Secretary-General’s message to the 11th Summit of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation

Source: United Nations – English

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Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

My thanks to President Sisi for hosting this 11th Summit of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation — and for recently bringing the international community together to focus on dire humanitarian needs in Gaza. 

I also want to recognize all of you for your unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We must not relent to stop the nightmare and forge lasting peace. 

We are seeing some glimmers of hope in the region.
In Syria, the United Nations is committed to supporting a smooth transition of power with an inclusive and credible political process, reflecting the country’s diversity. 
And in Lebanon, it is crucial for all parties to fully respect and swiftly implement the ceasefire agreement.

Peace, hope and a better future for the people of the region and our world are fundamental.
That is what brings you together.

As your Summit’s theme rightly puts it, focusing on the future means investing in youth – in their ideas, energy and meaningful participation.

And as you stress, this includes through micro, small and medium enterprises.
Around the world, these enterprises drive job-creation, economic empowerment, and poverty eradication.    

And they provide an entry point for young entrepreneurs to contribute to their community and local economy.

That is why the Pact for the Future includes a commitment to support youth entrepreneurs by increasing the number of digital start-ups and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Fully unlocking all this potential means action in two key areas.  

First, by massively investing in education, skills, and training for young people.

That requires curricula adapted to the emerging green and digital economies;
expanded support for teachers and trainers; and greater professional development pathways as young people transition from school to the workplace. 

Second, micro, small and medium enterprises require a supportive environment in which to grow.

They need access to finance, technology, markets and supply chains.

And they need good governance – from licensing to taxation – to help them thrive.

Across all your countries and around the world, young people and small businesses can be a dynamic duo, propelling growth and sustainable development.

The United Nations looks forward to continuing to work with the D-8 on all these critical issues. 

Together, let’s build a more peaceful, sustainable and resilient world for today and tomorrow.   

Thank you.