President to visit Emfuleni Municipality

Source: South Africa News Agency

Thursday, October 26, 2023

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to lead an oversight visit to the Emfuleni Local Municipality in Gauteng on Friday.

During a media briefing on Thursday, Presidential spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said the President will lead a delegation of ministers and provincial leaders on the visit to asses service delivery improvements and challenges in the area.

“The municipality has faced difficulties in the provision of water services leading to the Department of Water and Sanitation to intervene to upgrade critical bulk pipelines and pump station infrastructure,” he said.

Magwenya added that the visit will take place in the context of the District Development model which aims to improve cooperative governance through integrated inter-governmental planning and budgeting.

“It’s also a fulfilment of a commitment made by the President that he will visit all provinces as part of the ‘Leave No One Behind’ District Development Model series of Izimbizo,” he said.

The oversight visit will include visits to a water treatment plant, a waste water treatment plant as well as a highway pump station.

President Ramaphosa will also meet with stakeholders in the area. –