A Nigerian student’s water app wins at the Xylem Ignite Global Student Innovation Challenge

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

More people understand the value of saving money or planning groceries than conserving water. But a new app concept from Prosper Ukachi, who hails from Abuja, Nigeria, could change our perception about looking after water. His work has since been recognised in the Xylem (www.Xylem.com) Ignite Global Student Innovation Challenge.

Prosper and his team collaborator, Gabriel Portas from Spain, developed a prototype phone app called BlueHub. This innovative application helps people calculate how much water they potentially use, then provides numerous ways to reduce their water usage, gain awards, and connect with other water-conscious people.

“The UK’s environmental agencies estimate that people there waste up to three billion litres each day! Much of that is lost through simple things like inefficient handwashing. We created this app to encourage individuals to conserve water by observing how their behaviours affect water and by providing them with actions to follow to enhance water conservation,” says Prosper.

BlueHub (https://apo-opa.info/47gtqRe) combines conversational information with a handy usage calculator. Users can answer a few basic questions to calculate their average water usage. The app then provides the means to track consumption and reduce usage. It also provides ways to connect to others through forums and direct private messages, enabling them to create water-saving communities. Using gamification, the app rewards participants for improving their water usage, and they receive push notifications of their achievements that they can share with others.

This app concept would go on to win one of the categories in the Xylem Ignite Global Student Innovation Challenge. This annual competition invites students worldwide to submit projects that help conserve water. Students from all expertise levels competed for eight cash prizes from the US$20,000 prize pool, including US$5,000 grand prizes for the top secondary (high school) and tertiary (university) projects.

Facing tough competition, BlueApp went on to win the Awareness to Action category for tertiary student projects. It is a big moment for Prosper, who is highly ambitious and lives by his personal slogan, “Data, Education and Integrity. That sums me up!”

Prosper was studying civil engineering at a private University in Nigeria but had to drop out due to a family tragedy. However, this did not stop him from acquiring more knowledge and achieving certifications in technology courses. His drive for knowledge and betterment created the insight and connections to participate in the challenge, collaborating with Gabriel, based in Spain. Prosper is currently volunteering as an intern Marketing Officer, and he has established skills in business administration, leadership, people management, active listening, customer research and project management.

This win proves that anyone can succeed if they put their mind to the task, and that no obstacle in life is so big that we should give up. The same message resonates with water conservation. The world faces enormous challenges around its most precious resource. Without water, there is no life. Unfortunately, our wasteful and polluting habits are pushing water ecosystems to the brink.

The BlueHub app is a shining light, showing how to bring more people to appreciate water conservation. Prosper’s story is also an excellent example for Africa’s people, showing how combining technology, ambition, and knowledge can help solve the continent’s biggest challenges.

“We are very proud of the work done by Prosper and his teammate, Gabriel. It’s exciting that a solution that initially targets the UK was developed here in Africa. That shows that with the right mindset and resources, we can tackle problems as well as any other part of the world,” says Chetan Mistry, Xylem Africa’s Strategy and Marketing Manager.

Xylem Ignite Global Student Innovation Challenge

Students aged 13 to 25 create projects that tackle one of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges: water. This 8-week virtual #hackathon offered access to informative webinars and mentoring by leading water experts to develop projects addressing issues such as the water impact of Green Hydrogen production, the Water Energy Emissions nexus in the built environment, and waterways pollution. Participants also have the opportunity to develop water awareness content to further drive engagement on the ‘Water Heroes Hub’ platform.

Learn more at https://apo-opa.info/47amNA3

Breathing hope: Tackling lung cancer in Africa and the Middle East (By Esra Erkomay)

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

By Esra Erkomay – Oncology Lead, Middle East and Africa, AstraZeneca (https://www.AstraZeneca.com)

Lung cancer, once rare, is now the highest cause of mortality of cancer worldwide. Responsible for more fatalities than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined. [1]  It claims a life every 18 seconds. In recent years, wealthier countries have recently experienced a significant decline in lung cancer mortality, but in most of the Middle East and Africa incidence and mortality remains high.

It is challenging to gather precise figures on the number of people living with lung cancer in the region, but most recent studies show there were at least 120,000 new cases in 2018, with numbers predicted to have grown since then. [2] [3] Its strong association with tobacco-use leads many people to assume that lung cancer is a condition that only affects smokers. But this is a misperception. Though smoking increases your risk of the disease, anyone can get lung cancer.

The years of life lost to premature deaths, the economic burden of lost productivity and treatment costs, and the long-term effects of illness and treatment on the quality of life of patients and survivors all combine to make lung cancer a serious public health challenge. Our approach to this devastating disease in the Middle East and Africa must change if we are to save lives and improve the overall resilience and sustainability of our health systems.

World Lung Cancer Day is an important opportunity to raise awareness and collectively push for transformative action. Alongside prioritising lung cancer in National Cancer Control programmes and investing in cancer registries to collect sufficient data on the disease, there are three approaches that governments can take to achieve this.

Firstly, screening for lung cancer must be expanded, focusing on high-risk groups. As noted in a 2021 report developed for the Lung Ambition Alliance, nearly a quarter of lung cancer deaths in high-risk populations could be prevented through screening. [4] It is encouraging to note that advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are making screening more accessible and efficient than ever before. To ensure that emerging economies also benefit from these new technologies, AstraZeneca has joined forces with deep-learning developers QURE.ai (https://apo-opa.info/3rPJhWW) to integrate AI diagnostics in the early detection of lung cancer in Turkey, the Gulf, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and South Africa. With 30,000 scans already completed in these countries, the partnership aims to increase lung cancer detection at an earlier stage – improving the patient journey and ultimately reducing lung cancer mortality rates.

Secondly, cross-border collaboration can help change how we detect and treat lung cancer. Learning from each other’s experiences and mistakes is better for patients and healthcare budgets. Initiatives like Cancer Care Africa, launched in November last year provide valuable insights and build cross-border health ecosystems that address the challenges associated with cancer, including lung cancer. Already, Cancer Care Africa is creating an educational bridge between health care professionals in Egypt and Kenya who work on lung and other cancers, with thousands of health workers benefitting from in-person and virtual peer-to-peer learning which it is hoped can eventually be replicated across the continent.

Finally, sustainability must be at the heart of our health systems. Research indicates that nearly 1 in 10 cases of lung cancer are caused by outdoor air pollution, which means building environmentally friendly health-ecosystems can directly benefit lung cancer outcomes. [5]  Added to that, prevention and early detection programmes save significant resources and energy in the long run, as can new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual appointments. This year’s COP28 in the UAE is a critical opportunity to strengthen ties between climate and health, and it is exciting to see health firmly on the agenda. By building sustainable health systems, we can ensure equitable access to lung cancer care for all, and vice versa.

On this World Lung Cancer Day, we call on governments, healthcare providers, the private sector, and NGOs to renew their approach to lung cancer in the Middle East and Africa region. The burden of this disease is formidable, and our collective response must rise to meet it. By implementing effective screening programmes, fostering cross-border collaboration, and investing in sustainable health systems, we can reverse the trajectory of lung cancer and provide hope for patients. Let us unite in the fight against lung cancer and strive for a future where this devastating disease no longer claims the lives of so many.


[2] Jazieh, Abdulrahman R., et al. “Lung cancer in the Middle East and North Africa region.” Journal of Thoracic Oncology 14.11 (2019): 1884-1891. https://apo-opa.info/3q9SDMF.

[3] Sharma, Rajesh, et al. “Mapping cancer in Africa: a comprehensive and comparable characterization of 34 cancer types using estimates from GLOBOCAN 2020.” Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022): 744. https://apo-opa.info/47gWOqL

Exness launches Exness Team Pro with trading stars Kojo Forex and Dennis Okari

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

Multi-asset broker Exness (https://apo-opa.info/458L3kd) announces the launch of its new program – Exness Team Pro. The program will strengthen Exness’ (www.Exness.com) local and global presence by leveraging the influence of a team of international trading professionals, all with a large following and established voice within their respective communities.

The current members of Exness Team Pro are: Nicolas Palacios, with 135K followers on Instagram, Momen Medhat who has 118K subscribers on YouTube, Mohsin with 267K subscribers on YouTube, Dennis Okari with 399K followers on Twitter and Kojo Forex with 156K subscribers on YouTube.

This team of professional traders will act as Exness brand ambassadors, playing a key role in crafting valuable storytelling and content around the broker’s products, value proposition, differentiation, and credibility. They will share their success stories, testimonials, and experiences as traders, becoming an authentic voice for Exness and extending its reach to relevant audiences.

“Exness Team Pro’s been amazing so far. The best thing about it for me as an ambassador is being able to add credibility to my own personal brand while putting the spotlight on Exness as the ideal brokerage for retail traders in sub-Saharan Africa”, said Kojo Forex.

Dennis Okari also commented, saying “Exness Team Pro embodies the true essence of collaboration and professionalism, something much needed in today’s forex industry. I’m proud to be associated with such a remarkable team that is taking the trading experience to greater heights.”

On Exness’ side, Chief Marketing Officer, Alfonso Cardalda, stated: “After months of interviews and meetings with key traders across the globe, we are proud to introduce our very own Exness Team Pro. The talented individuals in Team Pro are the face and voice of our brand and our trading community, and a great example of collaboration across the entire Exness ecosystem. Stay tuned to learn about strategies and experiences, from some of the world’s top traders”.

Exness is a global multi-asset broker which uses a unique combination of technology and ethics to create a favorable market for traders and raise the industry benchmark. Exness’ ethos and vision revolve around the concept of offering its clients a frictionless trading experience, by bringing to life the financial markets in the way they should be experienced. Exness’ identity and commitment to the two worlds of technology and ethics, as well as its loyal client base which counts over 500,000 active traders are key drivers of the global brand. Today, Exness records over $3 trillion in monthly trading volume and is licensed, among other international regulators, by South Africa’s Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and Kenya’s Capital Markets Authority (CMA).

Paul McDade, da Afentra, vai delinear a agenda angolana de Exploração e Produção (E&P) na AOG 2023

Source: Africa Press Organisation – Portuguese

Paul McDade, CEO da empresa independente de petróleo e gás, Afentra, participará como orador na Conferência e Exposição Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2023 (https://apo-opa.info/3PTENZ0). Subordinada ao tema ‘Segurança Energética, Descarbonização e Desenvolvimento Sustentável’, a AOG 2023 decorre em Luanda, nos próximos 13 e 14 de setembro, numa organização da Energy Capital & Power.

McDade traz um amplo leque de conhecimentos e enorme experiência para o plano dos debates e definição de novas perspectivas na AOG 2023. Será ele o responsável por conduzir as discussões sobre a exploração africana, aquisição de activos e conversas críticas sobre a agenda da Afentra no mercado angolano de energia.

Como exploradora independente, a Afentra está empenhada em implantar tecnologia de ponta e implementar medidas de redução de carbono, inaugurando uma nova era de desenvolvimento sustentável na indústria de petróleo e gás em África. Isso posiciona a empresa como uma opção extremamente viável para os governos africanos que procuram parceiros capazes de fornecer orientação e apoio na adopção de técnicas de produção sustentáveis e de baixo carbono.

Em 2022, a Afentra assinou um importante acordo de compra e venda (SPA) com a Sonangol, a companhia petrolífera nacional de Angola. Este acordo permitiu à Afentra assegurar participações em dois blocos “offshore” situados nas bacias do Baixo Congo e do Kwanza, representando um negócio avaliado em 80 milhões de dólares. Este movimento estratégico marcou a entrada da Afentra em Angola.

Além disso, em julho de 2023, a Afentra assinou um contrato de SPA com a empresa de petróleo e gás, Azule Energy, para o Bloco 3/05 e o Bloco 3/05A. O acordo eleva a participação da Afentra no Bloco 3/05 e no Bloco 3/05A para 30% e 21,33%, respectivamente.

A estratégia da empresa em Angola passa pela optimização e prolongamento da vida útil dos activos produtores de meia-vida, priorizando a segurança, a redução de emissões e uma actuação ambiental responsável. Este portefólio e esta abordagem tornam a Afentra num protagonista altamente relevante para as discussões na AOG 2023, pois alinham-se com o foco da conferência que incide no desenvolvimento sustentável e na gestão ambiental.

“As operações da Afentra no mercado angolano constituem um marco significativo, e sua experiência e compromisso com a produção sustentável torna-a num parceiro valioso para os governos africanos. Ter Paul McDade e a Afentra a participarem na Conferência AOG 2023 é muito relevante pois as suas percepções contribuirão para moldar o diálogo em torno do cenário e contexto da exploração em Angola”, realça Devi Paulsen-Abbott, CEO da Energy Capital and Power.

Durante a AOG 2023, Paul McDade irá aprofundar as discussões sobre a necessidade fundamental de aumentar a exploração e produção em Angola dentro do processo de transição energética global, contribuindo desta forma para o futuro energético de Angola e de África. As ideias e percepções que serão partilhados por Paul McDade serão valiosos para empreendedores de novos projectos, investidores, financiadores e empresas de serviços que intervêm ao longo de toda a cadeia de valor do petróleo e gás.

A AOG 2023 regressa a Luanda para a sua quarta edição, de 13 a 14 de Setembro, sob os auspícios do Ministério dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleos e Gás e em parceria com a Agência Nacional de Petróleos, Gás e Biocombustíveis, AIDAC e a Câmara Africana de Energia. Para mais informações aceda a: www.AngolaOilandGas.com

Japan-SA collaboration set to improve quality of production

Source: South Africa News Agency

The Chief Director of Automotives at the the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), Mkhululi Mlota says the Quality and Productivity Improvement (QPI) training programme will help give South Africa an edge over its competitors in manufacturing in the automotive sector. 

He was speaking at the launch of the QPI project, also known as Kaizen, in Johannesburg earlier yesterday.

The project was born out of a partnership and consolidated through a Memorandum of Understanding between the dtic and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

It is mainly aimed at improving quality and productivity in South Africa on lower tier component products in the automotive value chain, which also extends to the plastics and metals sectors.

The training will be done across the country and will be implemented through a network of organisations that form part of the dtic’s National Quality and Productivity Network (NQPN).

Among these, are the training institutions and service providers that support business management and skills support for the companies.

Mlota said one of the key objectives of the project is to strengthen the competitiveness of the suppliers in the automotive sector, in line with the South African Automotive Masterplan 2035.

“To realise some of the benefits of the project, including strengthening business competiveness and creating job opportunities, it is imperative that all stakeholders and beneficiaries embrace the common values of QPI promotion in South Africa. 

“Kaizen is hands-on and practical expertise developed through a participatory, learning-by-doing, human-focused, and process-oriented approach.  I trust that participants will fully apply themselves and work hard to develop their own capabilities which will subsequently ensure that we improve competitiveness of the industry,” Mlota said. 

The Chief Representative of JICA in South Africa, Mr Karou Okada said improving productivity was critical in helping South Africa emerge from the current economic challenges, partly exarcebated by the COVID pandemic period.

“There are more than 250 Japanese companies in South Africa and since this project is focusing on the automotive value chain, although not limited to, some of the training sites are those of suppliers of Japanese companies.

“This project will create a win-win relationship between the government of South Africa and Japanese private sector companies through the sharing of knowledge, skills and benefits,” he said. – SAnews.gov.za

Rhino killings decrease by 11%

Source: South Africa News Agency

In the first six months of this year, 231 rhinos were killed in South Africa, representing an 11% decrease when compared to the same period last year.

This represents a decline of 28 animals killed for their horn.

Addressing a media briefing on Tuesday, Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, said during this period poaching trends also continued to show a move away from the Kruger National Park to provincial and private reserves.

“Forty-two rhinos were poached in the Kruger National Park and 143 in KwaZulu-Natal province from January to June 2023. Forty-six of the rhinos killed were in privately-owned nature reserves and 143 in provincially-owned reserves,” the Minister said in Pretoria.

Due to the demand for rhino horn remaining a constant threat to rhino populations, collaboration between the law enforcement agencies supported by private security remained key.

An important development in strengthening the collaboration between law enforcement to effectively address the organised nature of rhino poaching and wildlife trafficking is Cabinet’s approval National Integrated Strategy to Combat Wildlife Trafficking (NISCWT) in May this year.

“This strategy aims to break the illicit value chain of wildlife trafficking in South Africa and beyond its borders. It represents a commitment by government to direct law enforcement ability and effort and mobilise society support to address the threat wildlife tracking poses to national security and the country’s rich biodiversity.

“Although currently our main focus is rhino, the strategy also aims to address the illegal trade in, and poaching of, other species that are threatened by trafficking syndicates, like abalone,” Creecy said.

Joint initiatives pay dividends

In the first six months of this year efforts by both the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) have led to the conviction of 31 offenders.

The majority of sentences were custodial. In Skukuza, one suspect found guilty of killing three rhino and possession of unlawful arms and ammunition was sentenced to an effective 32 year imprisonment.

In another matter, three accused, found driving in Kruger National Park with five rhino horns hidden in the vehicle, a hunting rifle with a silencer, ammunition and knives, were convicted for the killing of three rhinos in the park, possession of unlawful firearms and ammunition, possession of dangerous weapons and trespassing.

Accused one and two were sentenced to 34 years imprisonment, while accused 3 was sentenced to 39 years imprisonment.

In Limpopo, an accused individual was sentenced on a charge of murder, killing of two rhinos, unlicenced firearm and ammunition to an effective sentence of 24 years imprisonment.

In the Eastern Cape, six accused were convicted on charges of conspiracy to commit rhino poaching, notably no rhinos were killed, and the possession of unlicenced firearm and ammunition and effectively sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 16 to 20 years.

“The role of rangers in supporting the prosecution and sentencing of those arrested for wildlife crimes committed in the Kruger cannot be underestimated.

“There is strong collaboration between the SAPS forensic teams and South African National Parks (SANParks) Environmental and Corporate Investigations (ECI) when attending crime scenes to ensure the collection of vital evidence to link suspects to the crime scenes. It is also done to ensure minimum contamination of the crime scene.

“During the meeting held earlier this year with the Director of Public Prosecutions’ Environmental Working Group we discussed the challenge relating to the opposing of bail due to the fact that rhino poaching is not listed as a scheduled offence.

“Research is being conducted to propose, if viable, legislative amendments to address this challenge,” the Minister said.

Creecy said it was unfortunate that rhino poachers have continued to target the Hluhluwe/iMfolozi game reserve in KwaZulu-Natal where Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, supported by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment and iSimangaliso Wetland Park, continue to implement a number of measures to combat rhino poaching.

Among these has been the establishment of a Tactical Operations Joint Control Centre which now facilitates the SAPS deployments to Hluhluwe/iMfolozi Park (HiP).

The department has made available R40 million for the repair and replacement of the boundary fence around the Hluhluwe/iMfolozi game reserve, which is regularly breached and through which wild animals can escape to nearby communities.

The National Prosecuting Authority has designated a prosecutor to facilitate rhino cases in KwaZulu-Natal and cases have been prioritised and identified to be expedited through the court processes.

Criminal syndicates

In response to a range of studies that point out collusion between ranger services and criminal syndicates, the Kruger National Park has developed a holistic Ranger Services – Integrity Management Plan.

“This plan aims to improve ranger morale and resilience to corruption by providing services that enhance ranger health and well-being, provide training and counselling, offer a range of financial management services and debt management.

“The Ranger Service has also enlisted the Association of Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA) Foundation to provide specialised financial literacy training for all field rangers. This was attended by 334 employees,” the Minister said.

SANParks has also established an integrity testing system – a polygraph policy – for new recruits and to support anti-corruption investigations.

To ensure the safe passage of tourists, SANParks has joined a task team championed by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Fish Mahlalela, in collaboration with the traditional leaders of adjoining communities, the SAPS and private security companies to ensure constant patrols along the identified hotspots en route to the Kruger National Park.

“South Africa’s national parks are situated in areas of extreme poverty and are surrounded by many vulnerable communities.

“In order to ensure that communities on the outskirts of parks benefit from tourism and thus help to keep tourists safe, SANParks has held a number of stakeholder engagements with entrepreneurs in the past four years with regard to the provision of goods and services to our national parks.

“In addition, through Working for Water, Ecosystems and Wetlands programmes, we have created 33 222 work opportunities for communities living on the outskirts of our national parks,” the Minister said. – SAnews.gov.za

Afentra’s Paul McDade to Outline Angolan Exploration and Production (E&P) Agenda at Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2023

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English (2) – Report:

LUANDA, Angola, August 1, 2023/APO Group/ —

Paul McDade, CEO of independent oil and gas company Afentra, will participate as a speaker at the highly anticipated Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2023 conference and exhibition (https://apo-opa.info/3PTENZ0). AOG 2023, under the theme ‘Energy Security, Decarbonization, and Sustainable Development,’ is set to take place in Luanda from September 13–14.

McDade brings extensive knowledge and expertise to the AOG 2023 stage. He will lead discussions on African exploration and asset acquisition, driving critical conversations around Afentra’s agenda in the Angolan energy market.

“At the time of Afentra’s launch in 2021, Angola was identified as a core target market for the Company based on a nascent industry transition that would present opportunities for an ambitious and responsible player like Afentra. Our inaugural transactions in country have seen the Company build a material position in the quality 3/05 and 3/05a Blocks, providing Afentra with a strong growth platform from which to deliver future growth in both Angola and into other core target markets. The assets provide considerable scope for organic growth as well as the opportunity to enhance the environmental performance of the producing fields – both of which are important tenets of Afentra’s strategy – and we look forward to working with our partners and wider stakeholders in delivering these objectives,” McDade notes.  

As an independent explorer, Afentra is committed to deploying state-of-the-art technology and implementing carbon reduction measures, ushering in a new era of sustainable oil and gas development in Africa. This positions the company as a viable option for African governments seeking a capable partner to provide guidance and support in adopting low-carbon and sustainable production techniques.

In 2022, Afentra signed a significant sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with Sonangol, Angola’s national oil company. This agreement allowed Afentra to secure stakes in two offshore blocks situated in the Lower Congo and Kwanza basins, representing a deal valued at $80 million. This strategic move marked Afentra’s entry into Angola.  

Additionally, in July 2023, Afentra inked a SPA deal with oil and gas company Azule Energy for Block 3/05 and Block 3/05A. The agreement brings Afentra’s stake in Block 3/05 and Block 3/05A to 30% and 21.33%, respectively.

The company’s strategy in Angola involves optimizing and extending the lifespan of mid-life producing assets, prioritizing safety, emissions reduction and responsible operations. This portfolio and approach make Afentra highly relevant to the discussions at AOG, as they align with the conference’s focus on sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

“Afentra’s operations in the Angolan market are a significant milestone, and their expertise and commitment to sustainable production make them a valuable partner for African governments. Having McDade and Afentra as part of the AOG 2023 conference is significant as their insights will contribute to shaping dialogue around Angola’s exploration landscape,” states Devi Paulsen-Abbott, Energy Capital and Power CEO.

During AOG 2023, McDade will delve deeper into discussions on the pivotal role of ramping up exploration and production in Angola within the global energy transition, contributing to the energy future of both Angola and Africa. The insights shared by McDade will be valuable for project developers, financiers and service companies along the entire oil and gas value chain.

“At the time of Afentra’s launch in 2021, Angola was identified as a core target market for the Company based on a nascent industry transition that would present opportunities for an ambitious and responsible player like Afentra. Our inaugural transactions in country have seen the Company build a material position in the quality 3/05 and 3/05a Blocks, providing Afentra with a strong growth platform from which to deliver future growth in both Angola and into other core target markets. The assets provide considerable scope for organic growth as well as the opportunity to enhance the environmental performance of the producing fields – both of which are important tenets of Afentra’s strategy – and we look forward to working with our partners and wider stakeholders in delivering these objectives.  

“We’re delighted to be presenting at this conference as we continue to raise the profile of Afentra within our relevant audiences and look forward to providing our unique insights into the important role that Afentra can play in delivering a responsible energy transition in Angola. We look forward to participating in an energetic and insightful conference that will help inform delegates about the evolving future of Angola’s energy industry,” he adds.

AOG 2023 returns to Luanda for its fourth edition from September 13-14 under the auspices of the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas and in partnership with the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency, AIDAC and the African Energy Chamber. Visit www.AngolaOilandGas.com for more information about this highly-anticipated event.

Samir Cherfan, Director of Operations for the Middle East and Africa, presents the first-half 2023 results for Stellantis Middle East and Africa

Source: Africa Press Organisation – English

Stellantis (www.Stellantis.com) announces solid results for the first half of 2023, setting new records in net revenue, with an increase of 12% compared to the first half of 2002. The company’s transition towards electrified and software-defined vehicles continues to be successful. The Middle East and Africa stand out as being the most profitable and fastest-growing regions for Stellantis. Stellantis MEA’s market share has reached 15.1%, which is an increase of 3.2 points compared to the first half of 2022. The goal is clear: to become the market leader in the Middle East and Africa region by 2023. Finally, Stellantis MEA plays an exclusive role in the development and production of electric micro-mobility objects for the Stellantis Group.

In this video, discover the powerful momentum of Stellantis in the first half of 2023, presented by COO Samir Cherfan. Growth is on the agenda, with a particular focus on electrification and software-defined vehicles. The Middle East and Africa regions prove to be particularly dynamic and profitable, evidence of the positive impact of the strategy implemented. By following this video, immerse yourself in the evolution of Stellantis and understand how, with the help of dedicated partners, the company rises as a major force in the global automotive market.

Samir Cherfan, Directeur des Opérations pour le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique, présente les résultats du premier semestre 2023 pour Stellantis Moyen-Orient et Afrique

Source: Africa Press Organisation – French

Stellantis (www.Stellantis.com) annonce des résultats solides pour le premier semestre 2023, établissant de nouveaux records de revenus nets, avec une augmentation de 12% par rapport au premier semestre 2002. La transition de l’entreprise vers des véhicules électrifiés et définis par logiciel se poursuit avec succès. Le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique se distinguent en étant les régions les plus rentables et à la croissance la plus rapide pour Stellantis. La part de marché de Stellantis MEA a atteint 15,1%, soit une augmentation de 3,2 points par rapport au premier semestre 2022. L’objectif est clair : devenir le leader du marché dans la région du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique d’ici 2023. Enfin, Stellantis MEA joue un rôle exclusif dans le développement et la production d’objets de micro-mobilité électrique pour le groupe Stellantis.

Dans cette vidéo, découvrez la puissante dynamique de Stellantis au premier semestre 2023, présentée par Samir Cherfan, le COO. La croissance est au rendez-vous, avec un accent particulier sur l’électrification et les véhicules définis par logiciel. Les régions du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique se révèlent particulièrement dynamiques et rentables, preuve de l’impact positif de la stratégie mise en place. En suivant cette vidéo, plongez au cœur de l’évolution de Stellantis et comprenez comment, avec l’aide de partenaires dévoués, l’entreprise se hisse en tant que force majeure sur le marché mondial de l’automobile.

Socio-economic opportunities for women under spotlight

Source: South Africa News Agency

The acceleration of socio-economic programmes for women will take centre stage as the country commemorates Women’s Month.
The Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (DWYPD), in partnership with the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC), KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government and various government entities will today officially launch the 2023 Women’s Month in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

Observed under the theme, ‘Accelerating Socio-Economic Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment’, this year’s Women’s Month programme will focus on acceleration of socio-economic programmes and activities that are undertaken across different economic sectors to fast-track gender mainstreaming across these initiatives.

The month will focus on creating more opportunities for women’s inclusion and empowerment; and enable women to either take up employment in these sectors or develop their entrepreneurship or businesses. 

KwaZulu-Natal Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube said Women’s Month is a time to highlight the plight of women and equally reflect on the strides that have been made as the country in the advancement of women’s socio-economic emancipation. 

“To launch the 2023 Women’s Month in KwaZulu-Natal, at a time when we are hosting various BRICS women events, is major boost not only for the women of the province and the country but the whole of the Global South,” Dube-Ncube said.

Opportunities that exist in the oceans/blue economy for women will also take centre stage. 

Dube-Ncube said the sector has several areas with existing value chains that the empowerment programmes for women, young women and women with disabilities can leverage on for their socio-economic advancement.  

However, the Premier said, the month will not only focus on initiatives within the oceans economy, but will include initiatives within the agricultural sector, green economy; waste sector, manufacturing sector, technology and innovation sector, among others in the country.

The launch of Women’s Month will take the form of a BRICS Business Breakfast, where the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, will deliver the keynote address.  

August 9 marks the commemoration of National Women’s Day annually in South Africa. 

The day was declared a National Day in 1994 to commemorate the historic achievements of women stalwarts in the struggle against oppression, subjugation and disenfranchisement; as well as the pursuit of women’s empowerment, advancement and the achievement of gender equality. – SAnews.gov.za