Applications for minimum wage exemptions open in April

Source: South Africa News Agency

The national minimum wage online exemption system will go live in the last week of April, according to the Department of Labour.

Employers will have a chance to access the system at on the eve of the official implementation of the national minimum wage on 1 May.

The department’s Deputy Director: Employment Standards Mathilda Bergmann said the system, once online, will focus on verifying the accuracy of information, adjudicate on affordability and audit financial statements.

Once an employer has been granted an exemption it will be imperative that a copy of notice is displayed at the workplace where it can be read by employees, a copy of the exemption notice be given to the representative trade union, bargaining council and every worker who requests a copy.

Bergmann said this when addressing a Department of Labour briefing session on the implementation of the national minimum wage in George on Friday.

Unlike the sectoral determination exemption applications that were submitted manually, Bergmann said the national minimum wage system will be strictly electronic and designed to fast track the adjudication process.

Regulations on exemptions are expected to be unveiled in two weeks for public comment.

Bergmann emphasised that the granting of exemptions will be done to advance the purpose of the National Minimum Wage Act

National Minimum Wage Bill

The national minimum wage bill is expected to be enacted ahead of its official implementation on 1 May 2018. The bill is currently in Parliament before legislatures.

The bill makes provision for an employer or an employer’s organisation to apply for an exemption in the prescribed electronic form.

The agreed national minimum wage is pegged at R20 an hour for major sectors with the exception of farm/forestry workers, domestic workers and expanded public works programme workers. The status of learnerships is expected to remain unchanged. –