Source: United Nations – English
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Colleagues, dear friends,
I thank the Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance for all your work to build a better world.
The clock is ticking to the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals. And the biggest barrier to delivery is finance.
The international financial architecture is stuck in the past, unable to mobilize the resources required.
The commitment in the 2015 Addis Ababa Action Agenda, to unleash trillions of dollars in private finance, has not materialized.
One of my priorities as Secretary-General has been to urge reform – including to enable far more private finance to be leveraged at reasonable cost.
And this year we made a major step forward.
Countries overcame their differences to agree on the Pact for the Future.
This contains clear, ambitious commitments to multilateral action – to reform the international financial architecture, turbocharge SDG implementation, and mobilise additional finance from all sources.
Now, we need the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development next year to deliver the detail.
This Alliance will play a vital role.
The Conference needs your insights and advocacy – particularly on three investment challenges:
First, structuring blended finance to attract private capital.
Second, managing currency risk – a massive deterrent to international investors today.
And third, encouraging investments that consider long-term sustainability, and have longer timeframes for returns.
Together, let’s build on the momentum of this moment and unleash the finance we need to build a better future for all humanity.
Thank you.