Forensic pathologists back at work

Source: South Africa News Agency

The Gauteng Health Department has welcomed a ruling by the Labour Court which ordered striking forensic pathologists to head back to work.

Last week, the forensic pathology services in the province were disrupted when officers, mainly from the Germiston facility embarked on an illegal strike on matters relating to formal training, among other things.

On Thursday, 15 March, the department applied for a court interdict against the striking forensic pathology employees.

“The interdict was served on Friday, 16 March and it ordered the officials to resume their duties with immediate effect. This enabled the families who wanted to bury their love ones over the weekend to do so,” said the department in a statement on Sunday. 

Forensic pathologists were taken to court by the department in terms of Section 71 (8) of the Labour Relations Act, Act 66 of 1995, which forbids employees who render an essential services to go on strike.

According to the department, all workers who participated in the strike would be punished under the principle of no-work no pay.

“The department regrets inconveniences to families as a result of the disruptions to services. The principle of ‘no-work, no pay’ will be implemented to all employees who embarked on unprotected industrial action across the board,” said the department.

The department assured the workers that their grievances are being addressed including those from national bargaining.

“On the issue of a formal training course, the Health Professions Council has finalised the requirements and these will be gazetted nationally.

“We invite workers to refer any other matter of concern to the National Bargaining process. The department remains committed to improving working conditions within available resources,” said the department. –