat of coups. When Bazoum was elected president in 2021, there was a coup attempt about 48 hours before his inauguration. It failed as presidential guards fought off the coup plotters.

As I explained then, the coup attempt pointed to deep fissures in the country. It suggested that the military had not fully embraced democracy.

The current coup plotters have blamed rising insecurity and a lack of economic growth. They stated that the intervention was necessary to avoid “the gradual and inevitable demise” of the country. I believe, however, there are other issues that precipitated the latest coup d’etat. These are: ethnicity; the presence of foreign forces; and the weakness of regional bodies.

Factors that led to the coup

There are no doubts that the rise in insecurity and declining economic prospects contributed to fragility in the country.

Despite the increase in foreign forces, especially from the US and France, and military bases in Niger, the leadership has been unable to stop insurgent attacks. There are several insurgent groups, such as Al-Qaeda and Islamic State affiliates, as well as Boko Haram operating in the country.

These attacks have resulted in thousands of deaths and displacements in the last decade. Hundreds of youths in the capital, Niamey, gathered to celebrate the July coup, waving Russian flags and chanting “Wagner”. This suggests that some people in Niger believe the military, supported by Russia and the private military contractor, Wagner group, would do a better job of fighting insurgents.

In addition to insecurity and economic stagnation, three other issues help explain the recent coup d’etat.

First, the debate over the ethnicity and legitimacy of Bazoum was an issue during the last election campaign. Bazoum is from Niger’s ethnic Arab minority and has always been labelled as having foreign origins.

This did not sit well within the military circle, which is predominantly composed of the larger ethnic groups – even though Bazoum got about 56% of the vote and is from the same party as former president Mahamadou Issoufou.

There is a lot of emphasis on ethnic military composition in the country; understanding this helped Issoufou complete two terms as president. Appointments in the military are made along ethnic lines.

Second, the large number of foreign military troops and bases in the country has not been well received by the military. They believe this undermines them. Niger is a key ally of western countries in the fight against insurgency in the region. France’s huge investments in Niger’s mining sector are another reason for its interest in security.

In 2019, the US opened a drone base in Niger despite protests. As I have pointed out before, the drone base could make Niger a target for terrorists and increase instability.

In 2022, France and other European allies withdrew their forces from neighbouring Mali. Bazoum was quick to invite them to Niger. The Nigerien military leadership and some influential individuals in the country denounced the increase in foreign forces.

Third, I suggest the failure of regional organisations such as ECOWAS and the African Union to take a firm stance against military power seizures in Guinea, Burkina Faso and Mali emboldened the Nigerien military. ECOWAS leaders have now threathened to use force to restore Bazoum if the coup plotters do not reinstate him.

In the last four years, there have been seven coup d’etats in the region. Three were successful. Leaders of ECOWAS and the African Union have threatened sanctions on these three countries, but nothing much has been done to deter other opportunistic military leaders.

In a round table organised by the think tank Chatham House London on the impact of military intervention in west Africa, one of the leaders from the region stated that they kept avenues of communication open with the three military presidents as a courtesy. This creates an impression that there is no deterrence for military takeovers.

Implications for Niger and the region

The latest coup d’etat has severe consequences for Niger and the entire Sahel region. Niger is a strong ally of western nations, especially France, the US and the European Union in fighting insurgency and curbing illegal migration to Europe.

Efforts to address these issues will be affected. And the new military leaders will want to use these issues as leverage in negotiations and to force acceptance of the new regime.

The new leaders in Niger might also engage with the Wagner group to combat the Islamist insurgency. The leader of the group has already praised them for seizing power. The influence of Russia and Wagner in the region could grow.

Yet Wagner has been unable to halt terrorist advancement in Mali and Burkina Faso.

Finally, a successful military takeover in Niger would be a major drawback for democracy in the region and Africa as a whole. The military regimes of Guinea, Mali and Burkina Faso already plan to form a “military alliance”, supposedly to combat insecurity.

African leaders need to do more to prove that they are working for the masses.

– What caused the coup in Niger? An expert outlines three driving factors

Degrowth: slowing down rich economies to deal with climate change is a flawed idea

Source: The Conversation – Africa – By Wim Naudé, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Johannesburg

The notion of “degrowth” is gaining traction among some politicians in Europe. It was given a platform recently at the European Parliament’s “Beyond Growth” conference.

Jason Hickel, an economic anthropologist and one of the main advocates of degrowth, defines it as

a planned reduction of energy and resource use designed to bring the economy back into balance with the living world in a way that reduces inequality and improves human wellbeing.

The degrowth movement’s belief is that other approaches to the ecological crisis, such as green growth and the sustainable development goals, are futile. That’s because these approaches are rooted in democratic capitalism, which is obsessed with economic growth. Therefore the movement calls for a “radical political project” that would displace capitalism and “de-grow” the west. The global south is exempt.

So far, the economic mainstream has been dismissive of degrowth, considering it perhaps not even worth engaging with. Critical analyses by Nobel laureate Ted Nordhaus and other leading economists such as Branko Milanovic and Andrew MacAfee remains confined to blog-style pieces.

The degrowth movement does, however, raise very valid criticisms against economic growth and the Green Growth paradigm that underpins the current mainstream approach to tackling the ecological crisis. But do they offer valid solutions? Are the only two options facing us either ecological collapse or degrowth? Will degrowth save the world as Jason Hickel confidently proclaims?

In several recent scholarly papers, published by the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, I argue that the proposal for degrowth is not a solution for the ecological crisis or for the shortcomings of democratic capitalism.

Degrowth would be ineffective and might be even worse for the environment. Degrowth in industrialised countries would hit developing countries hard because of economic interdependencies.

The west has been experiencing degrowth conditions (the “great stagnation”) for decades. This experiment has resulted in many social and political ills. The degrowth movement itself is a reaction against degrowth.

Flaws in the argument

Proponents of degrowth argue that reducing the gross domestic product (GDP) of advanced economies would cut carbon emissions enough to avoid an ecological overshoot.

But my argument is that merely reducing the GDP of developed countries would have no significant impact on the world’s overall material footprint.

Most current carbon emissions (63%) come from developing countries where emissions will continue to increase. China, for example, is building the equivalent of two new coal-fired power plants every week.

Many of the world’s major carbon pollutors – fossil fuel companies – are located in the global south. They include Saudi Aramco, National Iranian Oil, Petroleos Mexicanos, PetroChina, Petroleos de Venezuela and Kuwait Petroleum. They are also government owned or controlled, which makes it rather strange that Jason Hickel is advocating nationalisation of fossil fuel companies as a degrowth-solution…

Degrowth considers the global south to be exempt from degrowth. This is an implicit acknowledgement that degrowth can do harm. The movement has also argued that developed countries should compensate the global south. This implies giving a free pass to global south polluters whose fossil fuel rich governments will get trillions in reparation money to further invest in their polluting industries.

Degrowth would also be ineffective. Most of its key proposals are likely to stimulate economic growth and consumption, not curtail it. For example, the degrowth movement calls for energy sufficiency, basic income grants and four-day working weeks. It proposes banning advertising. All of these may be subject to rebound effects – they would actually stimulate economic growth and materialisation of the economy.

But degrowth might not only be ineffective in reducing ecological overshoot. It might turn out to be dirty.

First, redistribution towards less developed countries, as degrowth proposes, would stimulate economic growth and aggregate consumption growth in developing countries. Strangely, although degrowthers reject neoclassical economic growth theory, they seem to adhere to its tenet that redistribution has no effect on economic growth.

Second, with reduced income, developed countries would have fewer resources to invest in climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies. Degrowthers may counter that countries could just reallocate their expenditure away from conspicuous consumption towards such green investment. But that would be inconsistent with the fact that the most innovative countries are not Jason Hickel’s poster-children such as Sri Lanka or Cuba, but those with the highest GDP, such as the USA and Switzerland. Innovation costs money. Kate Raworth is therefore mistaken when she claims that “boundaries unleash creativity.”

With resources and innovation under degrowth pressure, firms might simply replace expensive cleaner production techniques with cheaper, but more polluting ones. And without future growth, debt would contract, starving risky but necessary investment projects.

The upshot is that degrowth would leave the world more vulnerable to the impacts of ecological deterioration.

Degrowth might also harm developing countries because of the intertwined nature of the global economy. This might disproportionately hurt the poorest of the poor – and make global inequality worse.

The COVID-19 crisis emphasised this inter-dependency. Poverty rose more sharply in the global south than in the global north. The impact of the pandemic indicated how difficult it would be for the south to decouple from the north.

Degrowth and dictatorship

Because of these shortcomings, degrowth is politically unfeasible. Democracy and degrowth are inherently uncomfortable bedfellows. The only example in history of a sustainable and thriving stationary (non-growing) society was Japan during the Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603-1868). It was, however, a “brutal dictatorship”.

Given that a democracy is unlikely to choose degrowth voluntarily, the degrowth movement may set the west on a dangerous path towards rejecting democracy and reverting to an authoritarian collective.

The degrowth movement thinks that material use and carbon emissions cannot be decoupled from economic growth, but that innovation, creativity, happiness and social progress can. This ignores how much social progress has accompanied the last two centuries of economic growth.

The physicist Tom Murphy, who has stressed the limits to economic growth, has warned that

In times of plenty, we can afford to be kind to those who are different. We are less threatened when we are comfortable. If our 21st Century standard of living peaks […] then we may not have the luxury of viewing our social progress as an irreversible ratchet. Hard times revive old tribal instincts: different is not welcome.

– Degrowth: slowing down rich economies to deal with climate change is a flawed idea

Mauritius is first in Africa to adopt WHO full-scale tobacco control measures

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English (2) – Report:

BRAZZAVILLE, Congo (Republic of the), July 31, 2023/APO Group/ —

Mauritius has become the first African country to fully implement the entire World Health Organization’s (WHO) package of tobacco control measures aimed at reducing tobacco use and reducing related deaths.

The WHO tobacco control package, called MPOWER Package, is a set of six measures to help countries monitor tobacco use and the effectiveness of preventive measures; establish measures to protect people from tobacco smoke and help them quit; ensure warning about the dangers of tobacco; enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and raise taxes on tobacco. The measures are aimed at assisting countries to curb the demand for tobacco.

Mauritius’ achievement was recognized today at an event where the Ninth WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic was launched. The island nation has recorded a 25% decline in the prevalence of smoking among adults between 1992 and 2021, according to a national survey.

“With a strong political commitment, we have made great progress in tobacco control policies in Mauritius. Our country has adopted the MPOWER strategy and is moving resolutely towards a smoke-free country,” said Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Prime Minister, Republic of Mauritius.

Mauritius, which joins Brazil, Turkey and most recently the Netherlands in this achievement, has been a pioneer in tobacco control legislation. It was among the first countries globally to ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004, as well as one of the first to impose pictorial and text warnings on tobacco packaging in 2008. In May 2023, Mauritius became the first African country to introduce plain tobacco packaging.

“I applaud this truly remarkable progress by Mauritius to protect lives from the dangerous effects of tobacco,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa. “The tobacco epidemic is a significant contributor to the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases in Africa and I urge other countries in the region to fully implement the WHO MPOWER measures to curb the health impacts of tobacco.”

In fully implementing the MPOWER package, Mauritius has passed key legislations. Among them is the Public Health (Restrictions on Tobacco Products) Regulations 2022, which cracks down on tobacco industry’s interference as well as on emerging tobacco and other nicotine products. The law also bans the manufacture, importation, distribution and sale of electronic cigarettes.

The African region is expected to be home to more than 50 million smokers by 2025 unless more is done urgently to halt the tobacco epidemic. About 12 million others are estimated to be using smokeless tobacco products such as chewing tobacco or snuff, according to the WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use 2000–2025 (

Nominations Open for 2024 Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Prize for Impactful Achievement in Islamic Economics

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English is inviting nominations for the IsDB Prize for Impactful Achievement in Islamic Economics for the year 1445H (2024).

Focusing on the Knowledge Contribution category, this cycle of the Prize aims to recognize, reward, and encourage significant knowledge contributions in areas related to Islamic economics that have the potential to solve major economic and financial challenges of IsDB Member Countries.

Individuals and institutions can nominate other individuals and institutions, based on a project that has a positive and significant impact on people’s lives and has a substantial impact on economic development based on Islamic principles.

The prize comes with a US$ 50,000 award for the first-place winner, US$ 30,000 for second place, and US$ 20,000 for third place.

The nominated contributions should have been made within the previous seven years and be replicable elsewhere.

The nomination is a two-step process that can be initiated by visiting the ‘How to Apply’ ( page on the IsDB Prize Portal ( The first step is the registration of the nominator/applicant, which is open until 16 Jamada Al-Ula 1445 (30 November 2023). The second step is for the nominator/applicant to upload the nomination form details and any relevant files before 19 Jamada Al-Ula 1445H (3 December 2023).

For more information about the call for nominations, visit the IsDB Prize Portal ( and download the brochure to learn more about the procedure.

The prize winner and runners-up will be honored at a ceremony during the 2024 IsDB Group Annual Meetings on a date to be announced in due course.

Sonangol’s Kátia Epalanga to Discuss Innovation, Collaboration at Angola Oil and Gas (AOG) 2023

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English (2) – Report:

LUANDA, Angola, July 31, 2023/APO Group/ —

Kátia Epalanga, Executive Director of Angolan National Oil Company (NOC) Sonangol, will participate as a distinguished speaker at the upcoming Angola Oil and Gas (AOG) conference ( – taking place on September 13-14, 2023 in Angola. Representing the NOC, Epalanga’s presence and contributions at the AOG 2023 will enrich the discussions and inspire new innovations for the future of Angola’s oil and gas sector.

An accomplished industry professional and Executive Director of Sonangol, Epalanga brings extensive experience and a unique perspective to the event. With a deep understanding of the industry’s challenges and opportunities, she is a sought-after speaker known for providing invaluable insights. During her tenure at Sonangol, Epalanga has been instrumental in driving innovation, sustainability, inclusion and growth within the company. Her leadership has been influential in fostering partnerships, both locally and internationally, to enhance Angola’s position as a key player in the global energy market.

Sonangol, with assets valued at around $51.5 billion, stands as the leading oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa, employing over 13,000 individuals. This outstanding accomplishment reflects the company’s outstanding leadership and strategic foresight, epitomized by executives such as Epalanga. Although the company currently serves as Angola’s NOC, its ongoing privatization process will see the company transform into a competitive operator. This process commenced in 2021 with the sale of government shares and is expected to be completed by 2026.

As an active player in the oil and gas industry, Sonangol is deeply engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas across Angola’s subsoil and continental shelf. The company bears the responsibility for various stages of the hydrocarbon lifecycle, including exploration, production, manufacturing, transportation and commercialization within the country. Demonstrating their unwavering commitment, Sonangol operates with a strong focus on efficiency, safety, transparency and environmental protection. This approach aims to facilitate the harmonious development of Angola while ensuring the sustainable utilization of its national hydrocarbon resources.

Notable projects currently underway include the development of three new refinery facilities – Cabinda, Soyo and Lobito -; the Angola-Zambia Pipeline; the Agogo Oil Field Development; the Begonia Oil Field Development; CLOV Phase 3; and the Cameia-Golfinho Development, all of which are being developed in collaboration with international oil companies and partners.

Additionally, Sonangol remains committed to sustainability, and through the integration of hydrogen fuel at the Luanda refinery, the company aims to lower greenhouse gas emissions. By actively embracing cleaner and more sustainable practices, Sonangol underscores its commitment to the energy transition all while prioritizing regional energy security and industrialization.

“Sonangol’s journey is undoubtedly captivating, and we are honored to have them as a prominent presence at our conference. Epalanga’s participation at this prestigious event underscores its significance as a platform for fostering dialogue, collaboration, and progress within Angola’s oil and gas sector,” says Stephanie E. Benjamin, Energy Capital and Power’s International Conference Director.

At AOG 2023, Epalanga will share her vision for the future of the oil and gas industry in Angola, shedding light on the strategies that Sonangol is employing to navigate the evolving energy landscape. Her participation promises to provide attendees with valuable perspectives on investment opportunities, technological advancements and sustainable practices within the sector.

AOG 2023 returns to Luanda for its fourth edition from September 13-14 under the auspices of the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas and in partnership with the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency, AIDAC and the African Energy Chamber. Visit for more information about this highly-anticipated event.