Secretary-General’s video message to the Forum of Mayors “Cities Summit of the Future”

Source: United Nations – English

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Dear distinguished Mayors, Dear Friends,

I want to thank the Forum of Mayors for your leadership – and for advancing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Cities are on the frontlines of shaping a world that is more prosperous, sustainable, inclusive, and interconnected.

This gathering shows you are once again on the frontlines of innovation and change.

The Summit of the Future has just concluded, and you are already joining forces to move the agenda where it matters most – at the local level, on the ground, in people’s lives.

As Secretary-General, I recognize and applaud your pivotal role – which is one reason I created the UN Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments.

I have seen how cities are engine rooms to transform sustainable development goals into sustainable development realities. 

By working to tackle the climate crisis and create green jobs.

By building inclusive and equitable communities.

By helping families stay afloat during economic hard times.

Cities are magnets for hope and opportunity for so many people around the world. 

Thank you for transforming that hope into action.   

Thank you for coming together to take the vision of the Summit of the Future forward for Cities of the future.

We need your energy, initiatives, and ideas more than ever.